Test Banking - Chapter 28 The Female Reproductive System

Question # 00627806
Subject: Education
Due on: 08/11/2021
Posted On: 08/11/2021 07:09 AM
Tutorials: 1
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Chapter 28 The Female Reproductive System

True / False Questions

1. In the female fetus, the absence of testosterone results in the development of the external genitalia into clitoris, labia minora, and labia majora.

True   False

2. The uterus is a thick muscular chamber inferior to the urinary bladder. True   False

3. The vagina has no glands but it is moistened by mucus from glands in the cervical canal.

True   False

4. Although two breast cancer genes are known, most cases are nonhereditary. True   False

5. Inhibin modulates the secretion of LH.

True   False

6. The number of ovarian follicles declines with age, leading to a reduction of estrogen levels. True   False

7. The ovarian cycle typically lasts about 28 days, with day 1 considered to be the first day after ovulation. True   False

8. Most primary oocytes undergo atresia during climacteric.

True   False

9. The proliferative phase of the uterus is driven by estrogen from the ovaries. True   False

10. In the excitement phase, the uterus rises from its forward-tilted (anteverted) position.

True   False

11. Unlike men, women lack a refractory period and may experience successive orgasms. True   False

12. Human chorionic gonadotropin (HCG) stimulates the corpus luteum to grow and secrete estrogen and progesterone.

True   False

13. Progesterone stimulates uterine contractions. True   False

14. Prolactin is secreted during pregnancy to stimulate milk synthesis so that milk will be available by thetime

the infant is born. True   False

15. Oxytocin stimulates contraction of myoepithelial cell of the mammary acini. True   False

Multiple Choice Questions

16. Which of the following is a part of the internal female genitalia?

A. Vagina

B. Clitoris

C. Labia majora

D. Labia minora

E. Mammary gland

17. In which structure does fertilization usually occur?

A. Urethra

B. Uterus

C. Ovary

D. Urinary bladder

E. Uterine tube

18. Which of the following structures is composed of a theca folliculi, granulosa cells, a zona pellucida, and a secondary oocyt

A. Primary follicle

B. Secondary follicle

C. Tertiary follicle

D. Corpus luteum

E. Corpus albicans

19. What structure leads from each ovary to the uterus?

A. Uterine tube

B. Vagina

C. Urethra

D. Vas deferens

E. Copulatory duct

20. Which uterine layer is composed of a simple columnar epithelium containing tubular glands?

A. Fimbrium

B. Myometrium

C. Endometrium

D. Cervix

E. Perimetrium

21. Which of the following is not a component of the vulva?

A. Vaginal orifice

B. Mons pubis

C. Clitoris

D. Cervix

E. Labia minora

22. In the premenstrual phase of the menstrual cycle, which arteries rhythmically constrict and dilate causing endometrial ischemia?

A. Uterine

B. Arcuat


C. Spiral

D. Internal iliac

E. Ovarian

23. After puberty, which epithelium lines the vagina?

A. Simple squamous epithelium

B. Stratified squamous epithelium

C. Transitional epithelium

D. Simple columnar epithelium

E. Simple cuboidal epithelium

24. Where does an embryo usually attach to its mother?

A. To the endometrium

B. To the perimetrium

C. To the myometrium

D. To the lining of the uterine tube

E. To the lining of the vagina

25. What provides most of the natural lubrication during female sexual excitement?

A. Seminiferous tubules

B. Vaginal mucosa

C. Vestibular bulbs

D. Greater vestibular glands

E. Lesser vestibular glands

26. The nonpregnant uterine wall consists mostly of        .

A. perimetrium

B. endometrium

C. dense regular connective tissue

D. dense irregular connective tissue

E. myometrium

27. Which of these is not found in the vestibule?

A. Urinary orifice

B. Mons pubis

C. Vaginal orifice

D. Labia minora

E. Clitoris

28.          are found in both male and female external genitalia, but the    is/are only found in the female.

A. Corpora cavernosa; urethral orifice

B. Corpora cavernosa; bulbourethral glands

C. Corpora cavernosa; vestibular bulbs

D. Corpus spongiosum; mons pubis

E. Corpus spongiosum; urethral orifice

29. When do mammary glands primarily develop within the breasts?

A. During the last weeks of fetal development

B. At birth

C. During infancy

D. During puberty

E. During pregnancy

30. What determines breast size?

A. The amount of adipose tissue

B. The amount of collagenous fiber

C. The size of lactiferous sinuses

D. The amount of mammary gland tissue

E. Muscle tone

31. Where are follicles located?

A. Medulla of the ovary

B. Cortex of the ovary

C. Center of the ovum

D. Epithelium of the endometrium

E. Epithelium of the placenta

32. What is the earliest sign of puberty in girls?

A. The onset of breast development

B. The appearance of pubic and axillary hair

C. The appearance of sebaceous and axillary glands

D. The first menstrual period

E. The increase in muscle mass

33. Which of the following is considered a "feminizing hormone"?

A. Female gonadotropin-releasing hormone

B. Follicle-stimulating hormone

C. Androgen

D. Androgen and progesterone

E. Estrogen

34. Which hormone acts primarily on the uterus?

A. Estrogen

B. Androgen

C. Progesterone

D. Follicle-stimulating hormone

E. Luteinizing hormone

35. The appearance of pubic and axillary hair is characteristic of which stage of puberty?

A. Menopause

B. Climacteric

C. Thelarche

D. Pubarche

E. Menarche

36. What is the midlife change in estrogen and progesterone levels referred to as?

A. Climacteric

B. Menopaus e

C. Atresia

D. Menarche

E. Pubarche

37. What is the cessation of menstruation referred to as?

A. Menarche

B. Menopaus e

C. Climacteric

D. Pubarche

38. During climacteric, what can cause hot flashes?

A. Vasoconstriction of cutaneous arteries

B. Vasodilation of cutaneous arteries

C. Vasodilation of cranial arteries

D. Vasoconstriction of cranial arteries

E. Vasodilation of facial arteries

39. What does the term "menstrual cycle" specifically refer to?

A. The sequence of events from fertilization to giving birth

B. The events that recur every month during pregnancy

C. The cyclic events happening from puberty to menopause

D. The cyclic changes in the uterus determined by shifting hormonal changes

E. The cyclic changes in the ovaries determined by shifting hormonal changes

40. What is an ovulated egg more technically referred to as?

A. A primary oocyte

B. A secondary oocyte

C. A primary follicle

D. A secondary follicle

E. A tertiary follicle

41. Which stage of meiosis is an ovulated egg in?

A. Prophase I

B. Metaphase I

C. Telophase I

D. Prophase II

E. Metaphase II

42. When does an ovum finish meiosis?

A. During fertilization

B. During implantation

C. While in a secondary follicle

D. While in a primary follicle

E. While in a tertiary follicle

43. Most ovulation home test kits measure a surge of which hormone?



C. Estradiol

D. Progesterone


44. In ovulation, after expelling the oocyte the follicle becomes a             and secretes      .

A. corpus albicans; FSH and LH

B. corpus albicans; estrogen and progesterone

C. corpus luteum; FSH and LH

D. corpus luteum; estrogen and progesterone

E. corpus albicans; progesterone

45. What is a follicle composed of?

A. An organ in the ovary

B. An oocyte

C. An oocyte enclosed in follicular or granulosa cells

D. A group of granulosa cells

E. A group of follicular cells

46. Which follicle stage is characterized by the development of a corona radiata?

A. Primary

B. Secondary

C. Tertiary

D. Graafian

47. When does oogenesis begin?

A. During embryonic development

B. At birth

C. During thelarche

D. During pubarche

E. During menarche

48. In the adult ovary, more than 90% of the follicles are found as             .

A. Primary follicles

B. Secondary follicles

C. Tertiary follicles

D. Graafian follicles

E. Primordial follicles

49. During the follicular phase, granulosa cells secrete    , which stimulates secretion of  .

A. estradiol; LH

B. estradiol; FSH

C. estradiol; GnRH

D. progesterone; FSH

E. progesterone; LH

50. Which of these blood hormone levels reaches its maximum during the luteal phase?




D. Progesterone

E. Estradiol

51. What hormone(s) inhibit(s) the secretion of FSH and LH during the female sexual cycle?


B. Estradiol and progesterone

C. Estradiol

D. Progesterone

E. Androgens

52. What do lutein cells develop from?

A. The corona radiata

B. The corpus luteum

C. The theca interna

D. The granulosa cells

E. The corpus albicans

53. Which phase of the menstrual cycle is the one associated with menstrual cramps?

A. Proliferative

B. Secretory

C. Follicular

D. Premenstrual

E. Luteal

54. Which of the following occurs during the proliferative phase of the menstrual cycle?

A. Several follicles are developing an antrum

B. The corpus luteum is shrinking

C. The corpus luteum is enlarging

D. Oogonia are transforming into primary oocytes

E. The oocyte completes meiosis II

55. The sometimes expels copious fluid similar to prostatic fluid, which constitutes the female ejaculate.

A. prostate

B. paraurethral glands

C. bulbourethral glands

D. vestibular bulb

E. vaginal epithelium

56. During the plateau phase of the sexual response, the glans and clitoris swell as the deep arteries dilate and the                engorge with blood.

A. uterine walls

B. vaginal walls

C. corpora cavernosa

D. corpus spongiosum

E. vestibular glands

57. During            , the uterus is tented (erected) and the cervix is withdrawn from the vagina. Typically, the clitoris is engorged and the labia are bright red to violet due to hyperemia.

A. excitement

B. detumescence

C. orgasm

D. resolution

E. pregnancy

58. In early pregnancy, what hormone stimulates growth of the corpus luteum?

A. Human chorionic gonadotropin

B. Follicle-stimulating hormone

C. Human chorionic somatomammotropin

D. Adrenocorticotropic hormone

E. Progesterone

59Pregnancy kits test for the presence of what hormone?

A. Progesterone

B. Human chorionic gonadotropin

C. Estrogen D.

Luteinizing hormone

E. Follicle-stimulating hormone

60. Contraceptive pills mimic the               feedback effect of          .

A. positive; FSH and LH

B. positive; estrogens and progesterone

C. negative; FSH and LH

D. negative; human chorionic gonadotropin (HCG)

E. negative; estrogens and progesterone

61. Between weeks 3 and 8 of development, a developing individual is considered a       .

A. trophoblast

B. zygote

C. blastocyst

D. embryo

E. fetus

62. Which form of estrogen is the most potent in pregnancy?

A. Estriol

B. Estrone

C. Estradiol

D. Androstenedione

E. Equilinin

63. Which of the following provides fetal nutrition and secretes hormones that regulate pregnancy and fetal development?

A. The uterus

B. The myometrium

C. The endometrium

D. The blastocyst

E. The placenta

64. What is the longest stage of labor?

A. The dilation stage

B. The expulsion stage

C. The placental stage

D. The postpartum stage

E. The puerperium stage

65. Milk ejection occurs as a result of stimulation of nerve endings in the              , which leads to the release of   from the pituitary.

A. mammary acini; oxytocin

B. mammary acini; prolactin

C. nipple and areola; oxytocin

D. nipple and areola; prolactin

E. nipple and areola; progesterone

66. Why is breast milk superior to cow's milk for an infant?

A. Cow's milk provides fewer calories per mL.

B. Cow's milk provides less calcium per mL.

C. Cow's milk provides less phosphorous per mL.

D. Cow's milk has too much protein and minerals in it.

E. It is a myth; cow's milk is equal in quality to breast milk.

67. What is the infant's only source of nutrition during the first 2-3 days postpartum?

A. Casein

B. Colostrum

C. Lactose

D. Meconium

E. Fructose

68. The medial pole of the ovary is attached to the uterus by which ligament?

A. Suspensory ligament

B. Ovarian ligament

C. Mesovarium

D. Broad ligament

69. The anterior margin of the ovary is anchored by a peritoneal fold called the  .

A. broad ligament

B. ovarian ligament

C. suspensory ligament

D. mesovarium

70. The ovary receives blood from which artery/arteries?

A. Ovarian

B. Uterine

C. Ovarian and uterine

D. Broad

E. Ovarian and broad

71. During climacteric, women secrete   .

A. less estrogen and progesterone

B. more estrogen and progesterone

C. less estrogen and more progesterone

D. more estrogen and less progesterone

72. Which of the following is true of the female sexual response?

A. Women do not have a refractory period and may quickly experience additional orgasms.

B. The engorged clitoris can swing upward away from the body like the penis.

C. The vagina has a high concentration of sensory nerve endings.

D. The uterus tilts forward over the urinary bladder during excitement.

73. Why do pregnant women often have heartburn?

A. The mother's body is purging itself of toxins to protect the fetus.

B. Elevated levels of estrogens cause morning sickness.

C. There is reduced intestinal motility.

D. As the uterus enlarges it pushes upward on the stomach, causing gastric reflux.

True / False Questions

74. Women with morning sickness tend to prefer spicy and pungent foods. True   False

Multiple Choice Questions

75. "False labor" is a result of what type of contractions?

A. Graafian

B. Masters Johnson

C. Braxton Hicks

D. Wollfian

76. When an infant suckles at its mother's breast, milk moves through the breast structures in what order?

A. Acinus - lactiferous duct - lactiferous sinus - nipple

B. Lactiferous duct - acinus - lactiferous sinus - nipple

C. Lactiferous sinus - lactiferous duct - acinus - nipple

D. Lactiferous sinus - acinus - lactiferous duct - nipple

77. How is colostrum different than breast milk?

A. It has one-third less protein.

B. It has one-third less lactose.

C. It has one-third less fat.

D. It has one-third the number of immunoglobulins.

78. Which of the following is not a benefit of breast feeding?

A. It is more easily digested and absorbed than cow's milk.

B. It helps clear meconium from the baby's intestine.

C. It reduces the incidence of jaundice in neonates.

D. It prevents colonization of the neonatal intestine with beneficial bacteria.


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Test Banking - Chapter 28 The Female Reproductive System

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