UOP PSY300 All Assignments Latest 2020

Question # 00620333
Course Code : PSY300
Subject: Psychology
Due on: 12/10/2020
Posted On: 12/10/2020 07:36 AM
Tutorials: 1
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PSY300 General Psychology

Week 1 Assignment  

Research on Drug Use Presentation

Different types of drugs affect the body and mind in different ways. In psychology, it is important to understand why people may use drugs, and how individuals can study the behavior associated with drug use. In this assignment, you will identify and describe common psychological effects of various drug categories, as well as identify important aspects of conducting psychological research.

Imagine you’ve been asked to study human behavior in relation to the use of 2 different categories of drugs. You have been asked to present on how you plan to conduct your research, as well as the psychological effects of the drugs.

Choose 2 categories of drugs from the following:

• Stimulants

• Hallucinogens

• Depressants

• Opiates

• Marijuana

Create a 6- to 12-slide presentation with detailed speaker notes to show how you would conduct your research. Include:

• A description of the research method(s) that you would use.

• An explanation of the APA ethical guidelines that you would need to consider while conducting yourresearch.

• A description of the physical and psychological effects of each of the categories of drugs that you chose, including a minimum of 2 drugs that fall under each category.

• An explanation of which approach to studying psychology you would use as a basis for understanding human behavior related to using these drugs.

Format any citations in your presentation according to APA guidelines.

Submit your assignment.


PSY300 General Psychology

Week 2 Assignment  

Learning and Development Worksheet

For this assignment, you take a close look at the similarities and differences between classical and operant conditioning and the stages of human development.

Complete the Learning and Development Worksheet

Submit your assignment.

Types of Learning

Respond to the following prompts in 100 to 175 words each.

Create an example of classical conditioning. Identify the unconditioned stimulus, unconditioned response, conditioned stimulus, and conditioned response. Explain how these elements work together to create classical conditioning.

Create an example of operant conditioning. Explain how your example is operant conditioning by identifying the desired behavior, undesired behavior, and how you would use the elements of operant conditioning (positive reinforcement, negative reinforcement, positive punishment, and negative punishment) to produce the desired response.

Explain the main similarities and differences between classical and operant conditioning in regard to how they produce learning.

Stages of Development

Complete the following table on the stages of development by describing the type of development that is occurring in each of the 3 developmental domains, during each of the developmental periods. Be sure to identify the appropriate stages of development as well (e.g., in the adolescence developmental period, individuals would be in the “Ego Identity vs. Role Confusion” stage for socioemotional development). Some domains may include more than one stage in a developmental period. Make notes on any additional development as applicable in the Other Types of Development column. 


PSY300 General Psychology

Week 4 Assignment  

Psychological Disorders Research Paper

In this assignment, you examine symptoms and treatment options for psychological disorders.

Write a 1,400- to 1,750-word paper in which analyze a particular psychological disorder, and ensure you:

Select a psychological disorder, and explain your choice.

Provide a detailed description of the disorder,including diagnostic criteria, symptoms, and other relevant or important details.

Describe the history of the disorder, including when it was first discovered, who discovered it, how it was discovered, and—if the criteria or diagnosis has changed over time—the various schools of thought for treatment.

Provide an overview of research findings on the disorder. Describe concerns or issues about the disorder that should be further researched, and explain why more information may be needed.

Summarize your conclusions, and reflect on why it is important to learn more about this disorder.

Include at least 2 scholarly references, one of which may be the course textbook.

Format your paper according to APA guidelines.

PSY300 General Psychology

Week 5 Assignment  

Prejudice, Conformity, and Social Influence

Write a 1,400- to 1,750-word paper on how prejudice, discrimination, conformity, and social influence can be experienced in society today, and ensure you:

Describe the 4 different ways groups affect people.

Define prejudice,conformity,and social influence.

Explain in detail how prejudice and discrimination differ.

Provide real-world examples of prejudice,conformity, and social influence, utilizing 3 or more recent (within the last 12 months) news stories.

Describe what happened in each news story related to the concepts (prejudice, discrimination, conformity, and social influence).Each news story could be about a different concept, or the news stories you select could involve more than one.

Analyze how conformity and social influence were factors in what transpired in each event, identifying relevant psychological theories at work.

Format your paper according to APA guidelines.

Submit your assignment.

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UOP PSY300 All Assignments Latest 2020

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