Death in Venice Infographics

Death in Venice Infographics

“Solitude gives birth to the original in us, to beauty unfamiliar and perilous—to poetry”

Author: Paul Thomas Mann (6 June 1875 – 12 August 1955)

Genre: Novella

Tone: Ironic, Philosophical

Setting: Venice and Munich

Themes: Lust | Foreignness | Literature and Writing | Mortality

Main Characters in Death in Venice

Gustav Von Aschenbach

An aging writer, honorable, and repressed, of high public status in Germany.

Tadzio – 

An intensely beautiful Polish boy of about fourteen.

Jashu – 

Tadzio’s closest companion at the hotel.

Famous Quotes in Death in Venice

  • “It was an urge to escape. This desire for liberation, for unburdening and oblivion-an urge to leave behind his work.”
  • “He was afraid of the summer in the country, alone in the little house.” 
  • “Aschenbach has only lived like this’—and the speaker closed the fingers of his left hand into a tight fist.”
  • “It was the smile of Narcissus bending over his reflection in the water.”
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