MCB2289 Module 11 Final Exam Latest 2023

Question # 00645299
Subject: Biology
Due on: 03/16/2023
Posted On: 03/16/2023 06:40 AM
Tutorials: 1
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MCB2289 Introduction to Microbiology

Module 11 Final Exam

Question 1

Complex communities of microorganisms on surfaces are called:

1. Colonies

2. Biofilms

3. Biospheres

4. Flora

Question 2

A relationship between organisms in which the waste product of one provides nutrients for another is called:



3. Synergism


Question 3

Which of the following sites of the human body does not have a normal flora?





Question 4

The group of organisms that includes yeasts and molds is known as _______.

1. Algae

2. Bacteria

3. Fungi

4. Viruses

Question 5

All of the following areas of the human body contain normal flora except:

1. Peritoneum

2. Urethra

3. Vagina

4. Mouth

Question 6

Bacterial endotoxins are:

1. Proteins in the cell wall

2. Secreted into the environment

3. Components of the gram-positive cell wall

4. Components of the gram-negative cell wall

Question 7

Which of the following is not considered to be a vehicle transmission?



3. Foodborne

4. Bodily fluid

Question 8

Which of the following is likely to be the most frequently used portal of entry for pathogens?

1. Skin

2. Placenta

3. Parenteral route

4. Mucosal surfaces

Question 9

Infections that may result from the use of catheters are classified as:

1. Iatrogenic infections

2.Local infections

3.Exogenous infections

4. Endogenous infections

Question 10

The degree or extent of disease-evoking power that a microorganism has is referred to as:

1. Virulence

2. Strength

3. Resistance

4. Competence

Question 11

The virulence factors of bacteria include:

1. Size, adhesion, resistance, mutation

2. Toxins, exoenzymes, adhesion

3. Toxins, evasion of body defenses, motility, size

4.Colonization, chemotaxis, fermentation, toxins            

Question 12

Healthcare-associated infections are also known as:

1. Incidental infections

2.Accidental infections

3.Nosocomial infections

4. Secondary infections

Question 13

Rod-shaped bacteria, some of which are endospore forming, are referred to as:

1. Cocci


3. Spirals

4. Vibrios

Question 14

Beadlike chains of cocci formed after cell division along a single axis are called:

1. Diplococci

2. Streptococci

3. Tetrads

4. Staphlococci

Question 15

The causative agent for Lyme disease is a:

1. Spirillium

2. Spirochete

3. Vibrio


Question 16

Legionella, Thiobacillus, and Burkholderia are examples of:

1. Facultative anaerobic gram-negative rods

2.Gram-negative aerobic rods


4.Anaerobic gram-negative cocci

Question 17

Staphylococci and streptococci are best classified in the group of:

1. Gram-positive cocci

2. Gram-negative cocci

3.Gram-negative aerobic rods and cocci

4. Anaerobic gram-negative cocci

Question 18

Whooping cough is caused by:

1. Streptococcus pneumoniae

2. Bordetella pertussis

3. Haemophilus influenzae

4. Corynebacterium diphtheriae

Question 19

Which of the following cannot be and should not be treated with antibiotics?

1. Strep throat


3. Common cold

4. Diphtheria

Question 20

A complication of influenza that can occur in children and adolescents is a condition known as:

1. Reye Syndrome

2. Rheumatic fever

3. Mononucleosis

4. Hashimoto's thyroiditis

Question 21

Strep throat is caused by which of the following organisms?

1.Streptococcus pyogenes

2. Streptococcus pneumoniae

3. Streptococcus agalactiae

4.Streptococcus faecalis

Question 22

Tuberculosis is caused by an organism of the genus:

1. Klebsiella

2. Bordetella

3. Chlamydia


Question 23

Which of the following stains is generally used for the diagnosis of tuberculosis (TB)?

1. Simple stain

2. Gram stain

3.Acid fast stain

4. Negative stain             

Question 24

The most common cause of infectious diarrhea in infants and children is:



3. Rotaviruses

4. Caliciviruses

Question 25

Botulism is a disease caused by the production of a potent neurotoxin by bacteria of the genus:



3. Salmonella


Question 26

Meningococcal meningitis is caused by:

1.Neisseria meningitidis

2. Haemophilus influenzae

3.Mycobacterium tuberculosis

4. Listeria monocytogenes

Question 27

Which of the following is the causative agent for fungal meningitis, mostly in immunocompromised patients?

1. Trypanosoma brucei

2. Listeria meningitis

3. Cryptococcus neoformans

4.Trypanosoma cruzi

Question 28

The agent causing West Nile encephalitis belongs to which of the following?



3. Herpesviruses

4. Paramyxoviruses

Question 29

Toxoplasmosis is caused by the organism Toxoplasma gondii, which is a:

1. Bacterium

2. Protozoan


4. Fungus

Question 30

The toxic condition caused by the multiplication of bacteria in the blood is referred to as:

1. Bacteremia

2. Septicemia

3. Shock

4. Bloodborne infection

Question 31

Malaria is caused by a:

1. Virus

2. Bacterium

3. Helminth

4. Protozoan

Question 32

Animals that are capable of transmitting infectious disease are called:


2. Pathogens


4. Parasites

Question 33

Vaginal infections resulting from an overgrowth of normal flora are called:

1. Endogenous infections

2.Chronic infections

3. Iatrogenic infections

4. Fatal infections

Question 34

Which of the following organisms is the causative agent for gonorrhea?

1. Treponema



4. Ureaplasma

Question 35

The latent stage of syphilis, which may last for years, can occur ________.

1.Between the secondary and tertiary stages

2.Between the primary and secondary stages

3.Between the initial and primary stages

4. At any stage of the disease

Question 36

Diagnosis of a UTI is a two-stage process that involves:

1.Collecting a urine sample and testing for antibiotic susceptibility of the organism

2.Exploratory surgery and radiation therapy

3.Collecting a blood sample and conducting a physical examination of the bladder

4.Modifying the diet of the patient and conducting a physical examination of the urethra

Question 37

The three types of hepatitis virus that can be transmitted through sexual activity are:

1.A, B, and C

2.B, C, and D

3.A, B, and D

4. A, C, and D

Question 38

The fungi most commonly associated with reproductive system infections are:

1.Aspergillus, Tinea-related species, Candida albicans

2. Candida species, Rhizopus, and Saccharomyces cerevisiae

3.Stachybotrys, Aspergillus niger, Microsporum species

4.Candida albicans, Tinea-related species, Epidermophytonfloccosum

Question 39

The only currently known STI that is transmitted by a protozoan is:





Question 40

Which of the following viruses is the most widespread in the human population?

1. Epstein-Barr

2. Hantavirus



Question 41

Which of the following infectious diseases is considered to be a reemerging disease?


2. Ebola

3.West Nile virus

4.Drug-resistant tuberculosis

Question 42

CDC stands for:

1.Centers for Disease Control and Prevention

2.Children's Disease Center

3.Central Disaster Control Center

4.Central Drug Evaluation and Control Center

Question 43

All of the following are general metabolic or structural targets for antimicrobial drugs except:

1.Carbohydrate synthesis inhibition

2.Protein synthesis inhibition

3. Interference with nucleic acid synthesis

4. Interference with cell wall synthesis

Question 44

Which of the following is NOT a common characteristic used in the selection of an antimicrobial drug?

1. Selective toxicity

2. Ease of delivery to the site of infection

3. Ability to administer intravenously

4.Potential for allergic reaction

Question 45

The term bacteriostatic means that bacteria:

1.Are killed by the antimicrobial drug

2.Show continuous growth

3.No longer can multiply

4.No longer cause disease

Question 46

All of the following are nitrogen-fixing bacteria except:


2. Staphylococcus

3. Rhizobium


Question 47

Which of the following organelles contain oxidative enzymes capable of oxidizing toxic substances?





Question 48

An inanimate object or substance capable of transporting pathogens from one medium or individual to another is referred to as a:

1. Vector

2. Fomite



Question 49

The destruction of all microorganisms and their endospores is referred to as



3. Sanitization


Question 50

Giardiasis is a waterborne gastrointestinal disease caused by Giardia intestinalis, which is a:


2. Bacterium

3. Fungus

4. Virus

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MCB2289 Module 11 Final Exam Latest 2023

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