Mrs. Adams, a 68-year-old widow who was referred to case management

Question # 00594202
Subject: Law
Due on: 01/21/2018
Posted On: 10/18/2018 04:32 PM
Tutorials: 1
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Case Study:

Mrs. Adams, a 68-year-old widow who was referred to case management upon discharge from the hospital based on her physician's recommendation that she is not able to care for herself independently. Her diagnosis is diabetes, hypertension, and breast cancer. She is 5 days' post-op from a right sided mastectomy. Mrs. Adams apartment is located in a low income area of the city where crime is prevalent. Upon assessment by the Community Health Nurse, Mrs. Adams apartment was in disorder with minimal airflow or light. Her cloths appeared unchanged and she had no food in the apartment. The small apartment also housed 3 cats and a small dog who Mrs. Adams considers family since the death of her husband 1 year ago. Mrs. Adams complains of pain and draining from her surgical site and a broken air conditioner.

  • Using Nightingales Environmental Theory, what actions would the nurse take upon the first assessment? What are the five essential components?
  • What would be an appropriate plan of care be for Mrs. Adams? How would you prioritize the care plan?
  • Apply Nightingale's Environmental Theory to an area of your nursing practice? What patient population would benefit from this approach? Support this practice change with at least one evidenced-based article.

The assignment should be completed in APA format, as an essay of between 1000 and 1500 words. The paper should include at least 3 outside references and the textbook. The paper should be in APA format with a title page, level headings, and reference page

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Mrs. Adams, a 68-year-old widow who was referred to case management

Tutorial # 00592157
Posted On: 10/18/2018 04:32 PM
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