ENGL062N week 7 quiz 2022 December all correct 75 grade

Question # 00642585
Course Code : ENGL062N
Subject: English
Due on: 12/12/2022
Posted On: 12/11/2022 04:00 AM
Tutorials: 0
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Week 7 Quiz: Revising for Organization and Clarity


Please carefully read the sample body paragraph below. It contains 10 numbered sentences and one off-topic sentence. Correctly order the following sentences and note which one doesn't belong. Take your time and re-check your work several times before submitting it.

Order the following sentences:

1 To achieve this “clear head,” take some deep breaths and tell yourself that this conversation will settle the issue, that anger is not productive. 2 When the associate answers the phone and is speaking to you, explain what the letter says and explain why you disagree, maintaining a calm demeanor and voice. 3 A common approach to receiving a late notice for a bill that you believe you had paid is to call the company and seek clarity, but we must consider several best approaches to these phone conversations. 4 “Letting go” doesn’t mean you aren’t justified in being angry; it just means that you are preparing yourself for a clear-headed conversation. 5 But, keep in mind that trying to build a house in the winter will slow the process significantly. 6 In addition to using a calm demeanor, also remember to stick to the facts and to not elaborate with non-helpful information, such as the bad day you may have had. 7 Now that you have cleared your head and let go of your negative feelings, you may phone the company. 8 In conclusion, using these best practices for such phone calls will usually result in the answers you needed and in relief from any anxiety you had when you first received the notice. 9 After you calmly explain and stick to the facts, then, you will often find that the associate on the other end of the phone is pleasant and helpful, and you will receive a satisfactory answer, such as your bill having been paid as you are asserting or a charge you had forgotten. 10 First, before making the call, if you are feeling anger or frustration, prepare yourself for the phone call by letting that go for the moment.


 1 (Topic Sentence)








9 (Concluding Sentece)

10 Does not belong




Question 2

Not yet graded / 39 pts

Please revise the following paragraph by re-writing it in the space provided. You must employ the following types of revisions and will be graded on appropriately and correctly addressing the items below. Please take your time and re-check your answers as much as needed.

Revision levels you should address when re-writing the paragraph:

  • Global (effectively communicating purpose and effectively writing for an audience)
    • Making sure there is a clearly stated or implied purpose
    • Making sure all sentences serve the stated or implied purpose
  • Sentence-level (organization and flow):
    • Adding transitional words and phrases where needed
    • Placing sentences in proper order
    • Eliminating sentences that do not belong
  • Word-level (clarity, originality, and grammar)
    • Replacing words that are unclear with clearer words
    • Replacing repetitive wording with a variety of wording
    • Removing unnecessary words
    • Using the comma and apostrophe section of the Week 7 Lesson to correct errors

However, trauma can be super duper complex meaning that it may occur for several different reasons and understanding all level’s of trauma is crucial for recovery. Living in chaos refers to the environment in ones home and includes situations like alcoholic family members, a lack of structure in schedules like sleeping and eating, a tendency to move from town to town or place to place often. If you have any kind of trauma, it is probably because you have a bad family, which in turn makes you a bad person. In short, a full examination of all types of trauma must be performed if were to treat patients most effectively. Being a witness to a horrific event like a shooting or being involved in a severe accident can also have long-lasting effects that require trauma treatment for the trauma the mens and womens see that causes trauma. Another kind of trauma can occur in children when their not given the physical and mental health care they need. In short, its important to recognize all of the facets of complex trauma in order to offer the best treatment. To clarify, complex trauma is complex because there are a complex number of complex issues, such as physical, mental, or health abuse, being raised or living in a chaotic environment, and single traumatizing incidents like a car accident or witnessing a shooting. My sister saw a motorcycle accident once. The most common reaction people have when they hear the word “trauma” tend’s to be that the person has been abused in some way or that the person suffers post-combat PTSD. They can end up malnourished, developmentally stunted, or at higher risk of death from diseases. Its true that abuse is one kind of trauma that needs help; children and adults who suffer abuse will often need help to help overcome the post-trauma associated that needs help with those events, sometimes help for the rest of their lives.

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