behs103 all quizzes latest 2017 november

Question # 00584834
Course Code : BEHS103
Subject: Anthropology
Due on: 12/18/2017
Posted On: 12/18/2017 09:55 AM
Tutorials: 1
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Quiz 1

Question 1

Which of the following is not considered a social science?


physical anthropology



Question 2

Which of the following is considered the newest social science?

political science




Question 3

Which of the following social scientists is most likely to study evolution?



Social Psychologist


Question 4

Which of the following social scientists are most likely to study attraction and intimacy?



Social psychologist

Cultural anthropologist

Question 5

Which famous social scientist advocated for revolution as a way to counteract the oppression caused by industrialization and capitalism?





Question 6

Since 1900, life expectancy has increased by about:

10 years

20 years

30 years

40 year

Question 7

Most of the increase in life expectancy since 1900’s is due to advances in medical technology.



Question 8

A 2009 US Department of Education report found that students achieve best in face to face classrooms rather than fully online classrooms.



Question 9

The first type of distance learning was:


correspondence courses

online courses


Question 10

Distance learning opportunities are most likely to be appealing to:

full time workers

stay at home moms

the disabled

all of the above

Quiz 2

Question 1

Which social science discipline is most likely to study the origins of language by studying artifacts?





Question 2

The birth of telecommunications was marked by the work of:

Guglielmo Marconi

Samuel Morse

Johannes Gutenburg

Alexander Graham Bell

Question 3

The precursor to the Internet was called:


Web 1.0



Question 4

Emoticons have been in use since:

The 70's

The 80's

The 90's

The 2000's

Question 5

The Michelangelo virus had a significant impact on society because:

Computer sales dropped significantly in its aftermath

It raised awareness among users of the potential dangers of Internet use

It infected millions of personal computers

All of the above

Question 6

Which of the following best describes the characteristics of Web 3.0:





Question 7

Which of the following is best characterized as “static” and “unidirectional?”

Web 1.0

Web 2.0

Web 3.0

Web 4.0

Question 8

“Ambient Intimacy” is the illusion of intimacy created by online interaction.



Question 9

According to psychologist Sherry Turkle, which of the following is a major shortcoming of too much online interaction?

Online friendships are more demanding than real life friendships.

It forces us to spend too much time in contemplation and solitude.

We no longer learn from our social mistakes that are made in real life interactions because online communications can be edited and perfected.

All of the above

Question 10

According to linguist McWhorter, texting is not a legitimate language.



Quiz 3

Question 1

Which of the following happened because of the Bronze Age?

Man was able to build permanent structures

Man was able to build fire for the first time

Man became a hunter-gatherer

All of the above

Question 2

The domestication of animals was important because

They provided labor

They provided a food source

They allowed man to establish permanent settlements

All of the above

Question 3

Which of the following social structures/institutions did not emerge as a direct result of the early civilization of man and the establishment of permanent settlements?


Government and a system of laws

Social classes

Labor unions

Question 4

What technological advancement allowed for the civilization of Europe?

The long bow

The steam engine


The ancient plow

Question 5

The Middle Ages (or Dark Ages) was a time of very little technological progress



Question 6

Merchant guilds were important because

They were anti-union

They regulated prices and quality standards to protect their members

They adhered to the notion of “every man for himself”

All of the above

Question 7

The five day work week came about due to concerns raised by:

Women’s rights advocates

Children’s rights advocates

Religious advocates

Environmental advocates

Question 8

Which of the following is not true of the family structure during Industrialization?

Women became more domesticated

The amount of space per family increased because wages were higher in the city than in the country

The size of the average family decreased

The number of multigenerational families decreased

Question 9

Since 1850, the number of hours that the average person works per week has:

Stayed the same


Increased slightly

Increased dramatically

Question 10

Which of the following is true about work-life balance in the US:

The OECD ranks the US among the top 3 countries in managing work-life balance

Single women manage work-life balance as well as married women

We are working more hours than ever before

The amount of leisure time in the US has increased steadily since 1900

Quiz 4

Question 1

According to the Constitutional Rights Foundation, both Plato and Aristotle believed that it was possible for an ideal political state to exist.



Question 2

The principle of "one person, one vote" is the cornerstone of which type of government?





Question 3

The work of the founding fathers made the United States what type of government?





Question 4

The first code of law is attributed to:




Pre-civilized man

Question 5

Which of the following is NOT true about the role of agriculture?

It is not truly a technology because it did not contribute to the progression of humankind

It led to a greater focus on smaller social units like the family and the individual

It led to the development of a specialized society because not everyone could work in the fields

It created a sustainable source of food that led to population growth

Question 6

The social institution of “government” evolved as a means to manage an increasingly more specialized society.



Question 7

One major reason that feudalism fell was a work shortage that occurred due to the loss of almost a third of the population of Europe from the Bubonic Plague.



Question 8

Who first stated that the rights of man included the right to life and liberty?

John Locke

Jean Jacques Rousseau

Thomas Jefferson

Thomas Paine

Question 9

Which of the following important pieces of legislation is NOT associated with improving access for people with disabilities?

The Tech Act of 1998


Section 504 of the Rehabilitation act


Question 10

Web activism allows individuals to begin social movements that can lead to political change.



Quiz 5

Question 1

The only source of stem cells is embryonic tissue.



Question 2

The oldest documented record of medical practice comes from:





Question 3

The first medical school in the United States was founded during:

The Age of Enlightenment

The Middle Ages

The Revolutionary War

The Reformation

Question 4

The scientist who discovered that exposure to a mild form of pox protected people from a more severe form of pox was:





Question 5

All but which of the following are famous for advocating that better health is possible by decreasing the spread of germs?

Ignaz Semmelweiss

Edward Jenner

Florence Nightingale

Joseph Lister

Question 6

By 2023, the chronic illness that is likely to increase the most (in terms of percentage) is:



mental disorders


Question 7

Which is not a consequence of the advent of the birth control pill?

A stabilization of the nuclear family

Older, more financially stable mothers

Fewer births (lower birth rate)

A rise in infertility problems

Question 8

The process that results in the creation of an animal that is the exact genetic copy of another is called:

introcytoplasmic injection

in vitro fertilization


stem cell regeneration

Question 9

Which disease led to a movement towards public water sanitation?





Question 10

Which of the following is true about the US health care system?

The US has the highest infant mortality rate of any developed nation

The life expectancy of the average US citizen is higher than that of any other developed nation.

US health primary and preventative care is considered the best in the world

The US has more physicians per capita than any other developed country

Quiz 6

Question 1

In ancient times, story tellers were considered to be of lowly status.



Question 2

The Internet has made it possible for anyone with an Internet connection to see the Dead Sea Scrolls up close.



Question 3

Ancient Egyptians are famous for a stiff and formal style of artwork known as:




Trompe l’oeil

Question 4

Religion was a main artistic theme for every era but which of the following?

The Rococo Period

The Gothic Era

The Baroque Period

The Carolingian Era

Question 5

The Industrial Revolution gave rise to a preoccupation with consumerism and materialism that was evident in which type of art?


Art Nouveau



Question 6

The first person to use an early form of the camera called the camera obscura was:





Question 7

Gregorian chants are recognizable because they are:


Accompanied by instruments

Secular in nature

All of the above

Question 8

Which of the following is NOT true about the piano:

The modern keyboard was invented during the Renaissance

The expansion of the keyboard from 5 octaves to 8 octaves enabled composers to write music that highlighted exceptional musical skill

The keyboard was important to the development of polyphony

The development of quality steel and cast iron during the Industrial Revolution greatly improved piano construction

Question 9

Which of the following happened as the result of sound mixing technology in the 1980’s?

Performers no longer needed to perform flawlessly in order to have a high quality recording

The ability to perform in front of a live audience became more important

Production time increased because sound mixing technology was more complicated and labor intensive than having musicians in the recording studio

Larger sound studios were needed to accommodate more musicians

Question 10

According to Daphne Bavelier (video):

Older adults do not like gaming

The average gamer is 21 years old

Adult gamers can detect the movements of 6 to 7 rapidly moving targets compared with the average adult who can only track 3 to 4

Adult gamers have reduced vision due to eye strain

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