Question # 00583794
Course Code : BEHS103
Subject: Education
Due on: 12/12/2017
Posted On: 12/12/2017 06:30 AM
Tutorials: 1
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Creating the presentation

• Presentations and discussion questions are due on Monday evening of Week 8 by 11:59 PM EST.Refer to the syllabus for the grading rubric. Your presentations will be graded according to how well the presentation satisfies each of the requirements.

• Your presentation should take about 10-15 minutes for your classmates to view or review.

o If you are narrating your presentation, using a video, or providing a podcast, this time limit is self-explanatory.

o If you are submitting an unnarrated slide show (PowerPoint or Prezi), provide notes or a transcript to help your viewer understand what they are viewing.

o If you are submitting a paper, keep in mind that one double spaced page takes about 3 minutes to read, so your paper should be about 3-5 double-spaced pages in length.

• If you are doing a PowerPoint presentation, you may want to do a web search on “effective PowerPoint presentations” – there are plenty of sites with great suggestions. My top 5 tips are:

1) Use easy to read fonts and keep them consistent throughout the presentation.

2) Make sure your text is large enough. For standard fonts, a pitch of 28 is usually a good size (with headers being larger).

3) Use bullet points rather than paragraphs and complete sentences, especially if you are providing narration.

4) Visual images that illustrate the point you are trying to make promote deeper learning, but don’t go crazy with the clip art! Simpler is usually better.

5) Go easy on the animations. They can be effective, but they shouldn’t be distracting.

• Remember to provide citations – if you are presenting a fact that you learned from an article, website or other source, you MUST provide a citation. I expect that everyone will be using citations since you all conducted research to learn more about your topics.

• In a slide show, you can provide the citation in small font at the bottom of the slide you are citing.

• In a paper, you must use in-text citations and a reference list.

• In an audio presentation, you can verbally acknowledge your source (e.g. “Dr. John Smith from Harvard University said…”) or you can provide a separate reference list along with your presentation.

• Do NOT plagiarize. Plagiarism is the intentional or unintentional use of another’s words or ideas and passing them of as one’s own. It is a serious academic offense that must be reported to the Dean’s Office. You cannot copy and paste from another source without providing a citation. In fact, you should use quotes very sparingly (less than 10% of your work). Even paraphrasing without attribution is considered plagiarism. If you have questions about APA format, citations, or plagiarism, visit the UMUC library and use the search feature to get more information, OR ask!

• Save your presentation with a title that includes your name so that your classmates won’t get confused when they download your work.

Posting the presentation

• Post your presentation and discussion question under Week 8 Course Content – “POST PRESENTATIONS HERE” by Monday evening at 11:59 PM EST.

• IN ADDITION: Post your presentation to the Assignments link in the weekly content area. This step is important because posting to the Assignments link allows me to attach the grading rubric and send the grade directly to the grade book.

• Give your topic a subject line in the following format: Presentation Topic_Name (e.g. Parenting and Technology_John Doe).

• Post your discussion question in the body of the text.

• Attach your presentation or provide your link in the body of the text – Note: LEO does NOT have a size limit on files; however, programs like Knovio may have problems processing larger file sizes.

Monitor your presentation

Throughout the remainder of the week, check to see if anyone has responded to your presentation and provide a response as appropriate.

Review presentations

Review and respond to at least 5 classmates during the week. This is your discussion participation score for the week. Please try to provide initial responses by Friday or early Saturday so that everyone has a chance to respond by Sunday evening.

Since everyone is working hard on their presentations, it would be nice for everyone to receive feedback. If you see that a presentation has not received any feedback, please make the effort to provide some comments to your peers so that everyone’s work is recognized.

Rate presentations

Visit the survey provided in the discussion area called BEHS103 Peer Review Rating Form and rate the presentations you reviewed on a scale from 4 to 10. Rate every presentation you reviewed even if you didn’t respond. The average peer rating is worth 10% of the presentation grade. Ratings should be submitted by the last day of the term (Sunday evening at 11:59 PM EST).

The URL for the survey is: ____________________________

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Tutorial # 00581531
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