South CHM1020 Week 8 Lab Assignment

Question # 00620188
Course Code : CHM1020
Subject: Chemistry
Due on: 12/05/2020
Posted On: 12/05/2020 05:08 AM
Tutorials: 1
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CHM120 General Chemistry I Lab

Week 8 LAB Assignment

Solubility (Fill in the blank/Short answer) (See CHM 1010 for Solubility Course Material)

                Henry's law states that the solubility of a gas in a liquid is proportional to _________________________________________

                Describe two ways to increase the solubility of gaseous CO2 in water?

                Which compound will be the most soluble in water?  Clearly describe why in a couple sentences.

A)                          B)           

C)                           D)          

Concentrations (Problem Solving)

The maximum level of lead allowed in drinking water is 15 mg/kg. What is this concentration in units of parts per million?

A solution is made by dissolving 3.88 g of NaCl in enough water to make 67.8 mL of solution. What is the concentration of sodium chloride in units of weight/volume percent?

A solution is made by mixing 569 mL of water and 238 mL ethanol. What is the concentration of ethanol in units of volume/volume percent?

A saline solution used in intravenous drips for patients who cannot take oral fluids contains 0.92% (w/v) NaCl in water. How many grams of NaCl are contained in 575 mL of this solution?

A saline solution used in intravenous drips for patients who cannot take oral fluids contains 0.92% (w/v) NaCl in water. What volume of the saline solution must be administered to the patient in order to deliver 7.7 g of NaCl?

What is the molarity of a solution made by dissolving 3.09 moles of NaCl in 1.50 L of solution?

What is the molarity of a solution made by dissolving 36.29 g of NaCl in 2.30 L of solution?

How many grams of glucose (C6H12O6) are contained in 555 mL of a 1.77 M glucose solution?

What is the boiling point of a solution formed by dissolving 0.75 mol of KCl in 1.00 kg of water?

What is the freezing point of a solution formed by dissolving 0.75 mol of NaCl in 1.00 kg of water?

What mass of salt would you need to add to 1.00 kg of water to achieve a freezing point of -5°C?

At room temperature, what is saturated concentration of salt that can be dissolved?  Express your answer in units of Molarity.

A hypotonic solution has lower osmotic pressure than/as body fluids.

If cells (for example, red blood cells) are placed in a hypertonic solution, what happens to their morphology?

If cells (for example, red blood cells) are placed in an isotonic solution, what happens to their morphology?

Red Blood Cells are placed into a solution, and the cells begin to swell in a process called hemolysis. How should the solution be classified?

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South CHM1020 Week 8 Lab Assignment

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