PSY620 Behaviorism Midterm Exam: A Complete Guide from Professionals

PSY620 Behaviorism Midterm Exam: A Complete Guide from Professionals

Are you taking PSY620 Behaviorism, a course offered by Ashford University that explores the history, principles, and applications of behaviorism, one of the major theoretical perspectives in psychology? If yes, then you might be feeling anxious about the midterm exam that will test your knowledge and understanding of behaviorist concepts and methods. But don’t worry, we are here to help! In this blog, we will provide you with a complete guide for the PSY620 Behaviorism, including:

  • What to expect from the exam
  • How to prepare for the exam
  • How to ace the exam
  • Where to get professional help if you need it

What to expect from the exam

The PSY620 Behaviorism midterm exam is a multiple-choice test that covers the topics and readings from the first five weeks of the course. The exam will assess your ability to:

  • Compare and contrast behaviorism with other psychological approaches, such as cognitive, humanistic, evolutionary, and psychodynamic perspectives.
  • Define and explain key terms and concepts related to behaviorism, such as classical and operant conditioning, reinforcement, punishment, extinction, stimulus control, shaping, chaining, schedules of reinforcement, behavior modification, and social learning theory.
  • Compare and contrast behaviorism with other psychological approaches, such as cognitive, humanistic, evolutionary, and psychodynamic perspectives.
  • Apply behaviorist principles and methods to real-life situations and examples.
  • Evaluate the strengths and weaknesses of behaviorism as a theory and practice of psychology.
  • Critically analyze and synthesize information from various sources related to behaviorism.
  • The exam will consist of 50 questions and you will have 90 minutes to complete it. You will need to score at least 70% to pass the exam.

How to prepare for the exam

To prepare for the PSY620 Behaviorism exam, you should:

  • Review your notes and slides from the lectures and discussions.
  • Re-read the assigned readings from the textbook and other sources.
  • Make flashcards or summaries of the key terms and concepts related to behaviorism.
  • Practice answering sample questions and quizzes from the course or online sources.
  • Study with a partner or a group and test each other on the material.
  • Identify your strengths and weaknesses and focus on improving your weak areas.
  • Some of the resources that can help you prepare for the exam are: The textbook: Learning & Behavior

How to ace the exam

To ace the PSY620 Behaviorism midterm exam, you should:

  • Plan your time wisely and allocate enough time for each question.
  • Read each question carefully and look for keywords that indicate what is being asked.
  • Eliminate the wrong or irrelevant answers and choose the best answer among the remaining options.
  • Use logic and evidence to support your answer and avoid guessing or relying on intuition.
  • Check your answers for accuracy and completeness before submitting them.

Where to get professional help if you need it

If you are still feeling stuck or confused about any aspect of the PSY620 Behaviorism midterm exam, you can always get professional help from Homework Joy, a website that offers online tutoring and homework help, online assignment help for students who are taking PSY620 Behaviorism or any other psychology course. Our team of experts can assist you with any topic or question related to behaviorism, such as conditioning, reinforcement, extinction, shaping, behavior modification, and social learning theory. Our services are affordable, reliable, and plagiarism-free. We also offer 24/7 support, so you can contact us anytime you need help.


The PSY620 Behaviorism midterm exam is a challenging but rewarding test that will measure your knowledge and understanding of behaviorism, one of the major theoretical perspectives in psychology. By following our complete guide, you can prepare, practice, and perform well on the exam.

Remember, academic success is not solely reliant on individual effort; seeking help and guidance from reputable resources can make all the difference. Homework Joy is one such platform that can offer valuable academic assistance and contribute to your educational journey.

Good luck with your exam, and may this newfound knowledge pave the way to a successful and fulfilling academic career! Happy learning!

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