American Sentinel COM220 Activity 3 Latest 2024

Question # 00652640
Subject: Communications
Due on: 03/09/2024
Posted On: 03/08/2024 11:51 PM
Tutorials: 1
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COM220 Interpersonal Communication Development 1

Activity 3

Exploring the Impact of Gender and Culture in Interpersonal Communication


This unit focuses on the examination of how gender and culture impact interpersonal communication. We will gain a greater understanding of the difference between biological sex and gender as well as  gender differences in verbal and nonverbal communication. We will explore different ways of viewing culture by defining the scope of culture in interpersonal communication. We will further this discussion by examining research concerning cultural differences in verbal and nonverbal communication. Gender and culture play a major role in the way that individuals identify, communicate, and perceive the world. Understanding these aspects of identity will help us improve our own communication competence.

Learning Outcomes

After completing this unit, you will be able to:

? Distinguish gender and sex, as well as gender identity and sexual orientation

?  Discuss gender differences that exist, as well as those that do not actually exist

? Understand and explain different theories of how gender roles are formed

? Discuss sexism and its impact on gender

?  Explain how norms, values, and beliefs are expressions of our cultural identity

? Apply cultural dimensions to verbal and nonverbal variances among and within cultures

Reading & Resources

This unit connects specifically to Chapter Five: Gender and Chapter Six: Culture. Read the following carefully:

Chapter 5 in the online text (Required)

Chapter 6 in the online text (Required)

Pre-Assessment on Unit Two: Self and Perception (Required)

Learning Activities (Optional)

?  Take notes on the Chapter Study Guide PowerPoints for Chapters 5 and 6

? Watch the 18 min Ted Talk: “The Danger of a Single Story”


Assignment (Required)

Using concepts and theories from Chapters 5 and 6, write a 3-4 page paper addressing your plan to navigate culture and gender differences in the course of your care. Consider intergenerational factors that may impact gender and culture perspectives in your patients, their families, and in the workplace. Begin your paper by explaining four concepts that will be most beneficial to you as a health practitioner and/or personally to strengthen communication competence. Emphasize how you will show understanding and respect in your communication competence. Then, address the following:

? Identify two areas of communication related to culture in the course of your care that might be more challenging to navigate. Add a brief plan to strengthen understanding and respect.

? Discuss the difference between the actual gender differences, gender roles, and gender stereotypes.

? Why would actual gender differences, gender roles, and gender stereotypes matter to patients?

?  To patients’ family members?

? How will you adapt to strengthen understanding and respect if there is miscommunication?

Follow APA 7th edition formatting for the title page, body of the paper, and reference page.  You must use a minimum of two scholarly references to support your assignment.

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American Sentinel COM220 Activity 3 Latest 2024

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