
List of sub-categories
Ancient Thought (4)
General Philosophy (270)
Philos Mediation Proactive - Practicing the philosophical life
Philos Mediation Proactive Practicing the philosophical life. Over the last few weeks, we've learned from various philosophers about what it means to live the "philosophical" life. …
  • Subject : Philosophy / General Philosophy
  • Updated On : 07/20/2024
Philosophy - Rousseau believed a true democracy exists only when
Philosophy Question Rousseau believed a true democracy exists only when every single adult votes, every single law: that is the only way the "will of the people" speaks. If any subgroup o …
  • Subject : Philosophy / General Philosophy
  • Updated On : 07/20/2024
Philosophy - Develop an argument for your position by addressing
Philosophy Question In your own words, summarize the prompt and state the question it raises. Introduce briefly two different sides of the issue, i.e. the one that agrees with the conclusion, and t …
  • Subject : Philosophy / General Philosophy
  • Updated On : 07/20/2024
Philosophy - What is the heterogeneity argument’against hedonism
Philosophy Question 1. What is *the heterogeneity argument’against hedonism? Shouldwe accept it? If so, why? If not, why not? Answer with reference tcthe main reading by Roger Crisp 2. Wha …
  • Subject : Philosophy / General Philosophy
  • Updated On : 07/20/2024
Journal 2 - Propaganda Humanities from the Renaisance
Journal 2: Propaganda Humanities from the Renaisance Select any issue that has been the subject of protest or propaganda at any time between the Renaissance, the Enlightenment, The Romantic, or Mod …
  • Subject : Philosophy / General Philosophy
  • Updated On : 07/20/2024
Discussion - In The Republic, Plato claims that the just society mirrors
Discussion post about Platos In The Republic, Plato claims that the just society mirrors the state of the soul in a just person. Explain Plato’s position. How does this position lead him …
  • Subject : Philosophy / General Philosophy
  • Updated On : 07/20/2024
Do you agree with Rand that the "moral purpose of a man's life
A Discussion on Ayn Rand and Selfishness is a good? This is the discussion prompt.  Do you agree with Rand that the "moral purpose of a man's life is the achievement of his own hap …
  • Subject : Philosophy / General Philosophy
  • Updated On : 07/20/2024
Philosophy125 Discussion - Animals are not our friends, they are our food
philosophy 125 FOR THIS DISCUSSION BOARD, EVALUATE THE FOLLOWING ARGUMENT: Animals are not our friends, they are our food. This is because animals are not as intelligent as humans are, and thus …
  • Subject : Philosophy / General Philosophy
  • Updated On : 07/20/2024
Philosophy - The basic elements of Plato's philosophy, through his theory
Philosophy Question Final exam (essay) Due date and length of essay: Your final exam is an essay assignment.  It should be approximately 1000 words.  Essay topics: This fi …
  • Subject : Philosophy / General Philosophy
  • Updated On : 07/20/2024
Philosophy - Select one example of Art, Poetry, Music or Philosophy
Philosophy Question Select one example of Art, Poetry, Music or Philosophy between the periods of the Enlightenment through the Modern era and describe it through examples of one of the other acade …
  • Subject : Philosophy / General Philosophy
  • Updated On : 07/20/2024