Rasmussen MCB2289 Module 11 LAB Quiz

Question # 00601480
Subject: Education
Due on: 05/20/2019
Posted On: 05/20/2019 04:18 AM
Tutorials: 1
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Question 1

Which of the following processes removes or destroys endospores?

Question 2

Eukaryotes have membrane-bound organelles

Question 3

All of the following are true of an enzyme-catalyzed reaction EXCEPT?

Question 4 When Grst viewing a specimen using the brightGeld microscope, it is recommended that you begin viewing the specimen with which objective lens?

Question 5

How is a respirometer used to measure fermentation in the Cellular Respiration


Question 6

The monomers that make up DNA molecules are called ?

Question 7

Catalase breaks hydrogen peroxide d wn in wat and carbon dioxide

Question 8

In addition o linking together nucleotidesCourseHerotosynthesizeadaughterstrand, DNA

polymera e also

Question 9

The smallest living units of the human body are __________.

Question 10

Which of the following diseases are caused by acid-fast bacterium:

Question 11

The internationally recognized reference for bacterial classication and identiGcation is called Bergey's Manual

Question 12

If an organism produces stable acids as an end-product of glucose fermentation, the methyl red test will be red, indicating a positive result.

Question 13

The sources of all antimicrobial drugs are fungi and other microorganisms.

Question 14

The cloudy growth seen in a br th culture is referr d to as

Question 15

Which carbohydrate is the pr m ry or preferred starting compound for glycolysis and

the fermentation pathway?

Question 16

All of t e following organisms are expected to grow within an anaerobe jar EXCEPT

Question 17

The term aerobic, anaerobic, and microaerophilic are used to categorize microorganisms based on their ______ requirements.

Question 18

Most human pathogens are classiQed as thermophiles.

Question 19

In living organisms, information for making proteins Oows from _______?

Question 20

Gram negative cells appear purple after Gram staining whereas gram p sitive cells

appear pink

Question 21

Microorganisms can be described as being ubiquitous which means that they:

Question 22

Which te uses a medium that is both selective and di erential for members of the

genus Staphylococcus?

Question 23

Which organelle is involved in the packaging of proteins for secretion?

Question 24

Which statement correctly describes the level of contamination on di erent objects?

Question 25

In the Gram stain, the chemical that xes dye in or on cells by forming an insoluble compound in referred to as the _______________?

Question 26

The purpose of heat xation is to _______.

Question 27

When a large zone of no growth is found around an antibiotic disc being used for

identi cation purposed, this generally means that thewasmicrobe is ______.comtothe


Question 28

Which of the following is t ue of a bacterial species that produces dark colonies when

Resource grown on MacConkey agar.

Question 29

How is glass culture tube handled during aseptic transfers?

Question 30

Human skin provides an environment with NaCl levels slightly above that of most bacterial cells. Which organism would most likely be found on the skin?

Question 31

Which type of reaction(s) requires oxygen as a substrate?

Question 32

All of the following are common to all cells at some point in their development


Question 33 All of the following are methods that can be used to isol te b cteria from a ixed

culture EXCEPT?

Question 34

The ability to distinguish Qne detail discriminate b tween two very closely spaced

objects is called:

Question 35

All of the following are found n most prokaryotic cells EXCEPT

Question 36

Stains are commonly used for all of the following EXCEPT

Question 37 An organism has been shown to produce hydrogen sul de and indole in its metabolism. These are examples of _____ characteristics that can be helpful in the identi cation of the microorganism.

Question 38

Which of the following sequences would result from the replication of the following DNA sequence: ATTGCTGGA

Question 39

Which of the following is a chemical means of controlling microbial growth?

Question 40

An antibiotic which interferesresourcewith the activity of ribosomes would have the most

An antimicrobial, such as isoniazid, that is only ctive against myc bacterial species

would be referred to as a drug.

Question 41 eGect on which of the following?

Question 42 P enol red carbohydrate broths with Durham tubes can detect all of the following


Question 43

Immersion oil must only be used with which objective lens?

Question 44 All of the following body sites normally have large numbers of resident microbiota EXCEPT?

Question 45

A pure culture contains

Question 46 into the harps container?

Question 47

When is it crucial to wear protective eyewear when working in the lab?

Question 48 The process of forming mRNA from the template strand of DNA is called _____________

Question 49 A hypertonic solution is prepared by the addition of sucrose. Which of the following

would happen to bacteria placed in this solution:

Question 50 Before attempting to identify an unknown bacterial species, the organism must be isolated in a pure culture.

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Rasmussen MCB2289 Module 11 LAB Quiz

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