CSU FIR5301 Unit IV Journal Latest 2022

Question # 00637212
Course Code : FIR5301
Subject: Education
Due on: 07/28/2022
Posted On: 07/27/2022 09:56 PM
Tutorials: 1
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Jigsaw puzzles use strategies that develop problem-solving skills and boost logical reasoning. People complete jigsaw puzzles individually and in groups. In groups, cooperative learning is used to help each other solve the puzzle and build comprehension. Individually, it helps build critical thinking. Online, it is difficult to solve the puzzle and build comprehension or even critical thinking; however, take one piece of the jigsaw puzzle, and discuss the one piece as to what it is; when it activates; where it is used; as well as how and why it is used. Have you ever seen a sprinkler head activated? Where? Did it control or extinguish the fire?

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CSU FIR5301 Unit IV Journal Latest 2022

Tutorial # 00636091
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