Devry CHEM120 All Weeks Discussions Latest 2019 September

Question # 00604572
Course Code : CHEM120
Subject: Chemistry
Due on: 09/07/2019
Posted On: 09/07/2019 11:14 AM
Tutorials: 1
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CHEM120 Introduction to General Organic & Biological Chemistry with Lab

Week 1 Discussion

Scientific Method and Atomic Structure

Required Resources

Read/review the following resources for this activity:

Textbook: Chapter 1 and 2


Minimum of 1 scholarly source

Initial Post Instructions

The Discussions in this course are set up deepen your understanding of the material as you make real world connections and employ creative thinking. To get the most from these discussions, full engagement is expected on the part of the student. Be sure to stop by the discussion section frequently, not only to post, but to read the postings of your peers and instructor. Engaging with your peers and learning together is key to this experience. For you initial post, choose one of the options below:

Option 1:

We will begin this topic by practicing the use of the scientific method. The steps of the scientific method are: observation, hypothesis, experiment, results, and theory. Using your understanding of the scientific method from your readings and lessons, you will be applying this knowledge to a real world situation. Take a real world scenario in the news, or another outside source and apply the scientific method, being sure to detail the controls on your experiment. ?Describe a result that would confirm your hypothesis.

Option 2:

Choose a scientific paper written in the last year. The Chamberlain library is a great source for this. For your chosen paper, look into the study and discuss how the scientific method was used in this paper. Be sure to note they hypothesis, variables, results, etc. Based on your understanding of the scientific method, be sure to discuss if you find this paper as a trustworthy source and why.

Follow-Up Post Instructions

Respond to at least two peers or one peer and the instructor. Further the dialogue by providing more information and clarification. Here are some suggestions for how you can add to the discussion and explore the unit 1 content in more detail:

Respond to one of your classmates posts and contribute to their experiment design. How could you improve their experiment?

Solve a peer's isotope question. Show all work and walk us through the calculation step by step, providing your rational for each step.

CHEM120 Introduction to General Organic & Biological Chemistry with Lab

Week 2 Discussion

Atomic Structure

Required Resources

Read/review the following resources for this activity:

Textbook: Chapter 3, 7, and 8

Unit 2 Lesson

Initial Post Instructions

Option 1:

Your initial post in the discussion this week consists of two parts. First, choose a molecule used in healthcare, industry, or found in a natural source and discuss the importance of this molecule. Be sure to include at least one outside source and make sure to follow APA citation guidelines.

In the second part of your initial post, we will be practicing naming ionic and covalent compounds as well as polyatomic ions. To begin, give the chemical formula for each of the following: A covalent compound containing no more than two types of elements, an ionic compound no more than two types of elements, and an ionic compound containing a polyatomic. Be sure that these compounds are valid (for example, the charges balance out in the ionic compound) and that the subscripts do not exceed 10.

Option 2:

Your initial post in the discussion this week consists of two parts. First, choose a molecule used in healthcare, industry, or found in a natural source and discuss the importance of this molecule. Be sure to include at least one outside source and make sure to follow APA citation guidelines.

The electron configuration of an atom determines the number of electrons available to participate in bonding with another atom. One method of depicting the valence electrons that an atom has is through the Lewis structure. For the second part of your initial post, pick an element from the periodic table of elements. Identify the valence electrons and the orbitals in which they reside.

Follow-Up Post Instructions

Respond to at least two peers or one peer and the instructor. Further the dialogue by providing more information and clarification. Here are some suggestions for how you can add to the discussion and explore the unit 1 content in more detail:

Respond to a peer's option 1 post and research/discuss one of their chemical compounds. Using the naming rules we learned in class, walk us through each step.

Pick a peer's option 2 post and answer each of the following questions:

How many unpaired electrons are present?

How many covalent bonds could this element make?

Could this element participate in a double or triple bond? Why or why not?

CHEM120 Introduction to General Organic & Biological Chemistry with Lab

Week 3 Discussion

Solution Chemistry

Required Resources

Read/review the following resources for this activity:

Textbook: Chapter 5, 6, 11

Unit 3 lesson

Initial Post Instructions

For your initial post pick a combination of one of the following molecules, one mass quantity, and one total solution volume from this table. You may not use the same combination as another student so be sure to read any existing peers postings before posting your own.





2 g

150 ml


6 g

3 L


1 g

500 ml


7 g

14 L

For example, one possible combination would be 2 grams of NaCl in 500 ml of solution. Then, give each of the following for your unique combination being sure to show all of your work:

undefined%mass/volume concentration



Make sure to post at least three high quality posts.

Follow-Up Post Instructions

Respond to at least two peers or one peer and the instructor. Further the dialogue by providing more information and clarification.

Follow-up topics:

If a peer made a mistake in the initial post reply to your peer and walk us through how to correct the mistake, showing all work.Reply to one of peers initial posts and use the dilution equation to prepare a more dilute solution. You may choose the final dilution that you are aiming for, just be sure that your chosen concentration is less than the initial concentration in your peers posting. Show all work and walk us through each step of how you would prepare this solution from your peer's solution in a lab setting.

Find an example of an important chemical reaction used in industry or clinical setting and do each the following. Note, you cannot choose the same reaction as a peer.

Explain the significance of the reaction you chose. This will require research so be sure to cite all sources used in APA format.

State the reaction without the use of any coefficients so that a peer can balance the chemical reaction your discussed

Balance a peers chemical equation by following the steps below:

Determine the number of atoms for each compounds in the reactants.

Determine the number of atoms for each compounds in the products.

Balance the chemical reaction, showing all work.

The electron configuration of an atom determines the number of electrons available to participate in bonding with another atom. One method of depicting the valence electrons that an atom has is through the Lewis structure. Pick an element from the periodic table of elements. Identify the valence electrons and the orbitals in which they reside. You can use the textbook and lecture.

How many unpaired electrons are present?

How many covalent bonds could this element make?

Could this element participate in a double or triple bond? Why or why not?

CHEM120 Introduction to General Organic & Biological Chemistry with Lab

Week 4 Discussion

Chemistry in the World Around Us

Required Resources

Read/review the following resources for this activity:

Textbook: Chapter 9, 10, 13


Initial Post Instructions

While we often do not realize it, acidic and basic solutions are a part of our daily lives.

Pick a solution in your home, work, or even outside (be sure to check the label to make sure that whatever you are measuring is nonhazardous and water based). Some possible solutions are shampoos, beverages, still water in your backyard, contact solution, etc.? Research a compound or compounds found in your chosen solution, citing your sources in APA format and predict if the solution would be acidic or basic.

Follow-Up Post Instructions

Respond to at least two peers or one peer and the instructor. Further the dialogue by providing more information and clarification.

Possible follow-up topics:

undefinedI have provided each of you with a strip of pH paper, perform your experiment by using your pH paper to measure the pH of your solution. After you have performed?your experiment, report your findings back to the group and be sure to classify your example as an acidic or basic solution as well as what compound or compounds in your solution you believe cause the solution to be basic or acidic and why.

undefinedComment on a peers findings with additional information.

undefinedThis week, we are studying the ideal gas law. In this discussion, you will be trying your hand at applying one of the ideal gas laws to a real world situation. Consider a situation that involves an ideal gas law and discuss how you would apply your chosen ideal gas law to the situation. Generate an ideal gas law question based on this situation.

undefinedSolve one of your peer's ideal gas law equations. If you feel that there is not enough information given in their problem to solve the problem, discuss what additional information you would need and why.

CHEM120 Introduction to General Organic & Biological Chemistry with Lab

Week 5 Discussion

Organic Chemistry

Required Resources

Read/review the following resources for this activity:

Textbook: Chapters 14 and 16


Initial Post Instructions

The Discussions in this course are set up deepen your understanding of the material as you make real world connections and employ creative thinking. To get the most from these discussions, full engagement is expected on the part of the student. Be sure to stop by the discussion section frequently, not only to post, but to read the postings of your peers and instructor. Engaging with your peers and learning together is key to this experience. For you initial post, choose one of the options below:

Option 1:

A growing concern in agricultural and food chemistry is the presence of residues in food. We use many forms of organic chemicals in agriculture and food chemistry and there is growing concern as to how safe these materials are. Choose an organic chemical used in agricultural of food chemistry and report on the functional groups contained in your compound, the uses of the compound, and the safety of that compound. This research will require one or more outside sources. Ensure all citations are in APA format.

Option 2: Choose a compound that is classified as an ether, aldehyde, ketone, ester, or alcohol, or amide. Report on important applications of this compound using at least one outside source. Next, write the condensed structural formula of a simple molecule with an ether, aldehyde, ketone, ester, or alcohol functional group for your peers to name (do not give away the answer!).

Follow-Up Post Instructions

Respond to at least two peers or one peer and the instructor. Further the dialogue by providing more information and clarification.

Possible follow-up topics:

Comment on one of your peer's postings to discuss whether you believe the benefits of using their compound outweigh the risks.

Reply to the post of a peer whom has posted option 2 as their initial post and name the molecule provided. Be sure to walk us through all parts of the naming process, explaining each step.

Research a recently banned organic compound (banned in last year).

CHEM120 Introduction to General Organic & Biological Chemistry with Lab

Week 6 Discussion

Initial Post Instructions

The Discussions in this course are set up deepen your understanding of the material as you make real world connections and employ creative thinking. To get the most from these discussions, full engagement is expected on the part of the student. Be sure to stop by the discussion section frequently, not only to post, but to read the postings of your peers and instructor. Engaging with your peers and learning together is key to this experience. For your initial post, choose one of the options below:

Option 1:

While we often think of radiation as dangerous, radioactive isotopes are widely used in the field of healthcare as well as in many other fields. For your initial post, choose a radioactive isotope used in healthcare or another field and report on how your isotope is used. Be sure to answer both of the following questions as part of your initial post:

What type(s) of radioactive decay does your isotope undergo?

How is your isotope used?

Use at least one outside source and cite in APA format.

Option 2:

Radiation comes in many different forms. We are exposed to many types of radiation each day, not only form the technology that surrounds us, but also from natural sources. Choose a source of radiation that a peer has not already chosen and discuss each of the following as part of your initial post:

Is the radiation ionizing or nonionizing?

Is the radiation released from this source expected to be dangerous? Why or why not?

Is this source of radiation natural or artificial?

Are there any applications for this type of radiation?

Use at least one outside source and cite in APA format.

Follow-Up Post Instructions

Respond to at least two peers or one peer and the instructor. Further the dialogue by providing more information and clarification.

Possible follow-up topics:

If a peer has posted a source of radiation that is considered dangerous, respond with ways to protect yourself from this source of radiation.

Respond to a student that has posted on topic one and discuss how users of that radioactive isotope protect themselves.

Is tanning worth the risk?

Have you ever had an issue with radon in your home?

CHEM120 Introduction to General Organic & Biological Chemistry with Lab

Week 7 Discussion

Flow of Genetic Information

Required Resources

Read/review the following resources for this activity:

Textbook: Chapter 17, pages 714-734


Initial Post Instructions

In the news, we often hear examples of how DNA or the transfer of genetic information impacted someone's life. Examples range from DNA fingerprinting to genetically engineered organisms to an individual with a genetic disease. In each of these scenarios, the structure of nucleic acids and the flow of genetic information through mRNA to protein are involved. Using an example from the news or a scholarly article, describe how the structure of DNA or the transfer of genetic information impacted someone's life. Be sure to use at least one source and include at least one APA formatted citation.


Genetics is a rapidly evolving area of science. Each year advances in genetics bring exciting new technologies to the market. Areas such as forensics, genealogy, and healthcare have all been affected by new genetic technologies. Choose a genetic technology and report on how this technology is affecting or will effect our lives. Give at least one outside source and cite in APA format.

Follow-Up Post Instructions

Respond to at least two peers or one peer and the instructor. Further the dialogue by providing more information and clarification.

Possible follow-up topics:

Choose a specific biomolecule found in your diet. What is the source and purpose of this biomolecule?

Choose one of your peers postings on an application of genetics. What are some of the political, social, economic, or ethical ramifications of this technology?

Designer babies are rapidly becoming possible with advances in technology. Discuss with your peers the possible benefits and downsides of this technology. Support your positions with APA formatted citations.

CHEM120 Introduction to General Organic & Biological Chemistry with Lab

Week 8 Discussion


Required Resources

Read/review the following resources for this activity:

Textbook: All covered readings

All lessons

Initial Post Instructions

In this final post, you will be applying what you have learned in the class to the real world. Choose an article involving chemistry published within the last six months. Explain how a chemistry topic you learned in this course can be used to understand the chemistry behind this article. Be sure to cite your source in APA citation.

Follow-Up Post Instructions

Respond to at least two peers or one peer and the instructor. Further the dialogue by providing more information and clarification.

Possible follow-up topics:

Write 4 of your own final exam short answer questions based on one of the topics from weeks 1-7.

Solve the short answer questions posted by a peer. Be sure to show all work.

We have covered many topics in this course with potential applications in the real world and in your future career. Choose a topic we covered in this course and explain how that topic will apply to a future class or your future career. Be specific in your answer and be sure that your post follows the quality guidelines as outlined in the discussion syllabus.

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Devry CHEM120 All Weeks Discussions Latest 2019 September

Tutorial # 00603264
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