MCB2340C Module 02 Quiz Latest 2023

Question # 00644889
Subject: Biology
Due on: 02/24/2023
Posted On: 02/23/2023 09:02 PM
Tutorials: 1
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MCB2340C Section 04 General Microbiology  

Module 02 Quiz

Assignment Content

Question 1

All these terms categorize microorganisms based on their temperature preference EXCEPT

1.Obligate halophile




Question 2

If the heat-fixation step is omitted in a simple stain, what will happen?

1.The dye will not be taken up by the cells

2.The staining process will destroy the cells

3.The cells can wash off the slide

4.The cell morphology will change

Question 3

Gram-negative cell walls contain a thin layer of peptidoglycan, whereas Gram-positive cell walls contain a thick layer of peptidoglycan.

1. True

2. False

Question 4

All the following organisms are expected to grow within an anaerobe jar EXCEPT

1.Obligate anaerobe

2.Aerotolerant anaerobe

3.Obligate aerobe

4.Facultative anaerobe

Question 5

If a bacterium were placed in a hypertonic solution prepared by the addition of sucrose, which of the following would happen to the bacterium?

1.The bacterial cell would swell but not lyse because of the presence of the cell wall

2.The bacterial cell would not change

3.The bacterial cell would undergo osmotic lysis

4.The bacterial cell would undergo plasmolysis

Question 6

All the following are environmental factors that affect microbial growth EXCEPT


2.Osmotic pressure


4.Cell wall type

Question 7

A ___________ is used to remove the primary stain from the bacterial cell wall in a differential staining technique.



3.Secondary stain


Question 8

In the acid-fast stain, non-acid-fast bacteria appear blue under the microscope.

1. True

2. False

Question 9

An acidophile is an organism that has an optimal pH for growth below 5.5.

1. True


Question 10

All microorganisms use oxygen in their metabolism.

1. True

2. False

Question 11

The environmental conditions on human skin have NaCl levels slightly above that of most bacterial cells. What category of organism would most likely be part of the normal skin microflora?

1.A halotolerant organism

2.An obligate halophile

3.An obligate anaerobe

4.A psychrophile

Question 12

Capsule staining techniques stain the background and the vegetative cell of an incapsulated bacterium because the capsule doesn’t react with most stains.

1. True


Question 13

All these terms categorize microorganisms based on their temperature preference EXCEPT:





Question 14

All the following are found in most prokaryotic cells EXCEPT:

1.cell membrane


3.cell wall


Question 15

A ____________ is used in the Gram stain procedure to complex with the dye and trap it within the cell of a bacterium with a thick peptidoglycan cell wall?




4.Primary stain

Question 16

Gram positive cells appear purple after Gram staining whereas Gram negative cells appear pink.

1. True

2. False

Question 17

___________________ is used to stain the endospore in the endospore staining procedure.

1.Methylene blue

2.Crystal violet

3.Malachite green


Question 18

Heat-fixation is performed in slide preparation in order to _________________________________.

1.Fix the morphology of the organisms on the slide

2.Encourage bacterial growth on the slide

3.Inactivate and adhere microorganism placed on the slide

4.Protect the bacteria by hardening them to prevent destruction by the staining procedure

Question 19

Heating or steaming a fixed smear with the primary stain, malachite green, enhances the penetration of the stain into this structure.


2.Cell wall



Question 20

A hypotonic solution is one with a solute concentration greater than the concentration which exists within the cell.

1. True

2. False

Question 21

If a bacterium were placed in a hypotonic solution prepared by the addition of sucrose, which of the following would happen to the bacterium?

1.The bacterial cell would swell but not lyse because of the presence of a cell wall

2.The bacterial cell would not change

3.The bacterial cells will undergo osmotic lysis

4.The bacterial cells will undergo plasmolysis

Question 22

The simple stain technique provides enough information about a microbe to identify its species reliably:

1. True

2. False

Question 23

As long as the normal enzymatic function is not compromised, a microorganism will grow across the range of pH.

1. True

2. False

Question 24

Organisms that require a lower level of molecular oxygen for their metabolism than what is typically found in the atmosphere, are called __________________?


2.Obligate aerobes

3.Facultative anaerobes

4.Aerotolerant anaerobes

Question 25

Where would you expect an obligate aerobe to grow in a fluid thioglycollate media tube?

1.The upper part of the tube

2.The lower part of the tube

3.Throughout the tube

4.The middle part of the tube



MCB2340C  Module 02 Quiz

Question 1

According to the binomial system of nomenclature, which of the following is the incorrect way to report a specific organism's scientific name at any point in using it in an answer or a document.

E. coli

Escherichia coli

Escherichia Coli

All the above answers are acceptable

Question 2

Isolated bacteria can be isolated from a mixed culture by all of the following techniques EXCEPT:

Growing the sample in a nutrient broth enrichment culture

Streak plating

Serial dilution followed by spread plating

Serial dilution followed by pour plating

Question 3

The following method can be used to isolate a specific bacterial type from a mixed culture?

Gram staining

Enrichment culture

Acid-fast staining

Serial dilution followed by spread plating

Question 4

The group of organisms that includes Saccharomyces cerevisiae (a yeast) and Penicillium aspergillus ( amold) is known as _______





Question 5

Which is found in animal cells, but not plant or algae cells:

Cell membrane


Central vacuole


Question 6

Which is found in plant or algae cells but not in animal cells:

Cell membrane


Cell wall


Question 7

Helminths are included in the study of microbiology because

They are all mammalian parasites

They are mostly microscopic, and that is the only way they can be studied

The eggs and larvae are mostly microscopic, and that is the easiest way to identify them

They are often found in a mixed infection which includes various species of microbes

Question 8

Which is a symbiotic relationship that benefits both members of the relationship?





Question 9


Giardia lamblia

Euglena gracilis


Question 10

Isolated bacteria can be isolated from a mixed culture by all of the following techniques EXCEPT:

Streak plating

Loop dilution pour plating

Gram staining

Serial dilution followed by spread plating

Question 11

The binomial system of nomenclature states that the correct way to report a specific organism's scientific name the first time you use it in an answer or a document is:

Escherichia coli

E. coli

Escherichia c.

escherichia coli

Question 12

All animals, most bacteria, fungi, and protozoans that use organic compounds as the source of both carbon and energy are referred to as ___________________.





Question 13

An example of a bacterial virus is

Escherichia coli

Bacteriophage T4



Question 14

Bacterial replication is accomplished primarily by




Binary fission

Question 15

Organized communities of many different types of microbes growing on surfaces are called ____________.





Question 16

These eukaryotes can have a complicated lifestyle including a fertilized egg, larvae, and adult stage and can involve several intermediate hosts before the definitive host for the adult parasite:




All the above answers

Question 17

Which of the following is most likely to be the most frequently used portals of entry for a pathogen?

Mucosal membranes of the gastrointestinal and respiratory tracts

Broken skin

Genitourinary tract

Conjunctiva of eyes

B and D.

Question 18

The so-called “red tide” is generally caused by which of the following organisms?





Question 19

According to the binomial system of nomenclature, escherichia coli is the correct way to report this organism’s name the first time you use it in an answer or a document. After that point, you can abbreviate it to e-coli.



Question 20

The correct sequence of stages in the multiplication of animal viruses is

Attachment, penetration, uncoating, biosynthesis, assembly, release

Penetration, attachment, assembly, uncoating, biosynthesis, release

Attachment, uncoating, penetration, biosynthesis, assembly, release

Penetration, uncoating, adsorption, biosynthesis, assembly, release

Question 21

Bacterial stains are commonly used for all the following EXCEPT:

The treatment of disease

The diagnosis of disease

The pathogen identification process

The classification of organisms

Question 22

Binary fission is the process used by which of these organisms for cell division?





Question 23

The subgroup of fungi that are used as food (edible mushrooms, morels, and truffles) are called





Question 24

A bacteriophage is an example of a complex bacterial virus which is neither purely helical or completely icosahedral and has protein tails and must always contain both DNA and RNA.



Question 25

Bacterial stains are commonly used for all the following EXCEPT:

The pathogen identification process

The diagnosis of disease

The classification of organisms

The treatment of disease

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MCB2340C Module 02 Quiz Latest 2023

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