COMM 3340 both part 1 and 2 --Consider two leaders you either admire or despise

Question # 00617929
Subject: Asian Studies
Due on: 10/10/2020
Posted On: 10/05/2020 09:35 PM
Tutorials: 1
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Consider two leaders you either admire or despise; one current and one historical. Your task is to compare & contrast a historical leadership figure to a current day leader. Concepts to consider include their leadership traits, strengths, styles, relationships, and ability to communicate vision to their followers. This project includes a 6-8 page written paper and a 3-5 minute creative, multimedia presentation (NO POWERPOINT).



Part 1 — Write a comparative analysis paper in APA format, 6-8 body pages, double-spaced. It should include the following clearly marked sections:

  1. Introduction of the paper including your leadership figures, the leadership concepts you will address in your paper, and a clear thesis statement.
  2. Background of each leader and why they are selected to compare/contrast.
  3. Leadership Concepts should be defined and a short explanation of why they are important, particularly in regards to your leaders.
  4. Analysis can be done two ways:
    1. Analyze a leadership concept, explaining the similarities and/or differences of each leader’s approach
    2. Break this section into two, explaining the leader’s similarities in one part and differences in the other, regarding the leadership concepts

*Be sure to justify the differences and the similarities using experiences, facts, and examples from your sources.

  1. Conclusion: summarize your findings and appropriately close your paper.

*The order of b/c may be switched depending on your paper however they both must be included.

Your comparative analysis paper should contain a minimum of 6 credible references. Please be sure to cite ALL your references correctly (internal citations); simply listing them at the end will NOT count. Also, be sure to cite your references in the style of the American Psychological Association (APA); see: or


Paper Rubric: · Clarity of meaning and presentation (including organization, spelling, grammar) - 20 pts · Sufficiency of comparative analysis (e.g., sufficient evidence for claims, topic fully addressed and properly analyzed) - 60 pts · Adherence to set guidelines and structure (e.g., APA style) - 20 pts



Part 2 — prepare a creative multimedia presentation. Be sure to highlight the main components (sections) of your paper in a clear, concise, and entertaining way. Your multimedia presentation should not be a PowerPoint or slide presentation.  Challenge yourself to do something more creative, you are a communication scholar.  There is a lot of free software that can assist you to create a short video, animation, website, short-film, publication or anything else you can think of.  Consider the various media-types and give yourself permission to learn something new. This is your opportunity to argue your thesis through the means of electronic media.  Your multimedia presentation should range between 3-5 minutes.

Presentation Rubric: · Multimedia Presentation -100 pts: creativity (15 pts), professionalism (15 pts), organization (10 pts), clarity (10 pts), content (40 pts), and entertaining (10 pts).



































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Consider two leaders you either admire or despise; one current and one historical.

Tutorial # 00616615
Posted On: 10/05/2020 09:35 PM
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