Hum 200 module 4 assignment 1 and 2

Question # 00585935
Subject: Religious Studies
Due on: 01/14/2018
Posted On: 01/14/2018 10:15 AM
Tutorials: 1
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M4 Assignment 1 Discussion
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Assignment 1: Discussion—Analyzing Implications
Implications of arguments can be used as tools for evaluating and assessing arguments. These can help you decide whether you want to accept or support an original argument or not. In this assignment, you build on the skills you used in M3: Assignment 2, and go one step further.

Review the following articles:

Eastland, T. (2011, January 17). We the people. The Weekly Standard, 16(17), 7–8.
Cohen, N. (2013, December 15). Surveillance: Cozy or chilling?. The New York Times, p. SR.6.
Using these articles, complete the following:

Summarize two of the authors’ arguments (one argument from each article).
Identify and discuss one further implication of each of those arguments. Assuming the author is “right,” what sorts of claims or facts would follow from that argument?
Support your statements with scholarly references. Be sure to use concepts from your read

This assignment prepares you for the final Microsoft PowerPoint assignment in M5: Assignment 1. Throughout this course, you have learned to apply a variety of critical-thinking techniques to explore and assess contemporary issues.

Often, you may get the best results using a multistep process that provides adequate time to think, write, research, and rewrite. For this assignment, you will review the article by Peter Singer titled “America’s Shame,” which you will also use in M5: Assignment 1.

Using the Argosy University online library resources, review the article by Peter Singer.

Singer, P. (2009). America’s shame. The Chronicle of Higher Education, 55(27), B6–B10. (EBSCO AN 37137370)
Complete the following:

Record and describe six of your initial impressions of the article in a journal format.
Critically analyze each of these impressions and determine if they
are value based, or fact based. Record these as part of your journal notes. Do note that you will use these points for M5: Assignment 1.
Support your statements with examples and appropriate scholarly references.
You can use the Cornell Note-taking tools to complete this assignment. This tool has been widely used to systematically format and organize notes. Review this document to see how it works.

Download and review the blank Cornell Notes Template.

Write a 600–800-word paper in Word format. You may write your paper in standard essay format or by completing the Cornell Notes Template. Apply APA standards to citation of sources. Use the following file naming convention: LastnameFirstInitial_M4_A2.doc.

By the due date assigned, deliver your assignment to the Submissions Area.

Click here to download the blank Cornell Notes Template. You can use this tool for your assignment.
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Hum 200 module 4 assignment 1 and 2

Tutorial # 00583664
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