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Question # 00575343
Course Code : BEHS103
Subject: Anthropology
Due on: 08/23/2017
Posted On: 08/23/2017 12:13 PM
Tutorials: 1
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Quiz 1

Question 1 Which of the following is not considered a social science?



physical anthropology


Question 2 Which of the following is considered the newest social science?



political science


Question 3 Which of the following social scientists is most likely to study evolution?


Social Psychologist



Question 4 Which of the following social scientists would be most interested in legislation regarding Social Security, Medicare, retirement, and chronic disease?


Social Psychologist



Question 5 Which of the following social scientists are most likely to study attraction and intimacy?

Social psychologist


Cultural anthropologist


Question 6 Which famous social scientist advocated for revolution as a way to counteract the oppression caused by industrialization and capitalism?





Question 7The generation that creates a “bulge” in the current population pyramid is the:

Baby Boom generation

Gen X generation

Traditionalist generation

Millennial generation

Question 8 The generation that has never known life without computers is the:

Traditionalist generation

Baby Boomer generation

Gen X generation

Millennial generation

Question 9

The Americans with Disabilities Act (ADA) requires, among other things, the provision of equal access to telecommunications.



Question 10

The first type of distance learning was:


correspondence courses

online courses


Quiz 2

Question 1 Some bird species have the anatomical apparatus required to produce speech.



Question 2 Which social science discipline is most likely to study the origins of language by studying artifacts?





Question 3 The birth of telecommunications was marked by the work of:

Alexander Graham Bell

Guglielmo Marconi

Johannes Gutenburg

Samuel Morse

Question 4 The Michelangelo virus had a significant impact on society because:

Computer sales dropped significantly in its aftermath

It raised awareness among users of the potential dangers of Internet use

It infected millions of personal computers

All of the above

Question 5 Whereas communication tools used to be an extension of the physical self, they are increasingly an extension of the mental self.



Question 6 Which of the following is best characterized as “static” and “unidirectional?”

Web 1.0

Web 2.0

Web 3.0

Web 4.0

Question 7 “Ambient Intimacy” is the illusion of intimacy created by online interaction.



Question 8 According to ethnographer Stefana Broadbent, social interaction on the Internet is problematic because people are distracted by having to maintain social ties rather than focusing on their work duties.



Question 9 According to linguist McWhorter, texting is not a legitimate language.



Question 10 According to study by Malta (2007), which of the following is true about older adults and their use of technology in relationships:

Over half of the older adults studied had engaged in cyber sex

Older adults are reluctant to engage in sexual activity with partners they meet online

The older adults in the study had very limited use of the Internet (less than 1 hour a day)

Researchers are justified in excluding older adults from studies of internet usage

Quiz 3

Question 1 Prehistoric man was nomadic because he did not possess the technology to build permanent shelter or grow crops.



Question 2 Which of the following happened because of the Bronze Age?

Man was able to build permanent structures

Man was able to build fire for the first time

Man became a hunter-gatherer

All of the above

Question 3 The domestication of animals was important because

They provided labor

They provided a food source

They allowed man to establish permanent settlements

All of the above

Question 4 Workforce specialization occurred because the population decreased and the diminished food demand meant that fewer farm hands were needed.



Question 5 What technological advancement allowed for the civilization of Europe?


The ancient plow

The long bow

The steam engine

Question 6 The Middle Ages (or Dark Ages) was a time of very little technological progress



Question 7 Fashion became important during Industrialization because consumer goods were more readily and cheaply available to the average person.



Question 8 The nature of work has shifted from a knowledge/service based economy to a product/manufacturing based economy.



Question 9 According to Erik Brynjolfsson, productivity is increasing while income is falling.



Question 10 Brynjolfsson asserts that GDP estimates are an underestimate of actual productivity growth because:

Productivity has slowed to almost nothing in the past few decades

Growth models predict a logarithmic rise in productivity

Many enterprises that demonstrate growth (e.g. social media sites like Facebook and TED) are offered for free

All of the above

Quiz 4

Question 1 Read the statements below, and decide which one is a good example of the principle of the rule of law.

(Adapted from

You wait for the walk signal at the crosswalk. As you step into the street a car speeds through the red light and nearly runs you over. A policeman nearby ignores the situation.

The police seize your personal belongings. They give you no warning and no explanation. When you tell the local judge, she orders you to keep quiet.

Murder is against the law, yet the police refuse to arrest a powerful government official who shoots and kills his neighbor in front of several eye-witnesses.

Your neighbor is accused of a crime. She has an attorney who will represent her at a trial. A jury of her peers will make the final decision. The entire trial is open to the public.

Question 2 According to the Constitutional Rights Foundation, both Plato and Aristotle believed that it was possible for an ideal political state to exist.



Question 3 The document that first established that there should be a court system to protect the rights of all people, and codified that all men should have the right to due process and property rights was called:

Magna Carta

Declaration of the rights of man

Universal declaration of human rights

Declaration of independence

Question 4 The movement that democratized religion, shifting religious and governmental power away from Church to the average person was:

The Renaissance

The Enlightenment

The Dark Ages

The Reformation

Question 5 Who first stated that the rights of man included the right to life and liberty?

Thomas Paine

Thomas Jefferson

John Locke

Jean Jacques Rousseau

Question 6 The University Declaration of Human Rights was founded as a reaction to atrocities commited during the US Civil War.



Question 7 China’s “One Child” policy and the advent of the Internet has given rise to a generation of only children who are more individualistic than in previous generations.



Question 8 Which of the following important pieces of legislation is not associated with increased access to public education?

Brown v. Board of Education

The Affordable Care Act

Title IX

the GI Bill

Question 9 Which of the following important pieces of legislation is NOT associated with improving access for people with disabilities?

Section 504 of the Rehabilitation act



The Tech Act of 1998

Question 10 Romantic love is a fairly modern social phenomena that has evolved in part because women have more economic and social freedom than ever before.



Quiz 5

Question 1 The scientist who was known for his meticulous and precise procedures in the laboratory was:





Question 2 All but which of the following are famous for advocating that better health is possible by decreasing the spread of germs?

Ignaz Semmelweiss

Joseph Lister

Edward Jenner

Florence Nightingale

Question 3 Which disease prompted flour producers to enrich flour with niacin?





Question 4 The rate of motor vehicle accidents has risen dramatically since 1925 due to the steady and significant increase in the total number of drivers and motor vehicles.



Question 5 Which is a disadvantage of having health information (e.g. WebMD, Medicine.Net) so readily available to the public?

People tend to believe they are seriously ill when they are not

Physicians feel that the Internet undermines their authority and expertise

Some consumers of medical websites become preoccupied with their symptoms and spend a great deal of time looking up their symptoms in an a condition called "cyberchondriasis"

All of the above

Question 6 The Health Care System consists of which of the following components?


Policy makers

Insurance Companies

All of the above

Question 7 The average per capita healthcare costs in the US are just slightly above the per capita costs for the rest of the world.



Question 8 Which group of people is most likely to declare bankruptcy because they are uninsured and unable to pay the high cost of medical bills?

rich people

older adults

working class families

poor people

Question 9 Which of the following statements about longevity is true?

Life expectancy has increased by more than 3 decades since 1900

The average life span of Americans today is about 80 years

Life expectancy is unlikely to increase in the coming years

all of the above

Question 10 People who live to be at least 100 years old are called

Quiz 6

Question 1 In ancient times, story tellers were considered to be of lowly status.



Question 2 The first e-book was patented by:

Angela Ruiz

Brown University

Ted Hoff

Michael Hart

Question 3 The first e-reader was called the:





Question 4 Web 2.0 technology is an important development in the evolution of storytelling because:

It restricts and limits how users can use information

It allows the average user to self-publish and become his/her own storyteller

It makes it much harder for people to self-publish

All of the above

Question 5 Ancient Egyptians are famous for a stiff and formal style of artwork known as:



Trompe l’oeil


Question 6 Religion was a main artistic theme for every era but which of the following?

The Gothic Era

The Rococo Period

The Baroque Period

The Carolingian Era

Question 7 There are some cultures, particularly in underdeveloped societies, that do not have music.



Question 8 The symphony orchestra evolved because composers needed more musicians to play in order to be loud enough to be heard by public audiences in large spaces.



Question 9 Which of the following is NOT true about the piano:

The expansion of the keyboard from 5 octaves to 8 octaves enabled composers to write music that highlighted exceptional musical skill

The keyboard was important to the development of polyphony

The modern keyboard was invented during the Renaissance

The development of quality steel and cast iron during the Industrial Revolution greatly improved piano construction

Question 10 According to Psychology Today, people who watch a lot of reality television do not appear to be psychologically different from those who do not watch reality television



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