Different Types of Government

Different Types of Government

It is easy to differentiate the government in broad and indirect terms. One can easily explain the government type, but remembering the name of the government is a whole different thing. When one comes to know about the proper terminology of the government, it’s such a rewarding thing. The terms of government refer to economic policy, political structures, and philosophical ideologies. Here you will find the basic terms for different types of government:


Anarchy is a condition in which a nation or state is working without a central governing body. The system lacks public utilities or services, regulatory control, and diplomatic relations with other countries. The society is divided into different, locally ruled settlements.


A type of economy in which production is handled by private ownership. It promotes the idea of open competition and extends from a free-market economy. The system has limited regulatory control. The system supports economic growth, improved standards of living, higher productivity, and prosperity.


It refers to the public ownership of the economy, including utilities and means of production. The system requires the subversions of the ruling class by the working class. Communism takes the form of a single-state authority, in which one political opposition may be restricted.


It is a form of government in which people choose their leader and government. The main goal is to select the government through fair representation. It is a system that involves discourse, debate, and compromise to satisfy public interests. Democracy has fair and free elections, civic participation, human rights, and the rule of law.


A kind of government that combines and divides power between the central authority and local authority. In federalism, a set of states and territories are both self-governing. The system provides the roughly equal status of the body to two different levels of government.

Military Dictatorship

In the absence of a democratic process, the whole nation is under a single authority figure. The nation’s armed forces usually handle the authority. It will prioritize law and order, civil liberties, or political freedoms.


Only members of a royal family hold power and responsibility. The individual in control has believed that the individual has been chosen by divine right. In the system, the power is inherited to one’s bloodline within the ruling family.


An oligarchy is a  government in which a small group of wealthy individuals rules over the nation. In an oligarchy, the government gets chosen by wealth, heredity, and race. The system is often characterized by authoritarian rule.


It is a type of government in which the people own the primary means of production. It is a strict policy of shared ownership and equal distribution of resources. 


It refers to a government in which a particular religious ideology informs the laws, leadership, and traditions of a nation. The system has no difference between written law and legal rules.

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