The Ambassadors Infographic

The Ambassadors Infographics

   “Live all you can. It’s a mistake not to”

About the Author

Henry James

Henry James was born on April 15, 1843, in New York, United States. His high origin is depicted by quoting him as the son of great theologian Henry James sr. The plot of his novels revolves around the subject of relationships, the exercise of power, freedom, etc. He adopts the method of fiction within fiction. His plethora of rich biographies, autobiographies, articles, and plays is the reason for his fame. Henry’s famous works include The Portrait of a Lady, Daisy Miller, The Golden Bowl, etc.

About the Novel

The Ambassadors is a story based in Massachusetts, America. The story highlights the life around the character Lambert Strether who is a trusted ambassador of Mrs. Newsome. He tries to get back her son Chad who has eloped with a strange woman. At Woollett, Strether requires her son for the family business. Strether falls in love with Miss Gostrey, which he hides till last. Strether moves to Europe, but in the end, he realizes that his life in the United States was better, so he returns. The Ambassador is a comic relief to the readers.


Dark comedy


Hilarious and comic



Year of publication:


Famous Quotes from the Ambassador

  • When it’s for each other that people give things up, they don’t miss them.
  • Oh, we’re not loved. We’re not even hated. We’re only just sweetly ignored.
  • One has to take so much, to be happy, out of the lives of others, and One isn’t happy even then.
  • Be the ambassador for what you stand for.

Notable characters in the novel

  • Lewis Lambert Strether

A middle-aged man from Woollett, Massachusetts. Works under Mrs. Newsome.

  • Chadwick Newsome

Chad is the son of Mrs. Newsome. He was involved in an illicit love affair with Madame de Vionnet.

  • Maria Gostrey

A generous woman who takes up the initiative of teaching Americans lost in Europe.

  • Madame de Vionnet

A French countess involved in a romantic relationship with Chad.

  • Waymarsh

A sensible lawyer with a rigid moral sense. He belongs to Melrose, Connecticut.

  • Newsome

A widow who lives in Massachusetts. Mother to Chad and a wealthy individual woman.

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