Some Whole Brain Teaching Rules and Strategies Infographics

Some Whole Brain Teaching Rules and Strategies

Teachers always search for new strategies and rules to engage students more and more in the classroom. The whole brain teaching is one of the following concepts. It is found that the whole brain teaching method is quite useful for more engagement of the students in the classroom. The technique allows students and teachers to work in a synchronized way. The whole brain teaching also helps in maintaining an excellent teacher-student relationship. The idea can reach even the most challenging students, and they can easily understand the complex topics and concepts quickly.

Below are some whole brain teaching rules and strategies:

Rules :

Follow the Directions

Teachers should teach students the purpose of following the right direction. Use code language to teach walking on the path correctly. Motivate the students to work faster and follow the directions quickly. 

Raise Hands to Seek Permission to Speak

Use the right way and wrong way approach to help them develop the way to seek permission. Help them practice this method. The strategy will help students to learn the classroom. Teach the students to ask for permission before speaking.

Seek Permission to Leave Seat

Teach students to seek permission for taking or leaving their seats. Use certain gestures for telling the teacher about their need to go out or get in. Revise the rule at least four to five times a day. Don’t shout on the students and politely ask them to seek permission.

Value of Smart Choices

Tell students the importance of smart choices by making them choose the appropriate option out of the two options. So, they can make the right life decisions too. Practice the activity daily and help the students to learn about smart choices.

Strategies :

Draw Student’s Attention 

The teacher must use different gestures to grab student’s attention. Use speech-modulation, rhyming, etc. The teacher can say words and phrases once or twice. For example, the teacher can say “Class, Class,” and the students will respond, “Yes, Yes.”

Make Classroom Rules

To maintain discipline in the class, the teachers should frame some rules. Students should be taught ways to follow them. The teacher can practice the rules with some gestures. By doing this, the rules are no longer annoying to follow.

Give Instructions

The teacher should give instructions to students for completing specific projects or tasks. Clear guidance will make things easy for them. After teaching specific topics, the teacher can ask students to explain to neighbor students. The activity will help in a better understanding of the concept. 

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