Choose a nursing specialty (e.g. oncology, pediatrics, psychiatric) or a role (e.g. school nurse, nurse manager,

Question # 00629150
Subject: Religious Studies
Due on: 09/27/2021
Posted On: 09/26/2021 05:27 AM
Tutorials: 1
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Assignment: Exploring Nursing Assignment




Choose a nursing specialty (e.g. oncology, pediatrics, psychiatric) or a role (e.g. school nurse, nurse manager, nurse entrepreneur, nurse faculty). Research the working role and occupational outlook for your selected nursing specialty or role. *Make note of what websites you are using, as you will need to provide them below.

      • In a new Word document, start with your name and date at the top
      • Copy and paste the questions below (keep the numeric question format in your document)
      • Answer each question, avoiding plagiarism. You do not have to use formal APA for this assignment as long as you indicate where your information came from. 
      • You may use list form or bullet points if applicable.
      • Submit the completed Word document to Canvas

Answer the following questions for this assignment:

  1. What specialty or role did you choose?
  2. What are the educational requirements? You do not have to include basic training like CPR, but include all degree requirements, license requirements, and any other specialized training required.
  3. Describe available certifications specific to that specialty. Include the name of the certification, eligibility requirements, and how the certification is earned.
  4. What does a nurse do in this role? You may include some general nursing roles, but you should include a minimum of 3 things that are SPECIFIC TO THAT SPECIALTY.
  5. Describe possible locations/settings where this nurse can work.
  6. Identify the professional nursing organization that represents this specialty in the United States. Some specialties have more than one associated professional organization. Please choose one to list here, along with their mission or vision statement.
  7. What websites did you use to find your information? Please include both the name of the website as well as the URL address. You may simply list below.


      • Assignments will NOT be accepted by email or in the submission/text box of Canvas.
      • You have multiple attempts (prior to grading) in case an error is made to re-submit your assignment or journal to Canvas.
      • It is your responsibility to check Canvas to be sure assignments have been submitted completely and correctly prior to the due date and time. You will not be allowed to re-submit once an assignment has been graded. 
      • If assignments/journals are not submitted in the correct format as an attachment in Microsoft Word, (submit a blank document or a Pages document, for example) students will receive a ‘0’ on that assignment and will not be allowed to re-submit.
      • Due Date: Saturday 11:59 p.m. CST Week One.
      • You may turn this assignment in late for up to 2 days for a -10-percentage point penalty per day. 



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Choose a nursing specialty (e.g. oncology, pediatrics, psychiatric) or a role (e.g. school nurse, nurse manager,

Tutorial # 00627875
Posted On: 09/26/2021 05:28 AM
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The solution of Choose a nursing specialty (e.g. oncology, pediatrics, psychiatric) or a role (e.g. school nurse, nurse manager,...
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Incredible quality work 10/26/2021

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