Main Parts of Speech With Examples

Main Parts of Speech With Examples | Basics of Grammar

Learning parts of speech with examples will help you in understanding the language. To improve your reading and writing skills fast, you should know how the language functions. 

In traditional grammar, the part of speech is a category of words, having similar grammatical properties. English grammar has eight parts of speech in the language, such as noun, verb, adjective, adverb, pronoun, preposition, conjunction, and interjection. Understanding parts of speech is necessary for determining the correct definition of a word.

8 Parts of Speech With Examples

The following mentioned are parts of speech that will help you to understand the language better. 


This part of speech used in place of a person, place, animal, and thing. Proper nouns start with capital letters. 

E.g., David went to the market with his friends.

David: Proper noun, Friends: Common noun


The part of speech replaces the noun. They are also known as antecedents since they refer to specific things or persons.

E.g., Harley is a bold woman. She has a hold of her life. 


This part of speech showcases the physical or mental well-being of the subject in a sentence. They express actions.

E.g., State of being verbs – is, am, are, was, were

I am looking for her answer.


An adverb describes an adjective, adverb, or another adverb. They answer the question of when, where, how, under what conditions, or to what degree.

E.g., She came to the city yesterday.

       Monalisa sang melodiously.


An adjective describes or modifies a noun or pronoun. This part of speech describes the quality, size, or the number of nouns or pronouns. 

E.g., The Mango is sweet.

       The class has 12 students.

       I have a few chances left.


This part of speech joins words, phrases, or clauses together in a sentence. Besides this, there are coordinating conjunctions that connect grammatically equal elements. 

E.g., I have both a bat and a ball to play cricket. 


A preposition is a word placed before the noun or pronoun to form a phrase. This part of speech refers to words that specify the location of an object. 

E.g., The paper is on the table. 


The word interjection comes from the Latin words inter (between) and jacere (to throw). This part of speech expresses emotions. The sentence contains an exclamation mark.

E.g., Hurray! We won the match.

       What a beautiful day!

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