HUM200 Module 2 Assignment 2 Factors In Favor of and Against

Question # 00585594
Subject: Literary Studies
Due on: 01/08/2018
Posted On: 01/08/2018 08:46 AM
Tutorials: 1
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Assignment 2: Factors In Favor of and Against

Finding “factors for” and “factors against” a position is a versatile tool for critical thinkers. In this assignment, you will practice this technique more formally by examining one of several contemporary issues.

Using your readings, the Argosy University online library resources, and the Internet, research methods for creating arguments using factors for and factors against an issue.

Select a topic for use in this assignment. It is recommended that you choose a topic that is personally meaningful or interesting to you. Examples of topics can include, but are not limited to, the following:

  • Underage drinking: Lowering the legal drinking age in the United States.
  • Gun control: Increasing restrictions on the civilian possession of non-hunting guns.
  • Selective service: Enacting compulsory military service obligation for all US citizens.
  • Universal health care: Governmental provision of free health care for all citizens.

For the selected topic, complete the following:

  • Construct at least six reasons for and six reasons against the topic. Rank the reasons in terms of strength and effectiveness.
  • Explain why you identified each argument as either strong or weak in each category.

Include the following two parts in your completed assignment:

Part 1:Compile a matrix (using the template below) that lists and ranks six arguments for and six arguments against the issue you have selected. Rank the reasons for each side of the issue from strongest to weakest.

Part 2: After you have compiled your matrix, write a 500–700-word paper in Word format. This essay should explain and synthesize the information in your matrix. Defend why you have ranked each argument as either strong or weak. Apply APA standards to citation of sources.

Include both parts of your assignment in a single document, using the template found here. Name your file: LastnameFirstInitial_M2_A2.doc.

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HUM200 Module 2 Assignment 2 Factors In Favor of and Against

Tutorial # 00583407
Posted On: 01/08/2018 08:47 AM
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