PRM1020 Stakeholder and Communication Management Presentation

Question # 00649211
Subject: Business
Due on: 09/23/2023
Posted On: 09/23/2023 12:43 AM
Tutorials: 1
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PRM 1020 PU Stakeholder and Communication Management Presentation



1. Assignment Background and Description

In this assignment, you will create a presentation to share what you have learned about stakeholder and communications management. The intended audience is your faculty member who will be doing an assessment to determine if you have established a clear understanding of the concepts covered in this course.

As a stakeholder, your faculty member is unsure that you have grasped the concepts (current level), so your goal is to convince him or her that you have (desired level).

Your goal is to convince the faculty that you have the ability to create the required management plans, manage engagement and communications, and assess the effectiveness of your plans.

Your presentation needs to be created in either a Zoom session recorded as MP4, or by using an Office 365 to create a video PowerPoint presentation.

Things to consider when creating your presentation:

How do I convince the professor that I understand stakeholder and communications management What media can I use?

 What communication model should be used?

 Is there an opportunity for any feedback to ensure that I have convinced the professor that I understand the concepts

The presentation is limited to a maximum of 10 minutes in duration, and a minimum of 4 minutes.

2. Agenda

You must include the following agenda items in your presentation:


Manage Stakeholder processes.

Manage Communications processes.

 How the two process groups interact with each other

Describe the value this course brings to project management, and how important the processes are for the success of a project?

 What approach are you using to complete this assignment, as one of your objectives is to move the professor from an unsure state to a supportive state.

3. Deliverables

A recorded presentation containing the content outlined above. Please also include a copy of your slides (PowerPoint) if used.


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PRM1020 Stakeholder and Communication Management Presentation

Tutorial # 00648092
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