Covid 19 Best Educational Apps for Kids to Study

Covid 19: Best Educational Apps for Kids to Study 

For a month now, all the academic institutions and corporate firms have been shut down as the government has imposed complete lockdown due to the COVID-19 outbreak. Since then, the students are practicing homeschooling, managing between pending assignment to complete and attending online lectures. Also, for a better learning experience, students need help from the best educational apps that can assist them throughout. The features of these apps have been designed to meet the student’s purpose and help them in hassle-free studying. Here is a list of the best educational apps for kids to study during the quarantine.

How Educational Apps Make Studying Better?

Active Involvement 

Many study experts believe that students show active involvement during online lectures in comparison to the traditional ones. During online classes, students are more interactive, show more participation by resolving doubts, etc. 

Innovative Learning Techniques 

With the advancement in technology, educational apps show more possibilities of bringing in innovation and make learning easy and fun. There are ways like games, quizzes, graphics, etc. that engage students and reject the monotonous classroom lectures.

Availability of Resources

The digitalization of education has led to the availability of a huge heap of data that fills the nooks and corner of the digital space. The educational apps make this data organized by filtering out what is relevant to you. 

Tracks the Progress

The best educational apps support the feature of tracking your progress. With what you learn each day and how much you’re progressing in acquiring a skill, it helps you complete small tasks to finally reach the goals set by you. 

Smart and Systematic Learning

The educational apps based learning make studies smart and systematic due to easy accessibility and simple features. You can easily choose your subject of interest, find related problems, get virtual assistance 24*7, and make learning more hassle-free.

List of Best Educational Apps to Study

Google Classroom

Since the COVID-19 outbreak, al the institutes and schools have been shut down. To resume the classes from home, the teachers and students connect through Google classroom. 


Edx is a platform through which students can take video tutorials, study materials, and quizzes on their desired subject and topic. 


If you want to make your quarantine a productive one, try to get your hand in a good language. To guide you throughout the process and make you proficient, Duolingo has games and lessons.


This app provides students with a scanned copy of solved math problems, help with various solving methods, etc. The app runs without the help of the internet, ideally. 


This app makes learning easier through interesting ways of studying, such as flashcards, tests, gaming activities, and the use of audio for learning. 


Udemy has more than 1,00,000+ study tutorials by experts, creators, interactive learners, etc. to pace up learning and help in developing new skills.

Don’t let the harmful effects of COVID-19 harm you in any way. Stay at home in quarantine and make use of these free educational apps to make studying easier and fun. While you develop a new skill, rely on us for the completion of your pending assignments. Get instant help from Homework, Joy. 


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