POLI330 Final Exam Latest 2019 January SET 3

Question # 00598661
Course Code : POLI330
Subject: Political Science
Due on: 02/28/2019
Posted On: 02/28/2019 01:42 PM
Tutorials: 1
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Due Date: By 11:59 p.m. MT on Saturday

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Question 1

(TCO 1) In the changing world of television media, what has suffered most?

Freedom to criticize the government

The entertainment value of news shows

The range of dramatic television shows

The quality of in-depth news and analysis

The state of tabloid journalism


Question 2

(TCO 1) Which term is used to describe the ability to get others to want what you want?

Political power


Hard power

Soft power


Question 3

(TCO 1) What government agency promotes and preserves media competition in the United States?

Federal Communication Commission

Department of Commerce

Federal Bureau of Inventions

Federal Television Commission

Justice Department?

Question 4

(TCO 1) Which of the following most significantly accelerated the "values divide" between liberals and conservatives?

The election of Ronald Reagan

The rise of the KKK

The Contract with America

The war on terror

The election of Barack Obama

Question 5

(TCO 1) The question of whether people can exercise power yet remain true to their principles is referred to as

Social Contract Theory.

the dilemma of political economy.

the problem of state sovereignty.

the crisis of normativism.

the problem of dirty hands.

Question 6

(TCO 1) What is the most popular form of media worldwide today?






Question 7

(TCO 5) What makes Britain a model of what Aristotle called a mixed regime?

It combines a queen and a prime minister.

It is based on a constitution.

It places legislative power in the hands of the House of Lords.

It includes different branches of government that represent different classes.

It gives parliament the power to oust the prime minister.

Question 8

(TCO 2) Which of the following transitional states has the most powerful economy?



South Korea

Czech Republic


Question 9

(TCO 5) The U.S. Congress and British Parliament both have all of these powers in common EXCEPT the ability to

pass or defeat legislation.

confirm new cabinet members.

bring down the executive office with a vote of no confidence.

play an oversight role.

levy taxes. control budgets.

Question 10

(TCO 5) To join the European Union, what must a country prove?

That it is financially solvent

That it disavows terrorism

That it will contribute to a common defense

That it rejects communism

That it supports free elections?

Question 11

(TCO 2) What is the most basic -- but often most challenging -- aspect of nation-building?

Expanding agricultural output

Ending illiteracy

Forming a common or group identity

Ending internal rebellions and upheavals

Establishing a democracy

Question 12

(TCO 4) What protects citizens in the U.S. against the abuse of police power?

The First Amendment

The Second Amendment

The Fifth Amendment

The Fourth Amendment

The Sixth Amendment


Question 13

(TCO 3) What is a major criticism of the winner-take-all electoral system?

It emphasizes political parties at the expense of individual candidates.

It limits voter choice and makes it impossible for minor parties to compete in elections.

It causes a pronounced tendency toward party decentralization.

It makes forming a national consensus more difficult.

It encourages the emergence of single-issue splinter parties.

Question 14

(TCO 4) What did the Civil Rights Cases of 1883 accomplish?

Prohibited racial discrimination in public accommodations

Held that the Fourteenth Amendment was intended to prohibit both state and private discrimination

Virtually ended racial segregation in the South

Helped legitimize a social system in which blacks were subject to discrimination

Created a punishment system for those who discriminated against others

Question 15

(TCO 4) Which statement about health care in the United States is FALSE?

Health care facilities in the U.S. are among the best in the world.

U.S. citizens spend more on medical expenses than people in other countries.

The federal government spends less on medical research than other modern nations.

The Affordable Care Act was upheld as constitutional by the U.S. Supreme Court.

Federal government expenses for Medicare and Medicaid exceed those related to defense.

Question 16

(TCO 3) What is the most important tool for interest groups seeking to change or influence public policy?

An educated public

A large membership

A strong sense of how the political process works


An elected official as an advocate

Question 17

(TCO 3) What event ended -- albeit briefly -- the long-term trend of political apathy in the U.S.?

The 2008-2009 recession

The terrorist attacks of 9/11

The war in Iraq

The invasion of Afghanistan

The 2012 reelection of Barack Obama

Question 18

(TCO 6) In the Western tradition, what does the broad meaning of “justice” involve?

Questions of proper punishment for violations of the law

Questions of who should be elected

Questions of distribution

Questions of power

Questions of protection

Question 19

(TCO 6) What did Marx believe would happen once private property was eliminated?

Proletariat upheaval

The beginning of revolution in the form of armed conflict

The emergence of a technologically-driven society

The end of social inequality

New models for human behavior

Question 20

(TCO 9) Who are the most common victims of terrorism?

Political leaders

Innocent civilians



Members of the military or security services


Question 21

(TCO 9) Many politicians partly blame ____for the rapid rise of terrorism.

the media

the availability of cheap weapons


President Bush

the increasing involvement of women

Question 22

(TCO 8) According to theory, states acquire nuclear weapons to not to use them, but to prevent other states from using theirs.

rational actor


zero-sum game

keeper of the balance


Question 23

(TCO 8) The Monroe Doctrine is an example of what type of foreign policy?


Status quo




Question 24

(TCO 9) According to Lenin, why are capitalist countries imperialistic?

Capitalists want to conquer and subdue all workers.

They fear popular uprisings at home and want to maintain the status quo.

Colonial territories provide raw materials and foreign markets for produce.

Monopoly capitalists push their countries into war for the good of their inhabitants.

They worry that rebellions in smaller countries will reach their own shores.

Question 25

(TCO 9) State-sponsored terrorism is defined as terrorism that

occurs within a country by people who are not connected to the government.

is international in focus and helped by an established government.

involves groups from different countries cooperating with each other.

involves the governments, interests and people of more than one country.

is defined by a government's use of its security forces to subdue or intimidate its own people.

Question 26

(TCO 9) Hobbes linked the cause of war to all of these aspects of human nature EXCEPT






Question 27

(TCO 9) Revolutionaries differ from terrorists in that

revolutionaries never resort to violence.

terrorists seek to overthrow the government in existing circumstances.

terrorists show concern for the innocent.

revolutionaries see terror as a tactic, not a strategy.

revolutionaries seek to change the circumstances.

Compare and contrast the US and UK systems of representing their people

Explain the root cause of war from Hobbes and Rousseau by explaining each philosopher’s thesis.

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POLI330 Final Exam Latest 2019 January SET 3

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