Figure Of Speech Infographics

Figure of Speech

A figure of speech or rhetorical figure is a purposeful deviation from ordinary language, picked to create an explanatory effect. Figures of discourse are generally grouped into plans, which change the standard arrangement or example of words, and tropes, where words are made to convey significance other than what they normally mean. A sort of plan is polystyrene, the repeating of a conjunction before each component in a list, where regularly the conjunction would show up just before the last component, as in “Lions and tigers and bears, gracious my!”— emphasizing the threat and number of creatures more than the dull wording with just the second “and”. A kind of trope is a metaphor, portraying one thing as something that is unmistakably isn’t, so as to lead the psyche to think about them, as in “All the world’s a stage.

Some important figures of speech are given below:


A metaphor is a figure of speech that makes a comparison between two unrelated things by stating that one thing another, although that is not literally true.


A simile, like metaphor, makes a comparison between two unrelated things. However, instead of saying that one thing is another, a simile says that one thing is like another.


An oxymoron combines contradictory words to express new or complex meanings.


A hyperbole is an intentional exaggeration of the truth, used to emphasize the importance of something or to create a comic effect.


In alliteration, the same sound is repeated in a group of words, like the sound “b” in; “Bob took the box of bricks to the basement.”

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