Test Banking - Chapter 21 The Lymphatic and Immune Systems

Question # 00627799
Subject: Education
Due on: 08/11/2021
Posted On: 08/11/2021 06:56 AM
Tutorials: 1
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Chapter 21 The Lymphatic and Immune Systems

True / False Questions

1. Lymph originates in blood capillaries that pick up tissue fluid. True   False

2. Red bone marrow is the point of origin of all immune cells of the lymphatic system.

True   False

3. Mucous membranes prevent most pathogens from entering the body because of the stickiness of the mucus and the presence of lysozymes.

True   False

4. Interferons are secreted in response to bacterial infections. True   False

5. Pus is made of dead neutrophils, macrophages, and other tissue debris from a damaged tissue.

True   False

6. Pyrogens act by increasing the set point for body temperature in the thalamus. True   False

7. The antigenicity of a molecule is due to specific regions of it called haptens.

True   False

8. Interleukins are chemical signals by which immune cells communicate with each other. True   False

9. Helper T cells respond only to epitopes attached to MHC proteins.

True   False

10. Cytotoxic T cells respond only to antigens bound to MHC-I proteins. True   False

11. Clonal selection of T cells happens in the thymus.

True   False

12. Naive T cells can synthesize antibodies. True   False

13.Humoral immunity takes care of intracellular viruses, whereas cellular immunity takes care ofextracellular viruses.

True   False

14. Most Memory B cells are found circulating in the lymph. True   False

15. Some antibodies against foreign antigens can react to similar self-antigens, causing an autoimmune disease.

True   False

Multiple Choice Questions

16. Lymphatic vessels recover about       of the fluid filtered by capillaries.

A. 5% B. 15% C. 25% D. 50% E. 85%

17. Lymph is similar to blood plasma, but very low in        .

A. protein

B. carbon dioxide

C. metabolic waste

D. electrolytes

E. sodium and potassium

18. Special lymphatic vessels, called lacteals, absorb dietary         that are not absorbed by the blood capillaries.

A. water

B. glucose

C. vitamins

D. amino acids

E. lipids

19. The tonsils are the largest, and their surgical removal (tonsillectomy) used to be one of the most common surgical procedures performed in children.

A. adenoid

B. lingual

C. palatine

D. pharyngeal

E. nasopharyngeal

20. Which of the following forces does not help lymph to flow?

A. Rhythmic contractions of lymphatic vessels

B. The thoracic pump

C. The skeletal muscle pump

D. The lymphatic node pump

E. Arterial pulsations squeezing lymphatic vessels

21. Which of the following is not an example of lymphatic tissue?

A. Aggregated lymphoid nodule


C. Lymphatic nodules

D. Macrophages

E. Diffuse lymphatic tissue

22. Which of the following is common in the distal small intestine?

A. Aggregated lymphoid nodule


C. Lymphatic nodules

D. Macrophages

E. Diffuse lymphatic tissue

23.          are the largest of the lymphatic vessels, and they empty into the             .

A. Lymphatic trunks; collecting ducts

B. Lymphatic trunks; subclavian arteries

C. Lymphatic trunks; subclavian veins

D. Collecting ducts; subclavian veins

E. Collecting ducts; subclavian arteries

24. Immune surveillance is a process in which     nonspecifically detect and destroy foreign cells and diseased host cells.

A. T lymphocytes (T cells)

B. reticular cells

C. dendritic cells

D. macrophages

E. natural killer (NK) cells

25. The show(s) a remarkable degree of degeneration (involution) with age.

A. lymph nodes

B. thymus

C. spleen

D. pharyngeal tonsils

E. appendix

26. The only lymphatic organ(s) with afferent lymphatic vessels is(are) the           .

A. lymph nodes

B. thymus

C. spleen

D. red bone marrow

E. tonsils

27. Removal of the          would be more harmful to a one-year-old child than an adult.

A. spleen

B. lymph node

C. thymus

D. appendix

E. palatine tonsil

28. Which of the following does(do) not belong to the second line of defense?

A. The macrophage system

B. Natural killer cells

C. Inflammation

D. The gastric juices

E. Interferon and the complement system

29.          lacks the capacity to remember a pathogen or react differently to it in the future, whereas

                utilizes memory cells to adapt to a given pathogen and ward it off more easily in the future.

A. Innate immunity; cytotoxicity

B. Adaptive immunity; innate immunity

C. A natural killer cell; a macrophage

D. Innate immunity; adaptive immunity

30.          are found especially in the mucous membrane, standing guard against parasites and allergens.

A. Monocytes

B. Lymphocytes

C. Basophils

D. Neutrophils

E. Eosinophils

31.          employ a "respiratory burst" to produce bactericidal chemicals such as hydrogen peroxide (H2O2) and hypochlorite (HClO).

A. Neutrophils

B. Basophils

C. Cytotoxic T cells

D. Natural killer cells

E. Suppressor T cells

32. Complement fixation cannot lead to                .

A. enhanced inflammation

B. opsonization

C. endogenous pyrexia

D. bacterial phagocytosis

E. cytolysis

33.          are secreted by cells infected with viruses, alerting neighboring cells and protecting them from becoming infected.

A. Complement system globulins

B. Interferons

C. Granzymes

D. Pyrogens

E. Perforins

34. When an enemy cell is present, a(n)                secretes perforins, which bore a hole in the enemy cell membrane.

A. interferon

B. interleukin

C. natural killer cell

D. antibody

E. opsonization

35. A pyrogen is a substance that causes               .

A. inflammation

B. opsonization

C. complement fixation

D. cytolysis

E. fever

36. The first of a series of neutrophil behaviors in inflammation is             .

A. chemotaxis

B. margination

C. diapedesis

D. phagocytosis

E. opsonization

37.          is not a cardinal sign characteristic of inflammation.

A. Impaired use

B. Redness

C. Pain

D. Heat

E. Swelling

38. Basophils of the blood help to get defensive leukocytes to the site quickly by releasing an anticoagulant called            and a vasodilator called          .

A. bradykinin; histamine

B. selectin; prostaglandin

C. histamine; heparin

D. heparin; histamine

E. prostaglandins; selectin

39. Which of these cellular agents does not participate in inflammation?

A. Cytotoxic T cells

B. Macrophage

C. Eosinophils

D. Neutrophils

E. Endothelial cells

40. One group of proteolytic enzymes secreted by natural killer (NK) cells is         .

A. selectins

B. cytokines

C. granzymes

D. perforins

E. interferons

41. Complement C3b protein coats bacteria and stimulates phagocytosis by         during a process called  .

A. lymphocytes and monocytes; opsonization

B. neutrophils and macrophages; cytolysis

C. mast cells and basophils; opsonization

D. mast cells and basophils; cytolysis

E. neutrophils and macrophages; opsonization

42.          are antimicrobial proteins.

A. Bradykinins

B. Interferons

C. Cytokines

D. Kinins

E. Prostaglandins

43. One characteristic of the immune response is specificity. This means that      .

A. immunity starts in defined organs in the body

B. immunity starts in specialized tissues in the body

C. immunity is carried on by a specific group of cells of the immune system

D. immunity is directed against a particular pathogen

E. immunity is carried on by a specific group of tissues of the immune system

44. Vaccination stimulates            immunity.

A. natural active

B. artificial active

C. natural passive

D. artificial passive

E. innate

45. Cellular (cell-mediated) immunity is effective against               .

A. allergens

B. venoms

C. cancer cells

D. extracellular viruses

E. toxins

46. A(n)                is the region of the molecule that is recognized by antibodies.

A. epitope

B. antigen

C. hapten

D. major histocompatibility complex (MHC)

E. antibody monomer

47. T cells achieve immunocompetence in the    .

A. bone marrow

B. bloodstream

C. spleen

D. thymus

E. liver

48. T cells undergo positive selection in the thymus, which means they  .

A. react against self antigens

B. develop surface antigen receptors

C. remain alive but unresponsive

D. die and macrophages phagocytize them

E. multiply and form clones of identical T cells

49. The serum used for emergency treatment of snakebites stimulates immunity.

A. artificial passive

B. artificial active

C. natural passive

D. natural active

50. The majority of T cells of the naive lymphocyte pool wait for the encounter with foreign antigens in the

 A. plasma

B. thymus

C. lymphatic tissues

D. lymph

E. blood plasma

51. Which of the following cannot act as antigen-presenting cells?

A. Reticular cells

B. Dendritic cells

C. Macrophages

D. B cells

E. T cells

52. Helper T (TH) cells recognize antigens when they are bound to a(n)  .

A. hapten

B. immunoglobulin

C. natural killer cell

D. major histocompatibility complex (MHC) protein

E. basophil

53. Antigen-presenting cells usually display processed antigens to T cells in the  .



A. blood plasma

B. lymph nodes

C. thymus

D. red bone marrow

E. liver

54. Helper T (TH) cells do not      .

A. secrete cytokines that stimulate clonal selection of B cells

B. secrete cytokines that stimulate clonal selection of cytotoxic T cells

C. secrete cytokines that stimulate macrophage activity

D. secrete inflammatory chemicals

E. secrete fever-producing chemicals

55.          participate in both innate immunity and the immune response.

A. Memory T (TM) cells

B. Regulatory T (TR) cells

C. Natural killer (NK) cells

D. Helper T (TH) cells

E. Cytotoxic T (TC) cells

56. Cytotoxic T (TC) cells are like natural killer (NK) cells because they both           .

A. secrete interferons

B. secrete granzymes and perforin

C. participate in the immune response

D. participate in innate immunity

E. secrete tumor necrosis factor (TNF)

57. Memory T cells can be up to                old.

A. weeks

B. days

C. decade s

D. years

E. months


58. Which of the following is something antibodies do not do?

A. Link antigen molecules together

B. Neutralize antigens by binding to regions of an antigen that can be pathogenic

C. Bind to enemy cells, thus changing their shape so their complement-binding sites are exposed

D. Differentiate into memory antibodies, which upon reexposure to the same pathogen would mount a quicker attack

E. Bind antigen molecules of two or more enemy cells and stick them together

59. Which is the correct sequence of events in the humoral immune response?

A. Antigen recognition ? antigen presentation ? differentiation ? clonal selection ? attack

B. Antigen recognition ? antigen presentation ? clonal selection ? differentiation ? attack

C. Antigen presentation ? antigen recognition ? clonal selection ? differentiation ? attack

D. Antigen presentation ? antigen recognition ? clonal selection ? attack differentiation

E. Antigen recognition ? differentiation ? antigen presentation ? clonal selection ? attack

60. Each immunoglobulin (Ig) has              antigen-bonding site(s).

A. two

B. four

C. six

D. one

E. three

61.          constitutes about 80% of circulating antibodies in plasma.

A. IgD

B. IgE

C. IgA

D. IgM

E. IgG

62. Which class of immunoglobulin provides passive immunity to the newborn?

A. IgD

B. IgE

C. IgM

D. IgA

E. IgG

63. Before B cells secrete antibodies, they differentiate into       .

A. stem cells

B. antigen-presenting cells

C. plasma cells

D. T cells

E. macrophages

64. The human immunodeficiency virus (HIV) targets mainly       .

A. helper T cells

B. B cells

C. plasma cells

D. cytotoxic T cells

E. natural killer cells

65. Most common allergies are the result of        .

A. autoimmune diseases

B. type IV (delayed) hypersensitivity

C. type III (immune complex) hypersensitivity

D. type II (antibody-dependent cytotoxic) hypersensitivity

E. type I (acute) hypersensitivity

66. Beta cell destruction that causes type 1 diabetes mellitus is a(n)         .

A. anaphylactic hypersensitivity

B. type IV (delayed) hypersensitivity

C. type III (immune complex) hypersensitivity

D. type II (antibody-dependent cytotoxic) hypersensitivity

E. type I (acute) hypersensitivity

67. A person who is HIV-positive and has a helper T (TH) cell count lower than    has AIDS.

A. 20,000 cells/µL

B. 5,000 cells/µL

C. 1,000 cells/µL

D. 200 cells/µL

E. 50 cells/µL

68. Autoimmune diseases are disorders in which the immune system fails to distinguish                from foreign ones.

A. self-immunoglobulins

B. self-antibodies

C. self-antigens

D. self-interleukins

E. self-complement proteins

69. Bronchoconstriction, dyspnea, and widespread vasodilation are all characteristics of                .

A. local anaphylaxis

B. anaphylactic shock

C. autoimmune disease

D. an HIV infection


70. An immediate and intense type I reaction that can be treated with antihistamines is characteristic of

 A. anaphylaxis

B. anaphylactic shock

C. autoimmune disease

D. an HIV infection


True / False Questions

71. The lymphatic system is involved in circulation, immunity, and nutrient absorption. True   False

72. Any disease causing agent is a pathogen.

True   False

73. The immune system spans nearly every organ and tissue in the human body. True   False

74. Adaptive immunity involves skin, NK cells, and phagocytosis.

True   False

75. Antibodies and complement can work together, linking innate and adaptive immunity. True   False

76. Humoral immunity produces memory by increasing the number of cells and antibodies that can fight off a

pathogen in the secondary response. True   False

77. Cellular immunity uses B cells and humoral immunity uses antibodies. True   False

78. Cellular immunity uses MHC-I and MHC-II, but humoral immunity uses only MHC-II.

True   False

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Test Banking - Chapter 21 The Lymphatic and Immune Systems

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