English1010 - The Power of Connection

Question # 00650486
Subject: English
Due on: 11/17/2023
Posted On: 11/16/2023 10:57 PM
Tutorials: 1
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Rhetoric and Composition English-1010

October 22,2023

Title: The Power of Connection: Exploring the Impact of Teacher-Student Relationships on

Academic Performance


- Highlight the importance of positive teacher-student relationships in fostering a conducive

learning environment.

- Discuss the potential influence of these relationships on student motivation, engagement, and overall academic performance.


- Explain the research design, such as a mixed-method approach combining surveys and interviews.

- Describe the target population, sample size, and selection criteria.

- Outline the data collection process, including questionnaires and in-depth interviews with both teachers and students.


Findings and Analysis:

- Present the quantitative data, such as survey results, to identify patterns and correlations

between teacher-student relationships and academic performance.

- Analyze qualitative data from interviews to gain insights into the experiences and perceptions

of teachers and students regarding their relationships.


- Interpret the findings, emphasizing the significance of positive teacher-student relationships on

academic performance.

- Discuss the potential implications for educational policies and practices, highlighting the

importance of fostering strong connections in the classroom.


- Summarize the key findings and their implications.

- Emphasize the need for further research to deepen our understanding of the complexities of

teacher-student relationships and their impact on academic outcomes.

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English1010 - The Power of Connection

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