Main Types of Conjunction with Examples

Main Types of Conjunction with Examples

While writing a sentence, we use connectors that join two or more words, phrases, or clauses. These linking words are known as conjunctions. Without making use of a conjunction, the sentences cannot be connected to make complete sense. 

Three Main Types of Conjunctions

The conjunctions that join include but, and, or, since, when, etc. To help you understand the main types of conjunctions here is brief information of the various types. To start with, there are:


  • This type of conjunction joins words, phrases, or clauses to make complete sense. 
  • Make use of coordinator such as but, and, or, so, etc.
  • Use of different types of conjunctions include: 
  • For – Used to specify the reason or purpose of doing anything
  • And – Joins two words, phrases, or clauses to make complete sense
  • Nor – Used to quote an alternative  negative idea in place of a stated negative idea
  • But – Shows contrast between two opposite things
  • Or – Used to ask for an alternative or a choice between things
  • Yet – Quote an idea backed by a previous idea
  • So – Indicate effect, result, or the consequences of what took place
  • E.g., He bought a novel and a diary.

                     I would like to meet you at my home or at my office.

                     I waited for her at the coffee shop, but she didn’t come.


  • Joins a dependent clause to the main clause.
  • A dependent clause is a group of words that cannot stand alone as a complete sentence.
  • An independent clause is a group of words that can stand alone to make perfect sense. 
  • Make use of subordinator such as because, before, how, etc.,
  • The main subordinating conjunctions include:

Although, before, once, that, when, whether, as, how, since, though, whenever, while, because, if, then, until, where, why, etc. 

  • E.g., We went to the cinema hall where we saw a movie.

                     If you avoid fast food, you’ll lose weight.


  • Joins paired words, phrases, or clauses having correlation.
  • The correlative conjunctions are Either/or, Neither/nor, Both/and, etc.

Use of these correlative conjunctions include:

The kids must either choose ice cream or chocolate.

Neither do I want Ferrari nor Mercedes. 

Not only did I bought a car but also a scooter.

I need both veggies and soup for breakfast.

  •  E.g., She neither likes tea nor coffee.

                     Both the parties were ready for the deal. 

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