Planning Document Second Draft - Describe the issue in the natural sciences

Question # 00653322
Subject: General Questions
Due on: 05/28/2024
Posted On: 05/28/2024 05:12 AM
Tutorials: 1
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Planning Document Second Draft


In previous modules, you identified an issue, developed a research  question, and examined sources that could help you explore the issue.  You also considered the scientific principles related to your topic, and  how you might communicate your findings to a specific audience.  Building on these elements, you will formulate a hypothesis related to  your issue. Then, applying what you learned about the process of  science, you will explain the next steps that natural scientists would  take to support or refute your hypothesis. What kind of evidence would  they look for? What kind of tests they need to conduct? Throughout this  course, you explored a variety of specific cases in which natural  scientists addressed issues, tested hypotheses, and developed solutions  to problems. Many of their solutions have become key discoveries that we  rely on today for health, safety, and other practical uses. So, as you  consider your hypothesis and the next steps a scientist would take,  reflect back on these examples. This reflection is the final piece of  your planning document, and you will use it to develop your presentation  in Module 8.


You will build on the elements you composed in your first draft and  develop your hypothesis. After you have your hypothesis, explain what  steps a natural scientist would take to either refute or support your  hypothesis. By the end of Module Six, you will fine tune the entire  planning document to be submitted to your instructor.

Specifically, the following critical elements must be addressed:

  1. Introduction: At this point, you should have  received feedback from your instructor. For this second draft, review  and make any necessary revisions or adjustments to the following  elements: 
    1. Describe the issue in the natural sciences that you  have selected to investigate. Why is this issue significant? (You  identified this issue in Module One, but how would you revise this piece  now that you have received instructor feedback and investigated your  sources?)
    2. Describe at least three science resources that you  could use to investigate the issue you selected. Your sources must be  relevant to your issue and must be of an academic nature appropriate for  the issue. In your description, consider questions such as: What are  the similarities and differences in the content of your sources? What  makes them appropriate and relevant for investigating your issue? What  was your thought process when you were searching for sources? How did  you make choices?
    3. Based on your review of science resources, develop a specific question related to the issue you selected. In other words, what would you like to know more about?
  2. Body: You should also receive instructor feedback  about this section and continue to consider your evidence. For this  second draft, review these sections and make any necessary revisions or  adjustments to the following elements: 
    1. Identify an audience that would be interested in  your issue and the question you developed. For example, who would  benefit most from hearing your message, or who could best help in  addressing the issue?
    2. Describe how and why you can tailor your message to  your audience, providing specific examples. For example, will your  audience understand scientific terminology and principles, or will you  need to explain them? How will you communicate effectively with your  audience?
    3. Identify the natural science principle(s)  that apply to your question and issue. For example, if your issue is  global climate change, the principle you might identify is that the sun  is the primary source of energy for Earth’s climate system.
    4. Explain how the principle(s) you  identified apply to your issue and question. In other words, how are the  natural science principle(s) you identified relevant to your question  and issue?
  3. Conclusion: In this section, you will conclude your  research investigation by discussing future directions for research  related to your question. Specifically, you should: 
    1. Formulate a hypothesis that addresses the question you developed. Make sure your hypothesis is based on your investigation of your question.
    2. Explain how a natural scientist would go about  collecting evidence to support or refute the hypothesis you formulated.  In other words, what would the next steps be if a natural scientist were  to continue researching your hypothesis? Make sure to support your  response with the natural science resources that you selected.
  4. Provide a reference list that includes all of the  science resources you used to investigate your issue and question so  far. Apply feedback from your instructor to ensure that your list is  formatted according to current APA guidelines (or another format, with  instructor permission).
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Planning Document Second Draft - Describe the issue in the natural sciences

Tutorial # 00652217
Posted On: 05/28/2024 05:13 AM
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