Trident NCM512 Module 3 SLP Latest 2021 June

Question # 00625309
Course Code : NCM512
Subject: Communications
Due on: 06/05/2021
Posted On: 06/05/2021 10:58 AM
Tutorials: 1
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NCM512 Negotiation Strategies

Module 3 SLP


In the background readings, it was noted that personality and communication styles influence how we approach and carry out negotiations. How much do you know about your own personality and communication style, and how can this influence your participation in negotiations? Please take a few minutes to complete the free abbreviated Myers-Briggs personality test (using the link below – do this first!), then watch the video lecture about personality and negotiating. Take some notes, and then reflect upon that information to complete your assignment.

When taking the personality test, read the questions carefully, and react without putting too much thought into the answers. It should take you approximately six minutes to complete the test.

Here’s the free personality test:

Here’s the video lecture:

SLP Assignment Expectations

In a 2- to 3-page reflection paper, answer the following:

What were the results of your personality test, including your letters? Summarize each category of the results clearly. (It is suggested that you further research your Myers-Briggs type to better understand the letters.)

How can your result affect your experience as a negotiator? Be as specific as possible in your response.

What advantages/disadvantages would you have in coming to the negotiation table?

What potential mistakes could having this information help you to prevent?

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Trident NCM512 Module 3 SLP Latest 2021 June

Tutorial # 00623956
Posted On: 06/05/2021 11:04 AM
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