ECON3310 Potential Determinants of GDP in China Paper

Question # 00641812
Course Code : ECON3310
Subject: Economics
Due on: 11/21/2022
Posted On: 11/20/2022 10:11 PM
Tutorials: 1
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ECON 3310 DU Potential Determinants of GDP in China Paper

Department of Economics, Winter 2022

Economic Growth in Historical Perspective – Econ 3310

Assignment 5

Scope and motivation

The objective of this assignment is to give you an opportunity to explore the potential determinants of GDP in the long term. Economic growth depends on many factors—factors whose true impact on GDP are poorly understood. Nevertheless, it is important to explore the possible contributions of these factor to GDP using the region of your choice.


Object.—Using the region of your choice (from Assignment 1), list and discuss the main determinants of its GDP per capita over a period (minimum 30 years) of your choice. Your discussion should be informed by scholarly research and work on this topic and facts that might speak to major public policy interventions, political turmoil, or major global events that might have affected the growth rate of its GDP per capita over this period. (Review the “Public Policy Questions” in the Lecture Presentations 4.35. ) Your analysis will be limited by the availability of the data. This assignment has a broad theme. I did not restrict your study to a few potential determinants of income. You will need to carefully think about some of the determinants of GDP that you find most important for your region. As a result, the findings will depend on your region. Your goal is not to make general statements about the determinants of income. Your arguments must be backed by evidence and the sources of your evidence must be documented and cited. Your essay must have a clear point and develop that point with concrete variables, events or policies drawn from your region. GDP has multiple determinants. You may provide a list of them relevant for your region and then proceed to focus on the factors that you deem the most important to better develop your arguments. An understanding of why these factors were possibly important must emerge by the end of your essay. You must follow the style guidelines (available on the course web page), and file requirements. A grade rubric is available on the course web page. Your essay must have a title, and the following structure:

1. Introduction: The introduction must grab the attention of the reader, and state the purpose of your essay. See Turabian (2010, Chapters 6–8) for effective writing.

2. Main body: The main body of your essay should develop your main point with evidence that support your argument. Anticipate criticisms of your own argument when necessary, state those alternative viewpoints, and then make a case for their strengths and weaknesses. 1

3. Conclusion: The conclusion should synthesize your arguments.

Maximum 3 pages (double spaced). 15 percent.

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ECON3310 Potential Determinants of GDP in China Paper

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