The word ethics usually evokes a strong emotional reaction or opinion

Question # 00653502
Subject: Business
Due on: 07/06/2024
Posted On: 07/06/2024 05:26 AM
Tutorials: 1
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The word ethics usually evokes a strong emotional reaction or opinion from most business students

The word ethics usually evokes a strong emotional reaction or opinion from most business students, particularly as it has moved to center stage in the business curriculum. Respecting all these emotions is a key focus throughout this course. Having a keen eye and observing your own reactions alongside the reactions of others in a nonjudgmental manner will serve you best as you pursue the objectives of this course.

In this course, you will begin to define the stakeholders, issues, and current perceptions surrounding business ethics and engage in the analysis of ethical dilemmas and your own beliefs to understand the challenges organizations must address as they approach ethics. You will also learn to identify issues and put them in a context or framework to facilitate management decision-making.

Central to the approach to studying business ethics is realizing that it is a gray area. As conditions, environments, people, and organizations change, their behaviors and the regulations that attempt to build fair standards in the world of business also change. No single approach is considered best for all situations, but studying the approaches and learning how to apply them to different ethical problems ultimately makes you a valuable voice at the table when participating in the solution.

You are strongly encouraged to question the material offered in this course and your own experiences and understanding. It is through questioning ourselves and our beliefs that we learn the multitude of gray areas that make up business ethics. As you uncover these hard-to-define zones, your perceptions and skills for analyzing the best solutions to ethical dilemmas increase.

In this assessment, you will direct your attention to personal ethical choices in the workplace. Motives are a key consideration in ethical decision-making. As you explore the various models and rationales used to make decisions on ethical dilemmas, think about the one that most suits you, your personality, and your own moral standards. In particular, refer to the four ethical approaches:




  • Commweekarian.
  • Then identify an ethical issue that has impacted you and apply one of the ethical approaches to remedy the issue. This is an important exercise because the most crucial thing you can learn from this course is how to identify, analyze, and successfully resolve ethical dilemmas.
  • Think of an ethical issue you have been a part of, either personally or professionally, such as nepotism, a data breach, inappropriate social media posts, or harassment/discrimination. Next, pick one ethical approach (Utilitarian, Deontological, Virtue, or Commweekarian) and explain how you will use this approach to remedy the issue. Do not forget to describe the ethical issue.
  • Follow the steps below to complete your assessment. For all of these steps, make sure you provide examples and information from credible sources that will support your writing:
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The word ethics usually evokes a strong emotional reaction or opinion

Tutorial # 00652397
Posted On: 07/06/2024 05:27 AM
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