
Greatest Queens of England in the History | An Overview

Queens of England signified power in many ways. The Queens were great for a reason. Each Queen has contributed to English history, whether in medieval times or the modern era. Instead of choosing their gender duties and being a shadow of their husbands, these Queens led their way. While there are many, let’s know some of them. 


  • Boudica (c.30-60 AD)

 Boudica was the Celtic queen of the British Iceni tribe of modern-day East Anglia, Britain, who led a revolt against the Roman Empire in 60/61 CE. She fought fearlessly against the Romans. Although she was defeated in the battle, she took her life by drinking poison. She believed its better to drink poison rather than be taken alive by Romans. Boudica has a special place in British folk history often remembered for her courage and might.


  • Bertha of Kent (c.565-602)

Saint Bertha or Saint Aldeberge was the queen of Kent and the daughter of the King of Paris. She came to be categorized as a saint for her role in establishment and considered one of the greatest queens of England in history. She restored a Christian church in Canterbury, dedicating it to Saint Martin. The present St Martin’s situated at Canterbury occupies the same site. Moreover, Anglo-Saxon England records indicate that Saint Bertha had two children. 


  • Emma of Normandy (c.980-1052)

Emma of Normandy was the wife of two kings of Anglo-Saxon England -/Ethelred the Unready

and Cnut and she was the mother of two other English kings. She was a key political figure at that time. After her husband’s death, she continued to participate in politics during her son’s reign. Emma became the “first of the medieval queens” to be depicted in portraiture.


  • Eleanor of Aquitaine (c.1122-1204)

Eleanor of Aquitaine was married at age 15 to King Louis VII of France, and the couple had two daughters. No woman stands out as much as Eleanor of Aquitaine in English history. She became queen of two nations and patron of arts.


  • Queen Elizabeth I (C.1533-1603)

Queen Elizabeth I period was marked by exploration and advances in the arts and technology. Queen Elizabeth, I is known as one of the greatest queens of England for a reason. While she worked hard at court, Elizabeth took time for leisurely pursuits as well. She loved music, and Thomas Tallis and William Byrd were among her court musicians. Elizabeth’s reign was the birth of works by many greats like William Shakespeare and Christopher Marlowe.


Indeed, these queens portrayed a powerful image during their lives. 

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