UMUC ARTH372 Full Course Latest 2020 February

Question # 00609287
Course Code : ARTH372
Subject: Art
Due on: 03/07/2020
Posted On: 03/07/2020 11:39 AM
Tutorials: 1
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ARTH372 History Of Western Art

Week 1 Discussion

Visit the Metropolitan Museum of Art’s Helibrunn timeline:

Select any artwork that will be covered in this course (Western Art: Ancient Near East to the Proto Renaissance (14th century).

Include the image and fully identify the artwork by providing title, artist, date, media, and location.

Based upon the readings, first provide a well thought out formal visual analysis of the artwork. At least four visual elements (light, space/mass, color, texture, line, design, media) must be included in your description.

Based upon the FTC chart, which of the 3 elements from the chart do you think is most important to understanding your selected artwork? Fully explain why in a well constructed paragraph.

To generate discussion, include one thought provoking question about either form, or theme, or context that you would like to ask the class.

Cite your sources.


ARTH372 History Of Western Art

Week 2 Discussion

Consider the concepts of life and death with respect to the art of the Ancient Near East and Egypt. Fully identify a work of art or architecture from both cultures and analyze this theme.

Provide a detailed description of your chosen works. Highlight elements such as materials used, size, form, color, line, texture, site and emotional impact on the viewer.

How does the work of art/architecture support the respective culture’s concepts of life and death? Based on the evidence at hand, how do the cultures’ perceptions appear to differ?

Incorporate captioned images to support your essay’s argument and respond to at least two peer posts this week. Properly cited sources are required.


ARTH372 History Of Western Art

Week 3 Discussion

After reviewing the week’s readings, discuss the depiction of the human figure in Ancient Greek art and compare it with Egyptian figural sculpture. Be sure to use specific examples to support your argument. What societal context underlies the difference in figural forms between the two cultures?

Be sure to work in MLA or APA format and provide complete image captions. Return and discuss the prompt with your classmates.



ARTH372 History Of Western Art

Week 4 Discussion

Based on your understanding of Roman art and culture, how do power and politics manifest in art and architecture? Describe 1-2 works of art or architecture and the context in which they would have been viewed. What message is conveyed to the audience? How is that message crafted? Be specific and support your examples with research.

Reminder - return and discuss the prompt with your classmates; include captioned images and properly cite your references.


ARTH372 History Of Western Art

Week 5 Discussion

Early Christian art demonstrates the importance of developing a symbolic vocabulary that mimics earlier cultural traditions. Choose a visual symbol (the halo, angel wings, Celtic knotting, etc.) and describe the possible origins of that symbol and how it has been adapted to illustrate a Christian concept. Use specific artworks to support your argument and explain the contextual significance of such design decisions.

This is a thematic response and may require more than one artwork to help support your description of how a particular symbol is read.  Make sure to include an artwork from the Middle Ages, and address the possible origin of the symbol (provide an image)


ARTH372 History Of Western Art

Week 6 Discussion

This week's material discusses both the Romanesque and Gothic styles.  There were various contextual influences that led to the differences of these two styles of art and architecture. Compare and contrast the differences in styles between the Romanesque and Gothic.  What are some contextual reasons for the differences? Include two examples: one from the Romanesque period and one from the Gothic period.

In your comparison analysis, do not discuss each work separately, but rather, provide a unified analysis of both cathedrals that includes architectural terminology.

Explain the contextual differences that would account for the stylistic variations.

Lastly, ask the class a thought provoking question.

Optional: There are many revivals of these churches scattered in American cities.  If you have visited any (or even the European originals), we would like to hear about your experience.


ARTH372 History Of Western Art

Week 7 Discussion

One of the major developments in the Proto Renaissance period, and one that will continue in the High Renaissance of the next century, was the artist’s interest in duplicating nature, to attempt a naturalistic visual representation of the world around them .  To not only look inward, but to actually observe nature.

Select one artwork from the Proto Renaissance, fully caption it with artist, title, date and location.

Explain how the artist has tried to recreate the natural world? 

What techniques has the artist used to create a sense of illusionistic space or depth?

And, finally do you think the Proto Renaissance artists are different than the artists and artisans that came before them?.  Include one other culture we have studied to contrast.


ARTH372 History Of Western Art

Week 8 Discussion

Post your completed Exhibition Project to the discussion forum and review the work of at least two colleagues. As you peruse your peers’ exhibitions, consider the following questions:

What elements best convey the exhibit’s goals?

In what ways does the exhibit further your understanding of the selected theme?

Is the exhibition logical and seamless?

Are there contemporary connections that come to mind when viewing the exhibit?

How can the exhibition be improved? 


ARTH372 History Of Western Art

Project 1 Part 1

Write a one page proposal answering the following questions:

Why did you select this artwork?

What have you already learned about it?

Include an image of your selected work and provide a complete identifying caption:

artist (if known)



culture represented


Also include three annotated (academic) sources you plan to use for research in APA or MLA citation style. (Note: Annotated means to write a minimum of two sentences describing each source.) For help with Annotations:



ARTH372 History Of Western Art

Project 1 Part 2

Project One: Part 2: Analysis/Research Paper due Week 4:

Select one work of art from course related material that you would like to analyze and research. You will be spending significant time with this work of art so make sure that you have a lot to say about it and, that you will be able to find reliable and academic research for your selection. The date of your selected work of art must fall between the Ancient Near East period (c. 4,000 BCE) to the Proto/Pre-Renaissance (14th century). Note: Architecture will not be an appropriate topic for this type of paper.

Here are a few Possible Paper Topics:

Nike of Samothrace c. 190 BCE

Ara Pacis, 13-9 BCE

Arch of Constantine, c. 315 AD

Virgin and Child with Saints and Angels, icon, Monastery of Saint Catherine. Mount Sinai, Egypt. Second half of 6th century.

Giotto di Bondone. Lamentation. Arena Chapel. Padua. c.1305.

Ambrogio Lorenzetti. Allegory of Good Government frescoes. Palazzo Pubblico. Siena, Italy. c. 1338-40.

Statue of Gudea, 2090 BCE-Neo Sumerian

Law Code Stele of King Hammurabi, 1792-1750 BCE-Babylonian

Palette of Narmer, 3100-3000 BCE—Old Kingdom

Mycerinus and His Queen, 2532 BCE—Old Kingdom

Ahkenaten, Neferititi and Their Children, 1353-1336—Middle Kingdom, Amarna Period

Exekias.  Ajax and Achilles playing Draughts, 530 BCE- Archaic Greece

Polykleitos, Spear Bearer, 450-440 BCE-Early Classical Greek

Dying Gaul, 230 BCE-Hellenistic Greek

Equestrian statue of Marcus Aurelius, 176 AD—Ancient Rome

Emperor Justinian and His Attendants, 526 AD—Byzantine

Christ in Majesty from the South Portal of the Church of Saint Pierre, Moissac, c. 1115-30—Romanesque

Annunciation and Visitation, jamb figures from Reims Cathedral, 1230-1255—Gothic

Cimabue, Madonna and Child, 1280—Proto-Renaissance

Duccio, The Betrayal of Christ, 1308-11, back of the Maesta altarpiece—Proto-Renaissance

Requirements for Analysis/Research Paper Due Week 4:

Your 4-5 page paper will concentrate on your selected work of art/architecture and consist of both visual analysis and research. In addition to a subject description and thorough visual analysis you will provide social context and you may choose to include a brief comparison. Organize your paper in the following manner and include the bold headings below:

Introduction: Introduce the work of art.  What do you hope the reader will learn from your paper? Include your captioned image.

Subject and Visual Description: Fully describe your subject. If applicable, explain its function and location. Then, in your own words provide a thorough visual analysis  (research not needed here). Below are questions which will help guide your visual analysis. Depending on your selected work, not all questions apply. Aim to incorporate responses to as many questions as possible.  

Medium: (limestone, marble, fresco, etc.)

Size: (approximately 10 feet long by three feet wide, etc.)

Shape: What are the dominant shapes apparent within the work? Are they geometric? Irregular? How are they organized? Do you detect dominant patterns?

For sculpture: Is it relief sculpture or sculpture in the round? Is the sculpture carved or molded? Did the artist compose it to be seen from one primary vantage point, or is it meant to be seen from all sides? How does the work’s location affect the viewing experience? If relevant, how does the work relate to other area buildings or monuments?

Light (particularly for painting): How does the artist employ effects of light and shading? Does the light appear to come from a single direction? Is the light evenly distributed? Which parts, if any, appear in a strong light? Which parts are in shadow?

Color: What are the dominant colors employed by the artist? Does the artist use a wide range of colors, or only a few? Does the artist create color harmonies through analogous colors, such as red and orange? Does he/she create contrasts through complementary colors, such as red and green?

Texture: Is the surface of the object soft or rough? What are the tactile qualities of the object (meaning how would it feel to touch its various parts)?

Space/Mass: If it is a two-dimensional work, does the artist draw the viewer’s eye beyond the picture plane and into the distant space of the picture? How is space suggested? Is this a deep or shallow space? Would you describe the work’s overall effect as sleek, bulky, heavy, light, etc. Are there any open spaces or are they closed spaces? Describe fully.

Line: Is there an emphasis on line? For example, are there sharp diagonals or angles in the work? Are the lines balanced and ordered? Do they imply directional movement? You can think of line as outlines if no obvious lines are apparent in the work.

Emotional impact: What emotions does the work evoke in the viewer?

Contextual Analysis:  What were the cultural values, and the social, religious and political systems of the time? How might such forces have been relevant to your work of art?  Do not discuss the context in isolation. The artwork should be related to the context.

Comparison Analysis (optional): Depending on your selected work, you may choose to include a comparison analysis. Select one other work of art/architecture from the same culture (include a fully captioned image).  Compare and contrast the style, the meaning, and the visual elements.  At the end of your comparison, summarize the key characteristics visible in your chosen works.

Conclusion & Citations: Sum up the salient ideas of your paper and what you have learned from the process of examining this artwork. You are to use both in text citations and provide an annotated Works Cited Page in MLA or APA citation style. A minimum of three academic sources must be used.

Research Suggestions: First, visit the UMGC online library.  Suggested museum sites include:

Metropolitan Museum of Art:

The British Museum:

The Louvre:


ARTH372 History Of Western Art

Project 2 Part 1

Project Two: Part 1 Curated Exhibition Project Proposal: Due Week 5

Before you submit the proposal, see full instructions for the exhibition project. (Project Two: Part 2 instructions follow). 

In a well-constructed paragraph (300 word minimum), address the following:

As Curator, what theme/topic have you selected for the exhibition?

Why have you selected this theme/subject?

What type of format do you plan using to present the exhibit (PowerPoint or other format – such as Prezi or Video, et al..)?

Where will you search for images?  Include at least two websites you plan on using.

Why do you think your topic will contribute to our understanding of the subject?


ARTH372 History Of Western Art

Project 2 Part 2

Project Two: Part 2: Curated Exhibition: Due Week 8

Directions for the Curated Exhibition Project:

Students will assume the creative role of curator and produce an exhibition on a theme/topic relating to some aspect of course material. Sample themes/topics include but are certainly not limited to: Places of Worship, Death, Architectural Innovation, Ornament & Jewelry, Roman Wall Painting, Hadrian’s Villa, et al…If selecting a particular theme, the curated exhibit must address at least three cultures covered in the course: Ancient Egypt, Ancient Near East, Ancient Greece, Ancient Rome, Early Christian, Romanesque & Gothic, and Proto Renaissance.

The exhibition must include 7-10 relevant images. Students are expected to visit several different websites to retrieve images (a minimum of three different sites).  The goal of the exhibition is to take a viewer through the theme/topic in a connected and seamless manner. The organization of the exhibition is paramount to the viewer's experience. Depending on your chosen technology platform, you may envision the exhibit’s physical space/layout. Consider how you present information for the viewer to gain a more formal understanding of the chosen theme/topic. You may for example, choose the obvious chronological ordering, or you may opt for a different flow.

Exhibition Text:

The following will be embedded in the exhibition:

Title of the exhibition

Introduction that includes what as Curator - you want the viewer to gain from this presentation. What was your rationale for selecting these images?

Include roughly a paragraph for each image that explains its importance.

Provide a brief visual description and note how the theme/topic is reflected. Consider the style and context of your selected works.

Highlight important visual or historical connections between images.

Wrap-up with a conclusion that ties your work together. How does your exhibit contribute to our understanding of course material? 

Works Cited in MLA or APA citation style

All images must be captioned with artist/architect (if known), title, date and original location.



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UMUC ARTH372 Full Course Latest 2020 February

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