WestCoast NURS500 2022 January Complete Course Latest (Full)

Question # 00632146
Course Code : NURS500
Subject: Health Care
Due on: 01/25/2022
Posted On: 01/25/2022 03:30 AM
Tutorials: 1
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NURS500 Theoretical Foundations of Nursing Practice

Week 1 Discussion

What are the basic types and purposes of theory in relation to theory practice and research?


NURS500 Theoretical Foundations of Nursing Practice

Week 2 Discussion

Choose two nursing theories discussed this week in your readings. Compare them in terms of concepts, assumptions, implications, and application.


NURS500 Theoretical Foundations of Nursing Practice

Week 3 Discussion

What is the difference between high-, middle-, and low-range theories? Explain your understanding of a middle-range nursing theory. Identify a research study in which a middle-range theory was applied. Discuss the study results and implications for practice.


NURS500 Theoretical Foundations of Nursing Practice

Week 4 Discussion

Evidence-based practice (EBP) is an important topic in healthcare organizations. How could you apply EBP in your current nursing practice? Please provide examples.


NURS500 Theoretical Foundations of Nursing Practice

Week 5 Discussion

DQ1 Identify one quality improvement strategy to improve health. How could you apply it to your current nursing practice? How does the assimilation of quality improvement strategies enhance leadership?

DQ2 With the rough draft of your nursing comparison paper due this week, a focused review of the basics of APA Style is important. After you have reviewed the WCU Library guides on APA, share something you learned with your peers. Also, attach examples from your rough draft that include both an in-text citation you used when you were paraphrasing and one you used when you were directly quoting. In addition, attach the reference page from your rough draft so that you can review each other's work and provide peer-to-peer feedback.





NURS500 Theoretical Foundations of Nursing Practice

Week 6 Discussion

After your graduation, you will be in an academic or clinical field. Depending on your field choice, discuss one nursing theory and identify the effect th at the implications of this theory could have on nursing administration, management, or education.


NURS500 Theoretical Foundations of Nursing Practice

Week 7 Discussion

Review some nursing journals that deal primarily with education, research, or administration, such as the Journal of Nursing Education, Nursing Research, or the Journal of Nursing Administration, and discuss the current topics that are emphasized in these journals.


NURS500 Theoretical Foundations of Nursing Practice

Week 8 Discussion

Select one of the future issues presented this week. Examine the issue in terms of cultural diversity, health promotion, and communication methods. Discuss in detail how this issue affects healthcare delivery and advanced nursing.


NURS500 Theoretical Foundations of Nursing Practice

Week 1 Assignment

Personal Nursing Philosophy, Part 1

After reading this week’s assigned chapters, think about your nursing philosophy. In your own words, discuss your philosophy of nursing. Reflect on the definition of the four concepts of the nursing meta-paradigm. Write your own definition for each concept of the meta-paradigm of nursing. Which concept would you add to the meta-paradigm of nursing and why? Which concept would you eliminate and why?

Your paper should be 1–2 pages in length, in APA style, typed in Times New Roman with 12-point font, and double-spaced with 1" margins. Cite at least one outside source using APA style.


NURS500 Theoretical Foundations of Nursing Practice

Week 2 Assignment

 Human Needs Theory Journal

Human Needs Theory Interactive Case Study (Links to an external site.)

Complete the Human Needs Theory Interactive Case Study following the readings and presentation for this week. Associate what you have learned about the theories to this case study, and then see the instructions below to complete a journal entry about your experience.

During weeks 2 & 4, you will complete interactive case studies and be asked to associate what you have learned about theory in comparison to the case study and reflect on it.

Each time you have completed a case study, submit your reflection. Each reflection should include the following:

A comparison of what you have learned from the case study to related theories you have studied. Make sure to cite these theories in APA format.

A comparison of the case study to your nursing practice, giving one or two examples from your nursing experience in which you might have applied a particular theory covered.

Your reflection should be a minimum of five to six paragraphs.


NURS500 Theoretical Foundations of Nursing Practice

Week 3 Assignment

Nursing Theorist Video Reflection

During weeks 3 and 6, you will complete a nursing theorist video analysis/reflection of one of the nursing theorist videos provided in the course. We highly recommend that you watch as many of these videos as you can throughout the course. This is a great opportunity for you to see and hear directly from the actual theorists that you are reading about in the text.

After watching one of the theorist videos, reflect on what you have learned.

Compose a paper that addresses the following:

Explain why you chose to watch this particular theorist’s video.

Describe the parts of your personal philosophy where you agree or disagree with this theorist.

Is there anything that surprised you in the video? If so, what surprised you?

Would you recommend this video to another student? If so, why would you recommend it?

What value did you receive from watching it?

Your paper should be 2–3 pages in length, in APA style, typed in Times New Roman with 12-point font, and double-spaced with 1" margins. If outside sources are used, they must be cited appropriately.


NURS500 Theoretical Foundations of Nursing Practice

Week 4 Assignment

Sociologic Sciences Journal

Sociologic Sciences Interactive Case Study (Links to an external site.)

Complete the Sociologic Sciences Interactive Case Study following the readings and presentation for this week. Associate what you have learned about the theories to this case study, and then see the instructions below to complete a journal entry about your experience.

During weeks 2 & 4, you will complete interactive case studies and be asked to associate what you have learned about theory in comparison to the case study and reflect on it.

Each time you have completed a case study, submit your reflection. Each reflection should include the following:

A comparison of what you have learned from the case study to related theories you have studied. Make sure to cite these theories in APA format.

A comparison of the case study to your nursing practice, giving one or two examples from your nursing experience in which you might have applied a particular theory covered.

Your reflection should be a minimum of five to six paragraphs.


NURS500 Theoretical Foundations of Nursing Practice

Week 5 Assignment

Nursing Theory Comparison Paper Rough Draft

The purpose of this assignment is to draft and submit a comprehensive and complete rough draft of your Nursing Theory Comparison paper in APA style. Your rough draft should include all of the research paper elements of a final draft, which are listed below. This will give you an opportunity for feedback from your instructor before you submit your final draft during week 7.

Based on the reading assignment (McEwen & Wills, Theoretical Basis for Nursing, Unit II: Nursing Theories, chapters 6–9), select a grand nursing theory.

After studying and analyzing the approved theory, write about this theory, including an overview of the theory and specific examples of how it could be applied in your own clinical setting.

Based on the reading assignment (McEwen & Wills, Theoretical Basis for Nursing, Unit II: Nursing Theories, chapters 10 and 11), select a middle-range theory.

After studying and analyzing the approved theory, write about this theory, including an overview of the theory and specific examples of how it could be applied in your own clinical setting.

The following should be included:

An introduction, including an overview of both selected nursing theories

Background of the theories

Philosophical underpinnings of the theories

Major assumptions, concepts, and relationships

Clinical applications/usefulness/value to extending nursing science testability

Comparison of the use of both theories in nursing practice

Specific examples of how both theories could be applied in your specific clinical setting



References: Use the course text and a minimum of three additional sources, listed in APA style

The paper should be 8–10 pages long and based on instructor-approved theories. It should be typed in Times New Roman with 12-point font, and double-spaced with 1" margins. APA style must be used, including a properly formatted cover page, in-text citations, and a reference list. The proper use of headings in APA style is also required.

Recommended: Before you begin, review the WCU Library APA guides.


NURS500 Theoretical Foundations of Nursing Practice

Week 7 Assignment

Nursing Theory Comparison Paper Final Draft

Choose one grand nursing theory and one middle-range theory and have them approved by your instructor. Write an 8–10 page comparison paper based on your approved theories.

Based on the reading assignment ( McEwen & Wills, Theoretical Basis for Nursing, Unit II: Nursing Theories, chapters 6–9), select a grand nursing theory.

After studying and analyzing the approved theory, write about this theory, including an overview of the theory and specific examples of how it could be applied in your own clinical setting.

Based on the reading assignment ( McEwen & Wills, Theoretical Basis for Nursing, Unit II: Nursing Theories, chapters 10 and 11), select a middle-range theory.

After studying and analyzing the approved theory, write about this theory, including an overview of the theory and specific examples of how it could be applied in your own clinical setting.

The following should be included:

An introduction, including an overview of both selected nursing theories

Background of the theories

Philosophical underpinnings of the theories

Major assumptions, concepts, and relationships

Clinical applications/usefulness/value to extending nursing science testability

Comparison of the use of both theories in nursing practice

Specific examples of how both theories could be applied in your specific clinical setting



References: Use the course text and a minimum of three additional sources, listed in APA format

The paper should be 8–10 pages long and based on instructor-approved theories. It should be typed in Times New Roman using 12-point font, and double-spaced with 1" margins. APA format must be used, including a properly formatted cover page, in-text citations, and a reference list. The proper use of headings in APA format is also required.


NURS500 Theoretical Foundations of Nursing Practice

Week 8 Assignment

Personal Nursing Philosophy, Part 2

As you finish this course, your philosophy of nursing has probably changed. As a final review, polish your philosophy of nursing based on your newly acquired knowledge.

Also, write a summary reflection answering the following questions based on the readings and discussions throughout the course:

As an art and a science, how has your personal nursing philosophy unfolded?

Have there been ideas that have challenged your personal values or assumptions?

Have there been ideas that have caused you personal conflict and may lead to deconstructing those dispositions in a critical manner?

What actions have you taken that illustrate your personal nursing philosophy?

Describe your own definition of the concepts involving the meta-paradigm of nursing.

Has your first written philosophy of nursing changed? In what ways?

Your paper that includes both your philosophy and reflection together should be 2–3 pages in length, in APA format, typed in Times New Roman with 12-point font, and double-spaced with 1" margins. If outside sources are used, they must be cited appropriately.

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WestCoast NURS500 2022 January Complete Course Latest (Full)

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