Lackawanna MKT105 Complete Course Latest 2021 September (Full)

Question # 00629491
Course Code : MKT105
Subject: Business
Due on: 10/16/2021
Posted On: 10/16/2021 09:05 AM
Tutorials: 1
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MKT105 Principles of Marketing

Module 1 Discussion

DQ1 Marketing Orientation

Prior to the completion of this discussion board post, please review:

Reading: Chapter 1: An Overview of Marketing pg. 2

Chapter 1 An Overview of Marketing PowerPoint Presentation  Download Chapter 1 An Overview of Marketing PowerPoint Presentation

American Marketing Associations Statement of Ethics (Links to an external site.)


Use the Internet to locate either a product manufacturer’s website or a service provider’s website. Based on the information provided on the company’s site, identify what type of orientation the organization you’ve selected has: production, sales, market, or societal marketing.

In your post, share your findings, including your rationale for categorizing your organization. Be sure to include a link to the website you reviewed. In responding to your classmates’ posts, evaluate and offer constructive feedback on their analysis and categorization of their selected organizations.

In your post please provide at least two APA references to support your answer (You can utilize the textbook). You can utilize the Purdue Online Writing Lab (OWL) (Links to an external site.) website for the correct way to reference the articles used.

DQ2 Marketing Strategy Analysis

Prior to the completion of this discussion board post, please review:

Reading: Chapter 2 Strategic Planning for Competitive Advantage pg. 16

Chapter 2 Strategic Planning for Competitive Advantage PowerPoint Presentation  Download Chapter 2 Strategic Planning for Competitive Advantage PowerPoint Presentation

Background: Targeting markets begins with a market opportunity analysis, or MOA, which describes and estimates the size and sales potential of market segments that are of interest to the firm. In addition, an assessment of key competitors in these market segments is performed. After the market segments are described, one or more may be targeted by the firm. There are so many different products in the world the target different markets and have different strategies to obtain their target market. Each of us has different needs and uses for products. We may all use a product but select different brands and product models.

For this assignment, think of a product you use regularly or a product that you are interested in buying. Make sure this is a product that you can conduct research on.

Please answer the following questions:

What is the product?

Who is the target market?

On what criteria is this market segmented?

How is the product packaged? Why?

Who is the direct competition and indirect competition? Which firms would be appropriate benchmarks for this firm? What competitive advantage does this product have?

Is this firm known for being responsive to customers? Brainstorm a list of adjectives that describe this firm and its products. How does this list fit with the concept of value?

 In your post please provide at least two APA references to support your answer (You can utilize the textbook). You can utilize the Purdue Online Writing Lab (OWL) (Links to an external site.) (Links to an external site.) website for the correct way to reference the articles used.


MKT105 Principles of Marketing

Module 2 Discussion

DQ1 Ethical/Non-Ethical Ad Campaigns

Prior to the completion of this discussion board post, please review:

Reading: Chapter 3 Ethics and Social Responsibility Pg. 32

Chapter 3 Ethics and Social Responsibility PowerPoint Presentation  Download Chapter 3 Ethics and Social Responsibility PowerPoint Presentation

 Background: Ethics are the standards of behavior by which conduct is judged. Standards that are legal may not always be ethical, and vice versa. An ethics violation offends a person’s sense of justice or fairness. Ethics basically constitute the unwritten rules developed to guide interactions. Every day we are exposed to different marketing ads and campaigns. Whether it is Flex Seal, Credit Carma, or a Chrysler/Dodge/Jeep vehicle commercial they all are trying to tell the consumer to buy their product.

Sometimes good ideas can go bad. The following document (linked HERE  Download HERE) explores ads that have been deemed unethical. The document includes ads from Pepsi, Bloomingdales, Fiat, and LifeLock.

After reviewing the document answer the following questions:

1. Please state which ad you found to most unethical to you? (If these Ads were ethical to you, please link and explain an ad you have seen that seems unethical).

2. What about the Ad did not come off right to the viewer?

3. If you were the marketing manager for the company, do you think these Ads could be salvaged?

*Include any relevant information you deem necessary to support your claim. Please be respectful of others opinions on views on these advertisements*

In your post please provide at least two APA references to support your answer (You can utilize the textbook). You can utilize the Purdue Online Writing Lab (OWL) (Links to an external site.) (Links to an external site.) website for the correct way to reference the articles used.

DQ2 Ethical Exercise

Prior to the completion of this discussion board post, please review:

Reading Chapter 4 The Marketing Environment pg. 48

Chapter 4 The Marketing Environment PowerPoint Presentation  Download Chapter 4 The Marketing Environment PowerPoint Presentation

 Background: Gary Caplan has developed a new energy drink designed to burn calories while sleeping, which he intends to market to grossly overweight consumers. According to the Centers for Disease Control and Prevention, 20 percent of Americans are obese. Gary’s mother, a doctor, argues that it’s unethical to target the obese—that they are as vulnerable a target market as the elderly and children.


Is Gary targeting a “vulnerable” market? (please define in your own words what a vulnerable market is).

Does the American Marketing Association (Links to an external site.) (AMA) Statement of Ethics address this issue? Write a brief paragraph on what it contains that relates to Gary Caplan’s marketing decision.

 n your post please provide at least two APA references to support your answer (You can utilize the textbook). You can utilize the Purdue Online Writing Lab (OWL) (Links to an external site.) (Links to an external site.) website for the correct way to reference the articles used.


MKT105 Principles of Marketing

Module 3 Discussion

DQ1 Reverse Marketing Exercise

Prior to the completion of this discussion board post, please review:

Reading Chapter 5: Developing a Global Vision pg. 70

Chapter 5 Developing a Global Vision PPT  Download Chapter 5 Developing a Global Vision PPT

Common International Foods sold at U.S. grocery stores  (Links to an external site.)

Foreign cars not yet sold in the U.S.  (Links to an external site.)

 Purpose: By completing the “reverse” international marketing by taking a foreign product and marketing it in the United States You can better understand what foreign firms have done wrong in marketing their products in the United States. For this reverse marketing exercise, you will be pretending that you are an international company trying to enter the U.S. market with your good. The easiest approach is through a type of food item, yet you can choose to be a foreign car company or other foreign company with a product that you want to sell in the U.S.

Activity: Please complete the following questions in relation to the foreign product you chose.

What is the name of the product? (please include a link to the website where you found it).

Create strategies based on these global marketing mix areas:

Target market:

Who should be the target market in the United States?

What variables will be used to select the target market?

Product: Will any adaptation be made to the product features?

What about the packaging?

The brand name?

Price: What is a good retail price for the product?


How will the product be communicated to the target market?

What promotional message will be used?

What media will be used to reach the target market?


 Where will the product be sold?

In your post please provide at least two APA references to support your answer (You can utilize the textbook). You can utilize the Purdue Online Writing Lab (OWL) (Links to an external site.) website for the correct way to reference the articles used.

DQ2 Ethical Exercise

Prior to the completion of this discussion board post, please review:

Reading: Chapter 6: Consumer Decision Making pg. 96

Chapter 6: Consumer Decision Making PPT Download Chapter 6: Consumer Decision Making PPT

 Background: EyeOnU operates a Web filter service for public schools and libraries to protect students from inappropriate material on the Internet. Like the industry as a whole, the company’s market share has been stagnant for the past two years. Looking for new sources of revenue, the company is considering selling the data it has collected about student surfing habits to marketers trying to learn more about students’ behavior on the Web. The data are anonymous, but privacy advocates are concerned about the precedent of selling information about children to marketers.

Question: What should EyeOnU do? Should it protect the students’ data or should it take the opportunity to create new revenues?

In your post please provide at least two APA references to support your answer (You can utilize the textbook). You can utilize the Purdue Online Writing Lab (OWL)  (Links to an external site.)website for the correct way to reference the articles used.


MKT105 Principles of Marketing

Module 4 Discussion

DQ1 Business Marketing Application Huggies

Prior to the completion of this discussion board post, please review:

Reading Chapter 7: Business Marketing Pg. 124 Chapter 7: Business Marketing PowerPoint Presentation  Download Chapter 7: Business Marketing PowerPoint Presentation

 Background: Business marketing provides goods and services that are bought for use in business rather than for personal consumption. Intended use, not physical characteristics, distinguishes a business product from a consumer product. In the situation below you are looking into the external marketing environment of competition. Business marketing research has to take into consideration what other businesses are doing and how you can take a product that is a consumer product and market into a business product.

Application Question:

As the marketing manager for Huggies diapers made by Kimberly-Clark, you are constantly going head-to-head with Pampers, produced by rival Procter & Gamble. You are considering unlocking the potential of the business market to increase your share of the disposable diaper market, but how? Write an outline of several ways you could transform this quintessential consumer product into a successful business product as well.

In your post please provide at least two APA references to support your answer (You can utilize the textbook). You can utilize the Purdue Online Writing Lab (OWL) (Links to an external site.) website for the correct way to reference the articles used.

DQ2 Market Segmentation Application- The Hotel Industry

Prior to the completion of this discussion board post, please review:

Reading: Chapter 8 Segmenting and Target Marketing pg. 140

Chapter 8 Segmenting and Targeting Marketing PowerPoint Presentation  Download Chapter 8 Segmenting and Targeting Marketing PowerPoint Presentation

 Purpose: This activity will allow you and your group to utilize critical thinking to analyze the importance of market segmentation and the segments that would be suitable in an industry.

Objective: We will be focusing on creating a hotel that will meet the needs of its customers. This will be completed by utilizing demographics, psychographic, geographic, and behavioral segmentation approaches.

How to play the game:

Your instructor will divide our class into small groups of 2 to 4 members. Each group will get four cards "dealt" to them. These cards will display the following information:

Numbers on the cards will be the age of your customers- 2s=20s.

Each card will display a number so it may be beneficial to try and get similar ages or create an age range. For example, three 3s would be suitable for those in their thirties where one 3 and two 2s may indicate customers aged 20 to 30s.

Suit on each card will represent income-

            Diamonds- $30,000

            Hearts- $50,000

            Clubs- $70,000

            Spades- $100,000

If you have a mix of suits, then your hotel could work for different income levels.

Step 1: Take a few moments to choose one target market card that you do not want. (this can be for income or age) this step doesn’t have to be completed if you want to be inclusive in your concept.

Step 2: (Optional) each team can choose to acquire an additional card giving the team 4 total cards (after step 1). This can be completed at random or choose from a selection of cards that are face up. Remember, you want to make sure your market elements are compatible.

Step 3: Take the time to fully understand the market you have within your cards.

Step 4: You are now being asked to design a hotel. This will relate to the atmosphere of the hotel based on the information from the cards. You have two options below in the activity for steps 4 and 5 to brainstorm different hotel ideas for your target market. Make sure that the elements are suitable for the level of income in your segmentation.

Step 5: At the end of this activity you will be asked to present the target market and hotel ideas that your group created.

Activity for steps 4 and 5:

Utilize the following section to brainstorm and further explore your hotel segmentation. (You will be able to make two different types of hotels; we will then further explore these advertisements in future chapters.

Advertisement for (name of the hotel created): ______________________________



Income amount:

Psychographics: Based on your cards what kind of interests, values, and personalities would you expect the people who will stay at your hotel to have?

Geographic: Would it make sense to segment this hotel geographically? (why or why not)?

Behavioral: What are some behavioral elements that would be present in this scenario?  (Think of decision-making patterns for purchase, consumption, lifestyle, and usage).

Create an advertisement that encompasses your hotel (1 to 3 sentences):

In your post please provide at least two APA references to support your answer (You can utilize the textbook). You can utilize the Purdue Online Writing Lab (OWL)  (Links to an external site.)website for the correct way to reference the articles used.


MKT105 Principles of Marketing

Module 5 Discussion

DQ1 Ethics Exercise

Prior to the completion of this discussion board post, please review:

Reading chapter 10 Product Concepts Pg. 178

Chapter 10 Product Concepts PowerPoint Presentation  Download Chapter 10 Product Concepts PowerPoint Presentation

 Background: A product that a potential buyer knows about but is not actively seeking is called an unsought product. Is the marketing of unsought products unethical? Discuss your answer in terms of the AMA Code of Ethics.

Question: Is the marketing of unsought products unethical? Discuss your answer in terms of the AMA Code of Ethics  Download AMA Code of Ethics.

In your post please provide at least two APA references to support your answer (You can utilize the textbook). You can utilize the Purdue Online Writing Lab (OWL) (Links to an external site.) website for the correct way to reference the articles used.

DQ2 Gearing up for the Google Analytics Beginner Certification

For this discussion assignment, please post any questions you have before you take the Google Beginner Analytics Certification. These can be questions about the units or how to register for the certification.


MKT105 Principles of Marketing

Module 6 Discussion

DQ1 Business Analysis for NIKE

Prior to the completion of this discussion board post, please review:

Reading Chapter 11 Developing and Managing Products pg. 194

Chapter 11 Developing and Managing Products PowerPoint Presentation Download Chapter 11 Developing and Managing Products PowerPoint Presentation

 Background: Business analysis is a research discipline of identifying business needs and determining solutions to business problems. Solutions often include a software-systems development component, but may also consist of process improvement, organizational change or strategic planning and policy development. Business analysis is the second stage of the screening process, where preliminary figures for demand, cost, sales, and profitability are calculated. The newness of the product, the size of the market, and the nature of the competition all affect the accuracy of revenue projections. In an established market, industry estimates of total market size are available. Forecasting market share for a new entry in a new, fragmented, or relatively small niche is a bigger challenge than for an established market.

Application: You are a marketing manager for Nike. Your department has come up with the idea of manufacturing a baseball bat for use in colleges around the nation. Assuming you are in the business analysis stage, answer these common questions that are asked  in the business analysis stage include:

?    What is the likely demand for the product?

?    What impact would the new product probably have on total sales, profits, market share, and return on investment?

?    How would the introduction of the product affect existing products? Would the new product cannibalize existing products?

?    Would current customers benefit from the product?

?    Would the product enhance the image of the company’s overall product mix?

?    Would the new product affect current employees in any way? Would it lead to increasing or reducing the size of the workforce?

?    What new facilities, if any, would be needed?

?    How might competitors respond?

?    What is the risk of failure? Is the company willing to take the risk?

In your post please provide at least two APA references to support your answer (You can utilize the textbook). You can utilize the Purdue Online Writing Lab (OWL)  (Links to an external site.)website for the correct way to reference the articles used.

DQ2 Ethics Exercise

Prior to the completion of this discussion board post, please review:

Reading Chapter 12 Services and Nonprofit Organization Marketing pg. 210

Chapter 12 Services and Nonprofit Organization Marketing PowerPoint Presentation  Download Chapter 12 Services and Nonprofit Organization Marketing PowerPoint Presentation

 Background: Certain websites, such as (Links to an external site.), offer cancer patients sophisticated medical data and advice in exchange for personal information that is then sold to advertisers and business partners and used by the websites to create products to sell back to patients. Some argue that cancer patients visiting these sites are willingly exchanging their personal information for the sites’ medical information. Others contend that this kind of exchange is unethical.

Question: Is this practice ethical? (consider the nature of the websites, utilize textbook information).

In your post please provide at least two APA references to support your answer (You can utilize the textbook). You can utilize the Purdue Online Writing Lab (OWL)  (Links to an external site.)website for the correct way to reference the articles used.


MKT105 Principles of Marketing

Module 7 Discussion

DQ1 Ethics Exercise

Prior to the completion of this discussion board post, please review:

Reading: Chapter 15 Marketing Communication pg 270

Chapter 15 Marketing Communication PowerPoint Presentation  Download Chapter 15 Marketing Communication PowerPoint Presentation

 Background: Integrated Marketing Solutions is a consumer-products marketing services firm. Currently, the firm is handling the launch of a new book for one of its publishing clients. The campaign includes advance review copies for key book reviewers, “Coming Soon” posters for booksellers, an author book-signing tour, and several television interviews. Everything has been produced and scheduled for release next week. Today, Jane Kershaw, the account executive, has learned that although the book received numerous favorable reviews, the review quoted on all of the promotional materials is fabricated.

Question: What should Jane do?

In your post please provide at least two APA references to support your answer (You can utilize the textbook). You can utilize the Purdue Online Writing Lab (OWL) (Links to an external site.)website for the correct way to reference the articles used.

DQ2 Brands and Advertising

Prior to the completion of this discussion board post, please review:

Reading: Chapter 16 Advertising Public Relations and Sales Promotions pg. 288

Chapter 16 Advertising Public Relations and Sales Promotions PowerPoint Presentation  Download Chapter 16 Advertising Public Relations and Sales Promotions PowerPoint Presentation

 Background:Advertising helps marketers increase or maintain brand awareness and, subsequently, market share. Typically, more is spent to advertise new brands with a small market share than to advertise older brands. Brands with a large market share use advertising mainly to maintain their share of the market. Advertising affects consumers’ daily lives as well as their purchases. Although advertising can seldom change strongly held consumer attitudes and values, it may transform a consumer’s negative attitude toward a product into a positive one. Finally, advertising can also change the importance of a brand’s attributes to consumers. By emphasizing different brand attributes, advertisers can change their appeal in response to consumers’ changing needs to try to achieve an advantage over competing brands.


What is an advertising appeal? Give some examples of advertising appeals you have observed recently in the media.


MKT105 Principles of Marketing

Module 1 Assignment  

Exercise 1: Marketing Plan. There are many reasons that companies utilize a marketing plan. For example, it will aid a company in reaching its target audience, boosting the customer base, and increase the bottom line and lastly, it can aid companies when setting clear, realistic, and measurable objectives! Marketing can be one of the most expensive and complicated business activities but it can also be one of the most important. The marketing plan can be presented in many different ways but they all start off with the announcement of the product and the business mission. These two elements allow the reader to understand what the marketing plan will be able and the values that back the product.


MKT105 Principles of Marketing

Module 2 Assignment  

Exercise 2: Marketing plan.  The second section of the marketing plan will allow you to better understand the external forces that can affect a product. Many organizations utilize environmental scanning to continuously monitor and evaluate the external environment. The elements that you will complete for this section of the marketing plan include the external environment factors the economy and competition. You will also be conducting a SWOT analysis.


MKT105 Principles of Marketing

Module 3 Assignment  

Exercise 3: Marketing plan.  The third section of the marketing plan will allow you to better understand the consumer and their behavior when buying products. Once you have defined and created your target market, now you need to understand them better, and the way that marketers understand their target market is through understanding consumer behavior. For this next phase of the marketing plan, you will create an outline of your customer base.


MKT105 Principles of Marketing

Module 4 Assignment  

Exercise 4: Marketing plan.  The fourth section of the marketing plan will allow you to better understand the proper market segmentation elements for your product. In this exercise, you will be defining your marketing mix (Price, Place, Promotion, and Product) and deciding on which elements of market segmentation (geographic, demographic, psychographic, and behavioral) work for your product.


MKT105 Principles of Marketing

Module 6 Assignment  

Exercise 5: Marketing plan.  The fifth section of the marketing plan will allow you to better understand the final marketing mix for your product. You can utilize feedback that was provided from exercise 4 to complete this assignment. This is similar to what you considered in exercise 4. It is important to consider everything possible for the marketing mix (4P’s) since this is what investors and others in the organization will focus on.


MKT105 Principles of Marketing

Module 7 Assignment  

Marketing Plan Outline

Outline for Marketing Plan:This outline tells you where to place the information from the previously completed exercises 1-5.

I. Business Mission (exercise 1)

II. Situation Analysis

                A. External Environment (exercise 2)

                B. SWOT Analysis (exercise 2)

III. Competitive Advantage (exercise 1)

IV. Customer Behavior (exercise 2)

                A. Describe the Target Market (exercise 1)

                                1. Market Segmentation (exercise 4)

V. Marketing strategy

                A. Restate the target market (exercise 1)

                B. Describe the product/service in-depth (exercise 5)

                                1. Product

                                2. Place

                                3. Promotion

                                4. Price

VI. Conclusion

Section I. Business Mission

Describes the company in in depth including the business mission statement

Describes the company with the mission statement

Briefly describes the company with mention of the mission statement

Does not describe the company or the mission statement

This criterion is linked to a Learning OutcomeSection II. Situation Analysis

The student has conducted an external audit and includes mention of a SWOT analysis

There has been an attempt at an external audit through a SWOT analysis

There is little mention of the external environment for the product/service company

There is no mention of a situation analysis

This criterion is linked to a Learning OutcomeSection III. Competitive Advantage

Student extensively explains how the company will provide a competitive advantage and which type of competitive advantage will be offered.

Student mentioned the competitive advantage of the product or service but does not go into detail on which type of competitive advantage.

Student makes little mention of how their product or service will provide a competitive advantage

Competitive advantage is not included in marketing plan

This criterion is linked to a Learning OutcomeSection IV. Customer Behavior -Target market -Market segmentation

Customer behavior is addressed through a series of questions (in overview). The target market is addresses and how they will focus on that market through market segmentation

Customer behavior addressed through questions. Target market and market segmentation are included but not detailed

Customer behavior, target market, and market segmentation are touched on but not detailed

Not all elements of Customer behavior, target market, and market segmentation are listed and or explained.

Customer behavior, target market, and market segmentation are not included

This criterion is linked to a Learning OutcomeV. Marketing Strategy -Restate target market -4 P’s

The marketing strategy is addressed through the 4’Ps price, product, place, and promotion. The target market is restated

The marketing strategy is addressed through the 4’Ps price, product, place, and promotion.

The 4’Ps are stated as well as the target market

The generic 4 P's are stated but does not apply to product or service.

This criterion is linked to a Learning OutcomeVI. Conclusion

The marketing plan is concluded through proper reiteration of core sections.

There is no conclusion to the marketing plan

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Lackawanna MKT105 Complete Course Latest 2021 September (Full)

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