NRNP6675 and NRNP-6675 final exam latest 2022 November all 100 answers

Question # 00641508
Course Code : NRNP6675
Subject: Health Care
Due on: 11/10/2022
Posted On: 11/10/2022 09:28 AM
Tutorials: 1
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NRNP-6675-22-PMHNP Across the Lifespan II-2022-Fall-QTR-Term-wks-1-thru-11-(08/29/2022-11/13/2022)-PT2


Question 1

In about half of the cases in which suicides occur while patients are on a psychiatric unit, a lawsuit results. Which of the following is not consistent with what courts expect related to inpatient psychiatric unit suicide events?


A.           Courts expect suicides to occur in inpatient settings.


B.           Courts require zero suicide rates in inpatient setting.


C.           Periodic patient evaluation for suicide risk


D.           Evidence of formulation of a treatment plan with a high level of security

Question 2

A patient with an inability to conform to the social norms that ordinarily govern many aspects of a person’s behavior is consistent with which of the following personality disorders?


A.           Avoidant personality disorder


B.           Antisocial personality disorder


C.           Borderline personality disorder


D.           Narcissistic personality disorder

Question 3

All the following is true regarding applying to take the ANCC PMHNP board certification exam EXCEPT:


A.           The clinical and didactic content related to your specialty certification must be completed.


B.           The application must contain proof of your RN license(s).


C.           The applicant may provide an unofficial transcript.


D.           The validation of the education form must be signed by the NP program director.

Question 4

Which of the following developed a Biblically-based cultural competence model for healthcare professionals?


A.           Spector


B.           Campinha-Bacote


C.           Kim-Godwin, et al


D.           Papadopoulos, et al

Question 5

Obsessive-compulsive, dependent, and avoidant personality traits are associated with which of the following personality clusters?


A.           Cluster A


B.           Cluster B


C.           Cluster C


D.           Cluster D



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Question 6

Loyalty, fairness, truthfulness, advocacy, and dedication in professional relationships is known as which of the following?


A.           Justice


B.           Fidelity


C.           Non-maleficence


D.           Respect for autonomy

Question 7

Features that point to a medical cause of mental disorder include which of the following? Select all that apply.


A.           Acute onset (within hours or minutes with prevailing symptoms)


B.           Nonauditory disturbances of perception


C.           Current medical illness or injury


D.           Constructional apraxia

Question 8

A somatopsychic illness triggered by changing levels of sex steroids that accompany an ovulatory menstrual cycle about one week before the onset of menses characterized by irritability, emotional lability, HA, anxiety, and depression is known as which of the following?


A.           Premenstrual syndrome


B.           Premenstrual depression


C.           Premenstrual dysphoric disorder


D.           Premenstrual psychosomatic disorder

Question 9

According to the AANP Process of Care Standards, performing or ordering preventative and diagnostic procedures based on the patient’s age and history is part of which of the following components?


A.           Assessment of health status


B.           Development of a treatment plan


C.           Implementation of the treatment plan


D.           Care priorities

Question 10

An ARNP takes a position in which a specific amount is paid according to a set job description. This type of pay structure is known as which of the following?


A.           Straight salary


B.           Average percentage of net receipts


C.           Base salary plus percentage


D.           Hourly rate

Question 11

In educating the patient beginning to take Lithium, the ARNP explains which of the following related to the need for blood tests?


A.           Your lithium blood levels, thyroid function, and kidney status need to be monitored as long as you take lithium.


B.           When going to have your lithium levels checked, you should have taken your last lithium dose 12 hours earlier.


C.           Once your lithium dose has been stabilized you will no longer need to have your lithium level monitored unless your dose is changed.


D.           A and B only

Question 12

Which stage of the cycle of domestic violence is characterized by the abuser subconsciously implementing defense mechanisms and cognitive distortions to alleviate the ego dystonic implication of the abuse?


A.           Sweetheart phase


B.           Honeymoon phase


C.           Tension building phase


D.           Defensive phase

Question 13

ARNPs caring for vulnerable populations are responsible for which of the following?


A.           Providing a quick assessment


B.           Providing housing


C.           Recognizing and responding to the needs of the population in a time-sensitive manner


D.           All of the above

Question 14

The NP preceptor should have which of the following?


A.           Knowledge of the NP role


B.           The ability to be a role model for the preceptee


C.           Solid clinical skill set in the specialty for which the NP student is being precepted


D.           All the above

Question 15

Acknowledging a person’s right to make choices, to hold views, and to take actions based on personal value is known as which of the following?


A.           Justice


B.           Fidelity


C.           Beneficence


D.           Respect for autonomy

Question 16

The term “suicide survivor” refers to which of the following?


A.           Those who have lost a loved one to suicide.


B.           Someone who has attempted suicide but failed.


C.           Only those who have had a serious suicide attempt with a near death experience.


D.           This is an ambiguous term that should not be used.

Question 17

A patient presents with a formal, tense manner. He reluctantly reports a longstanding (since early adulthood) pervasive suspiciousness of others, preoccupied with trustworthiness of friends, unjustified concerns about others deceiving him, angry about perceived insults and slights, reluctant to confide in the ARNP. The ARNP suspects the patient likely has which of the following personality disorders?


A.           Schizoid personality disorder


B.           Paranoid personality disorder


C.           Borderline personality disorder


D.           Antisocial personality disorder

Question 18

All the following is consistent with ANCC rules regarding recertification EXCEPT:


A.           You are required to have a maximum of 25 credit hours during each certification period.


B.           You can start the recertification process 1 year before your expiration date, but no later than 3 months before.


C.           You must have 1000 clinical practice hours in the clinical specialty within the preceding 5 years.


D.           You must have at least 25 contact hours in pharmacotherapy.

Question 19

Concerns when treating geriatric patients with psychotherapeutic drugs include all of the following EXCEPT:


A.           Elderly persons may be more susceptible to adverse effects of psychotherapeutic drugs.


B.           Elderly persons may metabolize psychotherapeutic drugs more slowly.


C.           Elderly persons may metabolize psychotherapeutic drugs more rapidly.


D.           Elderly persons may excrete psychotherapeutic drugs more slowly.

Question 20

In Canterbury v. Spence the U.S. Court of Appeals for the District of Columbia Circuit listed physician responsibilities for disclosure. Which of the following is not listed as a responsibility?


A.           Adopt a standard of full disclosure with patients.


B.           Alert the patient to symptoms of bodily abnormality.


C.           Inform the patient when the ailment does not respond to the physician’s ministrations.


D.           Inform the patient about precautionary therapy that he or she should seek in the future.

Question 21

Which of the following medications is associated with Ebstein’s anomaly when given during pregnancy?


A.           Haldol


B.           Lithium


C.           Valproic acid


D.           Chlorpromazine

Question 22

Which of the following is inconsistent with current literature about victims of sexual abuse?


A.           All victims of sexual abuse are aware that they are in an abusive relationship.


B.           Victims of sexual abuse may willingly participate in sexual acts with an idolized authority figure.


C.           The pre-existing relationship and familiarity with the abuser may impede the victim’s ability to make rational decisions.


D.           The victim may make excuses for the abuser’s behavior.

Question 23

A patient currently on risperidone presents to the emergency department with increased agitation, restlessness, muscle discomfort, and dysphoria. The APRN recognizes these symptoms of akathisia and recommends which of the following? Select all that may apply.


A.           Reduce antipsychotic dosage


B.           Benztropine IM


C.           Benadryl po or IM


D.           B and C only

Question 24

A psychotic disorder that occurs in women who have recently delivered a baby is known as which of the following?


A.           Postpartum psychosis


B.           Brief reactive psychosis


C.           Postpartum pseudocyesis


D.           Postpartum depression with psychotic features

uestion 25

As a PMHNP, one of the most common areas you will counsel your patients about is the importance of sleep hygiene. Which of the following is NOT consistent with common recommendations for good sleep hygiene?


A.           Avoid alcohol and caffeine.


B.           Set a cool room temperature.


C.           Set TV to turn off within 1 hour of falling asleep.


D.           Go to bed at the same time each night.

Question 26

Which of the following is not consistent with recommendations for psychiatric history taking and the mental status evaluation of older adults?


A.           When a patient is cognitively impaired, an independent history should be obtained from a family member or caretaker.


B.           The patient should still be seen alone even in cases of clear evidence of impairment to preserve the privacy of the doctor/patient relationship.


C.           If the patient is cognitively impaired, the patient should never be seen alone.


D.           Even in patients with cognitive impairment, it is important to elicit any suicidal thoughts or paranoid ideations privately.

Question 27

A patient with a history of alcohol use presents to the emergency department with oculomotor disturbances, cerebellar ataxia, and confusion. The ARNP recognizes these symptoms as consistent with which of the following psychiatric emergencies?


A.           Akathisia


B.           Korsakoff’s syndrome


C.           Wernicke’s encephalopathy


D.           Idiosyncratic alcohol intoxication

Question 28

Which of the following is consistent with current perspectives on nurse practitioner competencies?


A.           The National Organization of Nurse Practitioner Faculties has developed a list of core competencies that all students should have upon graduation from a master’s program.


B.           Nursing specialty organizations DO NOT publish competencies for NPs who provide care in specialty areas.


C.           Employers DO NOT establish their own set of competencies.


D.           There are national standards for judging/evaluating nurse practitioner competencies.

Question 29

Self-care strategies for the ARNP in preparing for the certification exam include all of the following EXCEPT:


A.           Study in a distraction free environment.


B.           Six to eight hours of sleep is recommended.


C.           Drink lot of caffeine and eat high-concentrated sugars.


D.           Plan to study for short periods of time over a longer time period.

Question 30

A patient presents and is unapproachable, with poor eye contact, reporting a lifelong pattern of isolation, uncomfortable with human interaction, and constricted affect. This presentation is consistent with which of the following personality disorders?


A.           Schizoid personality disorder


B.           Borderline personality disorder


C.           Avoidant personality disorder


D.           Schizotypal personality disorder

Question 31

According to the AANP Process of Care Standards, determining the effectiveness of the treatment plan with documentation of patient care outcomes is part of which of the following components?


A.           Care priorities


B.           Development of a treatment plan


C.           Implementation of the treatment plan


D.           Follow-up and evaluation of the patient status

Question 32

The differences in the quality of healthcare across individuals or groups in regard to access, treatment options, and preventative services is known as which of the following?


A.           Racism


B.           Health disparities


C.           Vulnerable populations


D.           Social determinants of health

Question 33

Sexual assault is most often which of the following?


A.           A stranger


B.           An acquaintance


C.           A family member


D.           A professional

uestion 34

Generalized convulsions, oliguria, and renal failure are symptoms seen with which of the following lithium levels?


A.           0.8–1.5 mEq/L


B.           1.5–2.0 mEq/L


C.           2.0–2.5 mEq/L


D.           > 2.5 mEq/L

Question 35

Ethnocentrism results in which of the following?


A.           A better understanding of various cultures and beliefs


B.           Impeding the delivery of culturally competent care


C.           Provides care givers the ability to better care for patients of various cultures


D.           Provides general principles that can be used to treat patients from a variety of cultures

Question 36

A patient appears odd, with a pervasive history of magical thinking, ideas of reference, illusions and derealization. This is consistent with which of the following personality disorders?


A.           Schizoid personality disorder


B.           Paranoid personality disorder


C.           Schizotypal personality disorder


D.           Avoidant personality disorder

Question 37

The goal of psychotropic treatment is to eliminate all manifestations of a disorder to below the syndromal threshold, which is defined as which of the following?


A.           Response


B.           Remission


C.           Resistance


D.           Sensitization

Question 38

Which of the following should be avoided when working with practice guidelines?


A.           Write guidelines with minute details that everyone will follow it in the exact same way.


B.           Base guidelines on evidence from widely used resources and reference those resources in the guidelines.


C.           Adopt an already published set of guidelines.


D.           If the guideline is inappropriate for a particular patient, document why an alternative ????approach is being taken.

Question 39

Using the LIAASE: A General Cultural Competence Tool, the ARNP would do which of the following?


A.           Agree to disagree on differences in values.


B.           Solicit other options or points of view.


C.           Acknowledge and validate powerful emotions when expressed.


D.           All of the above.

Question 40

A personality disorder characterized by extraordinarily unstable affect, mood, behavior, object relations, and self-image is known as which of the following?


A.           Schizoid personality disorder


B.           Schizotypal personality disorder


C.           Borderline personality disorder


D.           Avoidant personality disorder

uestion 41

In educating the patient beginning to take Lithium, the ARNP explains which of the following related to diet and fluid intake?


A.           Caffeine and alcohol act as hydration agents and can raise your lithium concentrations.


B.           Drink at least a gallon or more of water per day and limit your salt intake.


C.           If you go on a diet, your doctor may need to increase frequency of blood tests.


D.           All of the above

Question 42

Which of the following defense mechanisms is frequently used by individuals with obsessive-compulsive personality disorder?


A.           Denial


B.           Asceticism


C.           Regression


D.           Rationalization

Question 43

The treatment of others equitably and distribution of benefits/burdens fairly is known as which of the following?


A.           Fidelity


B.           Justice


C.           Beneficence


D.           Non-maleficence

Question 44

A personality disorder characterized by emotional constriction, orderliness, perseverance, stubbornness, indecisiveness, and a pervasive pattern of perfectionism and inflexibility is known as which of the following?


A.           Depressive personality disorder


B.           Borderline personality disorder


C.           Dependent personality disorder


D.           Obsessive-compulsive personality disorder

Question 45

A method of therapy used to treat individuals with substance abuse based on the fundamental principle of a psychology that reinforced behaviors are likely to be repeated is known as which of the following?


A.           Exposure therapy


B.           Contingency management


C.           Motivational interviewing


D.           Cognitive behavioral therapy

Question 46

Which of the following is not consistent with what is known about postpartum psychosis?


A.           Symptoms of postpartum psychosis can often begin within days of the delivery.


B.           The average time of onset of symptoms of postpartum psychosis is within 2 to 3 weeks of delivery.


C.           Florid psychotic symptoms are usually preceded by prodromal signs such as insomnia, restlessness, agitation, and mild cognitive deficits.


D.           This disorder primarily effects first time mothers and there is very little risk of postpartum psychosis in subsequent pregnancies.

Question 47

Which of the following defense mechanisms does the abuser use during the honeymoon phase of the cycle of violence?


A.           Denial


B.           Projection


C.           Reaction formation


D.           A and C only

Question 48

Which of the following mental health symptoms are associated with high suicide risk?


A.           Psychosis


B.           Neurosis


C.           Severe depression


D.           A and C only

Question 49

Expectations for a mentee/mentor relationship include which of the following?


A.           Expect the mentor to help you focus on generic skills.


B.           Expect the mentor to tell you what you need to hear.


C.           Expect the mentor to become a close friend.


D.           Expect the mentor to tell you what you want to hear.

Question 50

According to Freud, passive and dependent personality traits are associated with which stage of development?


A.           Oral stage


B.           Anal stage


C.           Phallic stage


D.           Latency stage

Question 51

In the judicial system one organization may publish one standard of care and an expert my testify to an alternate version of the standard of care. In this scenario who is the final arbiter of the standard of care?


A.           The organization where the practitioner worked at the time


B.           The judicial system


C.           The expert testifying


D.           The professional organization for the practitioner

Question 52

Which of the following medications is associated with neural tube defects when given during pregnancy?


A.           Iron


B.           Haloperidol


C.           Valproic acid


D.           Chlorpromazine

Question 54

The ARNP recognizes which of the following as long-term effects of sex trafficking on victims?


A.           Severe depression


B.           Spiritual questions


C.           Trauma bonding


D.           All of the above

Question 55

Which of the following is not consistent with what is known about the “baby blues.”


A.           “Baby blues” typically leads to postpartum psychosis.


B.           The onset of “baby blues” is typically 3–5 days after delivery.


C.           It is present in all cultures and socioeconomic classes.


D.           Mood lability is typically present.

Question 56

Low health literacy has been linked with which of the following?


A.           Poor health outcomes


B.           lower rates of hospitalization


C.           Less frequent use of preventive services


D.           All of the above

Question 57

Standard of care addresses which of the following questions?


A.           Did the clinician do the right thing at the right time?


B.           Was effective care provided to the patient?


C.           Was care provided safely regardless of time frame?


D.           A and B only

Question 58

The degree to which individuals have the cognitive and social capacity to access, process, and utilize basic health information and services to maintain good health, make appropriate health decisions, and meet their goals is knowns as which of the following?


A.           Health literacy


B.           Health advocacy


C.           Health disparities


D.           Social determinants of health

Question 59

Which of the following is the therapeutic blood level range for lithium?


A.           0.2–1.0 mEq/L


B.           0.3–0.8 mEq/L


C.           0.3–1.2 mEq/L


D.           0.5–1.5 mEq/L

Question 60

An ARNP takes a position agreeing to be paid the amount the NP bills minus accounts receivable and minus the NPs portion of practice expenses (which includes the expense of physician consultation). This type of pay structure is known as which of the following?


A.           Straight salary


B.           Average percentage of net receipts


C.           Base salary plus percentage


D.           Hourly rate

Question 61

Which of the following is consistent with what is known about terrorist-bomber suicides?


A.           The goal is death or escape.


B.           The motivation is vengeance and mass murder.


C.           Psychological/psychiatric disorder is present in most cases.


D.           A and B only

Question 62

According to Sullivan, which of the following are consistent with a mentor/mentee relationship?


A.           Mentors are assigned


B.           Mentor relationships are shorter term


C.           Goals for the mentoring relationship are set mutually.


D.           A and B only

uestion 63

The NP can impact health policy and healthcare by doing which of the following?


A.           Become an active member of local, state, and/or national NP organizations.


B.           Become familiar with the resources available on NP organization websites.


C.           Volunteer to serve on legislative committees within professional NP organizations.


D.           All the above

Question 64

The ARNP assessing lifestyle as a social determinant of health would ask about which of the following?


A.           Diet


B.           Education


C.           Health literacy


D.           Inherited diseases

Question 65

The antipsychotics which are most likely to cause neuroleptic-induced parkinsonism are which have which of the following effects?


A.           High potency drugs with low levels of anticholinergic activity.


B.           Low potency drugs with low levels of anticholinergic activity.


C.           High potency drugs with high levels of anticholinergic activity.


D.           Low potency drugs with high levels of anticholinergic activity.

Question 66

At a minimum, a psychiatric evaluation in an emergency should include which of the following? Select all that apply.


A.           Is the patient psychotic?


B.           Is the patient suicidal or homicidal?


C.           Is the problem organic, functional, or a combination?


D.           Is it safe for the patient to be in the emergency room?

Question 67

Which of the following are symptoms consistent with patients with passive-aggressive personality?


A.           Passive-aggressive patients are more dramatic than those with borderline personality disorder.


B.           Passive-aggressive patients are more openly aggressive than patients with histrionic or borderline personality disorder.


C.           Passive aggressive patients are more emotional than patients with narcissistic personality disorder.


D.           Passive-aggressive patients are more flamboyant than patients with borderline personality disorder.

Question 68

The United States Supreme Court upheld the psychotherapist-patient privilege in which of the following cases?


A.           Jaffee v. Redmon


B.           Tarasoff I


C.           Tarasoff II


D.           O’Conner v. Donaldson

Question 69

Treatment aimed at reducing intimate partner violence and domestic violence includes which of the following?


A.           Enhancing self-efficacy of the victim.


B.           Reducing recidivism of the abuser.


C.           Hormonal therapy for the perpetrator of abuse


D.           A and B only

Question 70

A term used to describe individuals and families who are found to live in overcrowded homes, relocate frequently, and struggle to pay rent and monthly expenses is which of the following?


A.           Homelessness


B.           Housing instability


C.           Transiency


D.           A and B

Question 71

NP core competencies for INDEPENDENT practice include all of the following EXCEPT:


A.           Maintains a collaboration agreement with a physician


B.           Demonstrates the highest level of accountability for professional practice.


C.           Practices independently managing previously diagnosed and undiagnosed patient.


D.           Practices patient-centered care recognizing culture diversity and the patient or designee as a full partner in decision making.

Question 72

The independent credentialing body for the ANA is known as which of the following?


A.           ANCC


B.           AECN


C.           ACCN


D.           CCNE

Question 73

Which of the following is consistent with the course and prognosis of narcissistic personality disorder?


A.           Narcissistic personality disorder is typically seen in younger adults and is easy to treat with brief supportive therapy.


B.           Narcissistic personality disorder is typically chronic and difficult to treat.


C.           Symptoms of narcissistic personality disorder decline over time on their own, no treatment needed.


D.           Symptoms of narcissistic personality disorder exacerbate with age and typically require a low dose antipsychotic to address the cognitive distortions.

Question 74

Which of the following symptoms of borderline personality disorder assist in differentiating borderline personality disorder from schizophrenia?


A.           Chronic feelings of emptiness


B.           Prolonged psychotic episodes


C.           Demand extraordinary relationships


D.           A and C only

Question 75

Which of the following is true about standards of care?


A.           They represent the minimum acceptable level of care.


B.           They can only be determined by the judicial system.


C.           They are based solely on research-based outcomes.


D.           They are based on clinical consensus.

Question 76

A clause in an employment contract that specifies that an employer and employee may end the working agreement without cause within a specified number of days is known as which of the following?


A.           A restrictive covenant


B.           An employment clause


C.           A termination clause


D.           A and C


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NURS-4210W-13/NURS-4211-13  Role of the Nurse Leader-Summer 2024 Week 3 Practicum POPULATION CULTURAL CONSIDERATIONS AND GENETIC PREDISPOSITIONS Overview: This week, you will ident …
Walden NURS4210/NURS4211 Week 2 Practicum Latest 2024
NURS-4210W-13/NURS-4211-13  Role of the Nurse Leader-Summer 2024 Week 2 Practicum Role of the Nurse Leader in Population Health - Group A Back to Week at a Glance EPIDEMIOLOGY: …