Regis NU650 Week 10 Quiz 1 Latest 2022 January

Question # 00634332
Course Code : NU650
Subject: Health Care
Due on: 04/12/2022
Posted On: 04/11/2022 11:05 PM
Tutorials: 1
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NU650 Advanced Health Assessment Nursing

Week 10 Quiz 1

Question 1An 85-year-old woman is brought to the urgent care center for possible aspiration pneumonia. The NP understands that, based on normal anatomy, adventitious lungs sounds will most likely be heard in which of the following areas?

Select one:

 a.Left upper lobe

 b.Left middle and lower lobes

c.Right upper lobe

d.Right middle and lower lobes

Question 2Barrel chest is an abnormal chest configuration that may occur in which of the following disorders?

Select one:





Question 3Bronchovesicular sounds are heard normally at which location?

Select one:

 a.Second intercostal spaces anteriorly bilaterally

b.Base of the lungs bilaterally, posteriorly

 c.Laterally at the mid axillary line bilaterally

 d.Bilaterally at the mid-clavicular line, 5th intercostal space

Question 4Normally, when the lung fields are percussed the resulting sound is described as ________.

Select one:





Question 5The clinic has extended hours to provide flu vaccines and preventative teaching for the community. Based on current CDC Influenza Vaccine Recommendations, the NP understands which of the following patients has a contraindication and cannot receive the vaccine?

Select one:

 a.A healthy 2-month-old baby girl

b.A primagravida at 32 weeks

 c.A 60-year-old male patient with a history of CHF

 d.A 45-year-old female who has a BMI of 42

Question 6The NP will include which of the following questions in the review of systems to determine if the patient is experiencing dyspnea?

Select one:

a.Have you noticed any wheezing at night?

 b.Have you experienced a pins and needles sensation in your extremities?

 c.Have you developed a cough?

 d.How many stairs can you climb before pausing to catch your breath?

Question 7When compared to wheezes and rhonchi, The NP notes that on auscultation, crackles are:

Select one:

 a.Musical in quality

 b.Prolonged sounds, typically persisting throughout the respiratory cycle

 c.Intermittent and discontinuous sounds

d.Relatively low-pitched with a snoring quality

Question 8The patient presents to the clinic with reports of dyspnea. The NP will ask which of the following questions to determine factors that precipitate or aggravate the dyspnea?

Select one:

 a.Are your immunizations up to date?

 b.What activities are associated with shortness of breath?

c.Have you ever had eczema?

 d.Do you have a family history of respiratory disease?

Question 9Which of the following findings will alert the NP to include pneumonia as a differential diagnosis?

Select one:

 a.Decreased tactile fremitus

 b.Symmetrical chest expansion/lung excursion

 c.Hyperresonance with percussion

 d.Positive bronchophony

Question 10Which of the following is an expected change of aging?

Select one:

 a.Supraclavicular retractions with inspiration


 c.There is a decrease of the elastic properties within the lungs

d.Pectus excavatum

Kyphosis is a normal aging process that affects the spinal curvature and may result in a change in respiratory function

Question 11Which of the following techniques will the NP use to assess the patient for tactile fremitus?

Select one:

 a.Place the ulnar surface of his hand firmly against the posterior thorax and ask the patient to repeat the words ‘ninety-nine’, comparing vibration on right and left sides for symmetry

 b.b. Place the ball of his hand on the mid posterior thorax and assess for vibration when the patient repeats the words ‘ninety-nine’

 c.Place his thumbs at the level of the 10th ribs, ask the patient to inhale deeply and assess the distance between his thumbs as they move apart

 d.d. Lightly place his fingertips over the thorax to note any crackling or grinding sounds over bones, joints, or skin

The  answer is: Place the ulnar surface of his hand firmly against the posterior thorax and ask the patient to repeat the words ‘ninety-nine’, comparing vibration on right and left sides for symmetry


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Regis NU650 Week 10 Quiz 1 Latest 2022 January

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