Types of White Blood Cells with Functions

Types of White Blood Cells with Functions

The human blood is composed of millions of RBC, WBC, Platelets, and Plasma Fibres. Out of the blood composition, the types of white blood cells make up only 1% of the total volume of the blood. These are also known as leukocytes. White Blood Cells Protect against severe illness and from catching up any diseases. The WBCs are also immunity cells that are always at war on behalf of our immune system. Their flow through the bloodstream is to fight viruses, bacteria and prevents any foreign invasion that can cause a threat to the body. The task of WBCs is to rush to the spot that is being affected and destroy the harmful particles that can cause illness in the body. 

Problems Affecting the White Blood Cells

The types of white blood cells are produced in enough quantity that suffices for the destruction of harmful cells and replenishes the body. The sole reason why the WBCs may stop getting produced is getting attacked by the fellow cells, or the bone marrow stops making enough. The body has to keep the leukocyte count in an ideal condition. So, if the WBC count gets beyond ideal, you’ll get trapped by the serious health threat or WBC disorders. 

The main conditions that can affect the WBC levels are: 

The Weak Immune System

During HIV/AIDS or cancer treatment, the harmful radiations that are used can be a great threat to the WBC count. This condition can leave your body severely infected.


The cell count should not go beyond or down both ways. If the WBC count goes beyond ideal, the body is under the destruction of bacteria and viruses. 

Myelodysplastic syndrome

This condition is one in which the types of white blood cells undergo abnormal production of the cells, including WBCs in the bone marrow. 

Cancer Cells

The conditions of leukemia and lymphoma can cause uncontrolled growth of abnormal growth of WBCs. The cancer cells can cause an increased risk of infection or excessive bleeding. 

Types of White Blood Cells 

Neutrophils (Granulocytes)

  • Multi-lobed nucleus 
  • Life span: 6 hours to a few days
  • Function: Kills bacteria

Eosinophils (Granulocytes)

  • bi-lobed nucleus
  • Life span: 8-12 days
  • Function: Kills parasites and fight allergic reactions

Basophils (Granulocytes)

  • bi-lobed and tri-lobed nucleus 
  • Life span: a few hours to a few days
  • Functions: resistance against allergic reactions

Lymphocytes (Agranulocytes)

  • simple nucleus 
  • Life span: Years and weeks
  • Functions: Destroys cancer cells

Monocytes (Agranulocytes)

  • Kidney shaped nucleus
  • Life span: Few hours to a few days
  • Function: Destroys old and dead cells in the body itself


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