Walden HLTH6038/HLTH8038E Module 3 Quiz Latest 2024

Question # 00653427
Subject: Health Care
Due on: 06/22/2024
Posted On: 06/22/2024 04:53 AM
Tutorials: 1
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HLTH-6038-1/HLTH-8038E-1 Health Behavior Theory-Spring 2024

Module 3 Quiz

Question 1

Behavioral control is determined by a set of beliefs the person has that help or hinder performance of the behavior.



 Question 2

According to the construct of volitional control, if engaging in a behavior is perceived as being easy, then the likelihood of engaging in the behavior is greater.



 Question 3

Attitude toward a behavior affects intention to engage in the behavior.



Question 4

Volitional control refers to:

  behavior we can engage in, at will

  policies and regulations used to support behavior change.

  the ability to maintain a behavior change

  the external system needed to support behavior change.

 Question 5

If you were using the Theory of Reasoned Action/Planned Behavior, to change behavior, which of the following would be your focus?

  strengthening self-efficacy.

  increasing awareness of health issue.

  altering intention.

  improving networks.   

 Question 6

The Theory of Reasoned Action would be appropriate to use as the basis of a program aimed at:

  modifying threat.

  increasing critical thinking.

  changing intention.

  decreasing external locus of control.

 Question 7

Which of the following is the construct of the Theory of Reasoned Action that explains behavior based on what we think others expect of us?

  societal marketing

  subjective norms

  social capital

  subjected justice

 Question 8

According to the Transtheoretical Model, when people are in the process of changing their behavior, one thing they do to move the change along is to see themselves engaging in the new behavior.



 Question 9

People in the preparation stage of the Transtheoretical Model, are actively changing their behavior and preparing ways to sustain it once the change is complete.



 Question 10

An example of the stimulus control process of the Transtheoretical Model is for someone who wants to change her diet to vegetarian to ignore what others have to say about her decision to make this change.



 Question 11

According to the Transtheoretical Model, using the process of environmental reevaluation means that people look at their new behavior in light of how it will change the environment for the better.



 Question 12

Which of the following is consistent with the process of reinforcement management in the Transtheoretical Model?

  Fear of punishment for failing to maintain a new behavior is the most effective approach for helping people maintain a newly adopted behavior.

  Rewards identified by the person engaged in the behavior change are the most effective in helping to maintain the behavior change.

  Inconsistent, unexpected punishment for failure to maintain a behavior change is what helps people maintain their new behavior.

  Rewards in general are more effective in helping people maintain new behaviors than are punishments for failing to maintain the behavior. 

 Question 13

According to the Transtheoretical Model, which of the following wouldassist people in maintaining their new/changed behavior?

  Participating in self-help groups.

  Having information about their health problem.

  Doing values clarification exercises.

  Understanding the effect their behavior has on the environment.

 Question 14

If someone has not given any thought to changing his/her behavior, according to the Transtheoretical Model this person is:

  in the pre-contemplation stage of change

  in denial

  demonstrating an external locus of control

  in need of self-efficacy training

 Question 15

When a teenager shares he is uncomfortable joining a gym because people will watch him exercise and will laugh at his out of shape body, this is consistent with which of the following processes of change in the Transtheoretical Model?

  Counter- conditioning

  Dramatic relief

  Environmental Reevaluation

  Social liberation

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Walden HLTH6038/HLTH8038E Module 3 Quiz Latest 2024

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