NURS680B Full Course Latest 2021 January

Question # 00620937
Course Code : NURS680B
Subject: Health Care
Due on: 01/09/2021
Posted On: 01/09/2021 05:02 AM
Tutorials: 0
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NURS680B Advanced Health/Physical Assessment

Week 1 Discussion

Select one of the following case studies to address. In the subject line of your post, please identify which prompt you are responding to, for example, choice #2 19-year old male.

A 23-year old female complains of severe left lower abdominal/pelvic pain for 6 hours. States her last menstrual period was “about 3 or 4 weeks ago”. She is sexually active and denies using any contraceptive method.

A 19-year old male complains of “burning sometimes, when I pee”. Is sexually active and denies using any contraceptive method.

A 32-year old male complains of severe pain to the left flank pain for approx. 2 hours. Was playing volleyball at the beach when it occurred. Admits to drinking 5-6 cans of beer throughout the day and denies other fluid intake.

For the case you have chosen, post to the discussion:

Discuss what questions you would ask the patient, what physical exam elements you would include, and what further testing you would want to have performed.

In SOAP format, list:

Pertinent positive and negative information

Differential and working diagnosis

Treatment plan, including: pharmacotherapy with complementary and OTC therapy, diagnostics (labs and testing), health education and lifestyle changes, age-appropriate preventive care, and follow-up to this visit.

Use at least one scholarly source other than your textbook to connect your response to national guidelines and evidence-based research in support of your ideas.

In your peer replies, please reply to at least one peer who chose a different case study.


NURS680B Advanced Health/Physical Assessment

Week 2 Discussion

Select one of the following case studies to address. In the subject line of your post, please identify which prompt you are responding to, for example, choice #2 19-year old male.

A 50-year old female complains of being waken up at night with a bitter taste in her mouth about four times per week for the past two months. It is interfering with her sleep and she is concerned.

A 48-year old male complains of severe epigastric pain that is worse after eating x 3 weeks. Symptoms are accompanied by nausea but patient denies vomiting or diarrhea at this time. Reports stools as “normal” in color and consistency.

A 22-year old female complains of 3 days of watery diarrhea with 7-8 stools per day. She is drinking approx. “3 sodas a day” because she is “trying to not get dehydrated”. Very little other intake because “eating makes me have to go to the bathroom”.

For the case you have chosen, post to the discussion:

Discuss what questions you would ask the patient, what physical exam elements you would include, and what further testing you would want to have performed.

In SOAP format, list:

Pertinent positive and negative information

Differential and working diagnosis

Treatment plan, including: pharmacotherapy with complementary and OTC therapy, diagnostics (labs and testing), health education and lifestyle changes, age-appropriate preventive care, and follow-up to this visit.

Use at least one scholarly source other than your textbook to connect your response to national guidelines and evidence-based research in support of your ideas.

In your peer replies, please reply to at least one peer who chose a different case study.


NURS680B Advanced Health/Physical Assessment

Week 3 Discussion

Select one of the following case studies to address. In the subject line of your post, please identify which prompt you are responding to, for example, choice #2 19-year old male.

A 62-year old female complains of pain over several finger joints over bilateral hands that is “getting worse” to the point that she is no longer able to work in her garden.

A 38-year old male construction worker complains of severe pain to his right lower back. States he woke up with the pain after an especially difficult work day.

A 58-year old obese man complains of pain in his left knee. The pain seems to be unrelenting, he says it is better when he rests, but gets stiff when he rests too long.

For the case you have chosen, post to the discussion:

Discuss what questions you would ask the patient, what physical exam elements you would include, and what further testing you would want to have performed.

In SOAP format, list:

Pertinent positive and negative information

Differential and working diagnosis

Treatment plan, including: pharmacotherapy with complementary and OTC therapy, diagnostics (labs and testing), health education and lifestyle changes, age-appropriate preventive care, and follow-up to this visit.

Use at least one scholarly source other than your textbook to connect your response to national guidelines and evidence-based research in support of your ideas.

In your peer replies, please reply to at least one peer who chose a different case study.


NURS680B Advanced Health/Physical Assessment

Week 4 Discussion

Select one of the following case studies to address. In the subject line of your post, please identify which prompt you are responding to, for example, choice #2 19-year old male.

A 28-year old female presents with a “severe headache” for the past 9 hours. She states the pain is over the left temporal area and is “throbbing” in nature. These symptoms have occurred before but not as bad.

A 54-year old woman complain of left side drooling and facial drooping since earlier this morning.

A 64-year old diabetic man reports he has numbness and burning sensations in his toes for the past 6 months.

For the case you have chosen, post to the discussion:

Discuss what questions you would ask the patient, what physical exam elements you would include, and what further testing you would want to have performed.

In SOAP format, list:

Pertinent positive and negative information

Differential and working diagnosis

Treatment plan, including: pharmacotherapy with complementary and OTC therapy, diagnostics (labs and testing), health education and lifestyle changes, age-appropriate preventive care, and follow-up to this visit.

Use at least one scholarly source other than your textbook to connect your response to national guidelines and evidence-based research in support of your ideas.

In your peer replies, please reply to at least one peer who chose a different case study.


NURS680B Advanced Health/Physical Assessment

Week 5 Discussion

Select one of the following case studies to address. In the subject line of your post, please identify which prompt you are responding to, for example, choice #2 19-year old male.

A 82-year-old diabetic male reports losing 12 lbs. over the last month.

A mother brings in her pale and fatigued 16 month old son, who was changed to cow's milk after his first birthday.

For the case you have chosen, post to the discussion:

Discuss what questions you would ask the patient, what physical exam elements you would include, and what further testing you would want to have performed.

In SOAP format, list:

Pertinent positive and negative information

Differential and working diagnosis

Treatment plan, including: pharmacotherapy with complementary and OTC therapy, diagnostics (labs and testing), health education and lifestyle changes, age-appropriate preventive care, and follow-up to this visit.

Use at least one scholarly source other than your textbook to connect your response to national guidelines and evidence-based research in support of your ideas.

In your peer replies, please reply to at least one peer who chose a different case study.


NURS680B Advanced Health/Physical Assessment

Week 6 Discussion

Select one of the following case studies to address. In the subject line of your post, please identify which prompt you are responding to, for example, choice #2 19-year old male.

A 22-year old obese female with irregular menses reports she and her partner have been trying to get pregnant for 18 months without success.

A 30-year old woman of 28 wks gestation reports inability to feel her baby move for the past 2 hours.

A 27-year old woman of 35 wks gestation with gestational diabetes reports having headache for the last day that will not go away.

For the case you have chosen, post to the discussion:

Discuss what questions you would ask the patient, what physical exam elements you would include, and what further testing you would want to have performed.

In SOAP format, list:

Pertinent positive and negative information

Differential and working diagnosis

Treatment plan, including: pharmacotherapy with complementary and OTC therapy, diagnostics (labs and testing), health education and lifestyle changes, age-appropriate preventive care, and follow-up to this visit.

Use at least one scholarly source other than your textbook to connect your response to national guidelines and evidence-based research in support of your ideas.

In your peer replies, please reply to at least one peer who chose a different case study.



NURS680B Advanced Health/Physical Assessment

Week 7 Discussion

Review the Advanced Practice Registered Nurses (APRN) scope of practice as defined by your practice state. Answer the following questions:

Share your findings of how your state defines an APRNs scope of practice.

Why are Standardized Procedures required for APRNs to practice?

List two (2) safeguards that Standardized Procedures provide the APRN.

Do Standardized Procedures need to include information about the furnishing of drugs and devices?

List three (3) patient scenario examples where you would feel compelled to collaborate with your supervising physician and why.

Use at least one scholarly source in addition to the Board of Registered Nursing website in support of your discussion. In your peer replies, please reply to at least one peer discussion point that is different than your own.


NURS680B Advanced Health/Physical Assessment

Week 8 Discussion

Describe how your diagnostic reasoning process has evolved after experience this course. Find one scholarly article on the subject of diagnostic skills and clinical reasoning of Advanced Practice Registered Nurses and summarize your findings.

Use at least one evidence based scholarly source in support of your discussion. In your peer replies, please reply to at least one peer discussion point that is different than your own.


NURS680B Advanced Health/Physical Assessment

Week 3 Assignment

Gastrointestinal System (Shadow Health)

In this online assignment, you will:

Assess the gastrointestinal system of your patient, Tina Jones.

Document your findings in the SOAP note template within Shadow Health for practice.

Complete self-reflection prompts to help you think more deeply about your performance in the assignment. Reflective writing develops clinical reasoning skills as you grow and improve as a clinician, and gives instructors insight into your learning process. The more detail and depth provided in your responses, the more you will benefit from this activity.

This assignment is to be completed in Shadow Health. Even though your activity and responses will be recorded in Shadow Health’s system, complete the assignment in Blackboard as follows:

Click on the assignment name above.

Select the "Write Submission" option.

Type the word "Confirmed."

Click "Submit" to save.

This assignment will take you approximately 65-85 minutes to complete.

In order to use the voice-to-text functionality in Shadow Health (not required), you will need to use the latest version of Chrome web browser.

You are welcome to revisit your Shadow Health assignment as many times as as you like, up until the assignment due date deadline; to leave the assignment open, do not click on "Submit" until you are satisfied with your performance.

If you accidentally submit your assignment and would like to revisit it, contact the Shadow Health support team (see below). The assignment cannot be reopened after the assignment due date.


NURS680B Advanced Health/Physical Assessment

Week 5 Assignment

Comprehensive Health Assessment

Students will select a new “patient” (friend or family member) for whom they will perform and document a complete history. This will include a complete head-to-toe review of systems (ROS) and a complete head-to-toe physical examination. This will be documented in a SOAP note format.

The patient should be an adult over the age of 18 with a chief complaint. Please do not choose the same friend or family member from previous course assignments.

Document a working diagnosis and a minimum of 3 differential diagnoses. These are based on the chief complaint (CC) an history of present illness (HPI). All 3 diagnoses Working diagnosis and differential diagnoses must include pertinent positive and negative symptoms. You may also include known diagnoses, such as obesity or hypertension. These do not need pertinent findings.

NOTE: Do not use real names or initials or otherwise identify your "patient." Failure to maintain privacy will result in a failing score

Assignment Details

The Subjective health history and Objective physical exam must contain all required elements as outlined in Jarvis Chapter 27 (except breast and genital exams) and the attached document. The Assessment, as well as the Plan, will be focused based on CC and HPI.

Read the rubric for the Comprehensive Health Assessment assignment carefully.

The assignment submission should be a single document that contains:

A complete subjective history

A complete objective examination

Working diagnosis with at least 3 differential diagnoses with pertinent findings for each

Plan of care that includes a discussion of the national guidelines for your diagnosis and health maintenance needs for your patient


NURS680B Advanced Health/Physical Assessment

Week 8 Assignment

Comprehensive Physical Exam (Shadow Health)

This Comprehensive Assessment (Capstone) assignment provides you the opportunity to plan and conduct a full comprehensive health assessment on a patient in a single clinic visit. You will move through both the subjective and objective assessment in a head to toe order.

In this final comprehensive Shadow Health assignment, you will:

Interview your digital patient, Tina Jones within Shadow Health. She will be presenting for a pre-employment physical. You will be conducting a comprehensive assessment which includes interviewing (complete subjective history) and an examination of the patient (complete objective examination).

This assignment will take you approximately 2 hours to complete.

In order to use the voice-to-text functionality in Shadow Health (not required) you will need to use the latest Chrome web browser.

You are welcome to revisit your Shadow Health assignment as many times as you like up until the assignment due date deadline; to leave the assignment open, do not click on "Submit" until you are satisfied with your performance.

If you accidentally submit your assignment and would like to revisit it, contact the Shadow Health support team (see below). The assignment cannot be reopened after the assignment due date.

Complete self-reflection prompts to help you think more deeply about your performance in the assignment. Reflective writing develops your clinical reasoning skills as you grow and improve as a clinician and gives your instructor insight into your learning process. The more detail and depth you provide in your responses, the more you will benefit from this activity.

This assignment is to be completed in Shadow Health. Even though your activity and responses will be recorded in Shadow Health, in Blackboard click on the assignment name above, select the Write Submission option, type the word "Confirmed" and then click Submit to save.

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Questions: 34513 Tutorials: 33884

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