Kaplan MN580 All Units Discussions Latest 2020 January

Question # 00607681
Course Code : MN580
Subject: Health Care
Due on: 01/15/2020
Posted On: 01/15/2020 06:14 AM
Tutorials: 1
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MN580 Primary Care of Children and Adolescents Health

Unit 1 Discussion

Growth and Development

This week’s Discussion will address the growth and development of the child from neonate to adolescents, cultural considerations, and the importance of communication with the child and family in respect to age and developmental considerations. This will build a solid knowledge base for the provider when caring for the child.

Your professor will assign you a case to present and, in return, you will reply to your classmates in the other cases in order to promote a robust discussion.

Please complete each initial post in APA format following the Discussion Board grading rubric to include, but not limited to the following:

Apply a principle of human growth and development related to appropriate age group

Apply developmental theory related to age group

Discuss developmental milestones related to the age

Discuss developmental assessment tool related to the age

Apply cultural consideration and cultural assessment to presentation

Case 1: A 6-month-old Haitian male, both parents present at the appointment and the third child for both parents. Child was born at 40 weeks, last seen at 4-month visit and no concerns at that time. Child is smiling, babbling, rolls both from abdomen to back and back to abdomen and sits with support.

Case 2: A 2-year-old Hispanic female, mother and grandmother present at the appointment, first child for mother, sixth grandchild for grandmother. Mother speaks English as primary language; grandmother speaks Spanish as primary language. Last well visit was at 18 months of age and was speaking 20 words total, about 10 in English and 10 in Spanish. Now, mother states that child has about 50 words, with some in English and some in Spanish.

Case 3: A 4-year-old African American male, with mother, father, and paternal grandmother present. Child is here for well check for school entry. Child speaks approximately 100 words and only 50% intelligible.

Case 4: A 7-year-old Mexican American male with mother and maternal grandmother present. Mother has no concerns except grandmother feels the child is “too skinny.”

Case 5: A 14-year-old Caucasian female from single-parent family with father present. Father states that “she has always been healthy but I am worried that something is wrong because she doesn’t talk to me anymore.”


MN580 Primary Care of Children and Adolescents Health

Unit 2 Discussion

Topic 1: Pediatric Health Maintenance Exam and PPE

The foundation of pediatric healthcare visits, both sick and well, starts with a thorough health history; from the data collected, an accurate physical examination and diagnosis can be made. Primary care healthcare visits are an integral part of ensuring the health and well-being of the child. In children that participate in sports, a preparticipationphysical examination (PPE) is required and may be the only contact the healthy child has with their healthcare provider. This week’s Discussion will focus on these key topics.

Your professor will assign a topic to present and, in return, you will reply to your classmates in the other topics in order to promote a robust discussion.

Please complete each post in APA format following the Discussion Board grading rubric.

Topic 1: What are the different types of pediatric health histories? When would you use each specific type?

Topic 2: What is the review of systems (ROS)? In a SOAP note, where does the ROS belong? What is the relationship between the ROS and the physical exam?

Topic 3: Shelby is a 5-year-old female, brought to the clinic by her parents and will be starting kindergarten in the fall. The parents state that she needs her physical and shot record to register her for school. The parents state that she has been healthy and voice no concerns although Shelby is “scared” about the exam and vaccines. How would you address Shelby’s fear of the exam and vaccines? What age-appropriate screenings and lab tests are recommended for Shelby? What immunizations will Shelby require, if any?

Topic 4: Peyton is a 2-month-old female brought to the clinic by her 18-year-old mother for her health maintenance exam. What should the physical examination focus on for this child? What immunizations are due, if any? What age-appropriate anticipatory guidance topics should be discussed with mom?

Topic 5: George is a 12-year-old male brought to the clinic by his father and wants to start playing football and needs a preparticipation physical examination (PPE). He is an established patient in your practice and his last health maintenance exam was at 11 years of age. In reviewing his health history, you note that he has sickle cell trait but otherwise healthy. During his exam, you auscultate a Grade I murmur, and the remaining exam is normal. Dad asks if you will clear George to start football practice tomorrow. Would you clear George? Why or why not? Are there any specialists George needs to see before clearance? What are some of the preventive measures you would discuss with George and his father related to playing sports, specifically football?


MN580 Primary Care of Children and Adolescents Health

Unit 3 Discussion

Topic 1: Pediatric Conditions Affecting the Eyes, Ears, Mouth, and Gastrointestinal System

This week, there will be a variety of conditions assigned to you by your instructor pertaining to the eyes, ears, mouth, and gastrointestinal system. You are expected to present your initial topic including, but not limited to, the following items:



Physical exam findings

Differential diagnoses and rationale

Management plan to include diagnostic testing, medications if applicable, follow-up plans and referrals if needed

In addition, you are required to follow the Discussion Board grading rubric and respond to at least three of your classmates. Topics may include:

1. Sensorineural and conductive hearing loss

2. Otitis media (all types)

3. Conjunctivitis (all types) and nystagmus

4. Amblyopia and strabismus

5. Retinopathy of prematurity

6. Dental caries, candidiasis, aphthous ulcers

7. Retinoblastoma

8. Gastroesophageal reflux disease in pediatrics

9. Peptic ulcer disease in pediatrics

10. Appendicitis and functional abdominal pain syndrome

11. Intussusception and pyloric stenosis

12. Malabsorption syndromes: Celiac disease, lactose intolerance, cow’s milk protein intolerance or allergy

13. Failure to thrive

14. Acute gastroenteritis and intestinal parasites

15. Constipation and encopresis

16. Periorbital cellulitis and orbital cellulitis

17. Otitis externa and mastoiditis

18. Glaucoma and cataracts in pediatrics

19. Corneal ulcers and hordeolum

20. Cyclic vomiting syndrome


MN580 Primary Care of Children and Adolescents Health

Unit 4 Discussion

Cardiac and Pulmonic Pediatric Conditions

This week, cardiac and pulmonic conditions will be assigned to you by your instructor. You are expected to present your initial topic including, but not limited to, the following items:



Physical exam findings

Differential diagnoses and rationale

Management plan to include diagnostic testing, medications if applicable, follow-up plans and referrals if needed

In addition, you are required to follow the Discussion Board grading rubric and respond to at least three of your classmates. Topics may include:

Murmurs (innocent and pathologic)

Congestive heart disease in children

Left to right shunting: ASD, VSD

Left to right shunting: Atrioventricularseptal defect, PDA

Right to left shunting: Transposition of the great arteries (TGA), tetralogy of fallot, hypoplastic left heart syndrome

Hypertension in children

Kawasaki Disease, acute rheumatic fever

Infective endocarditis, pericarditis

Myocarditis, cardiomyopathy


Cardiac dysrhythmias

Upper respiratory disorders: The common cold, rhinosinusitis

Pharyngitis, tonsillitis

Diphtheria, pertussis

Recurrent epistaxis, nasal foreign body

Croup, epiglottitis

Foreign body aspiration (laryngeal, tracheal, bronchial)

Nonbacterial and bacterial pneumonia

Cystic fibrosis

Pectus deformity


MN580 Primary Care of Children and Adolescents Health

Unit 5 Discussion

Topic 1: Pain Management, Palliative Care, Metabolic, Endocrine, Genetic, and Chronic Conditions and Management Plans

This week, there will be a variety of conditions assigned to you by your instructor pertaining to metabolic, endocrine, genetic, and chronic conditions. You are expected to present your initial topic including, but not limited to, the following items:



Physical exam findings

Differential diagnoses and rationale

Management plan to include diagnostic testing, medications if applicable, follow-up plans and referrals if needed

In addition, you are required to follow the Discussion Board grading rubric and respond to at least three of your classmates. Topics may include:

Precocious puberty

Pediatric obesity



Growth hormone deficiency

Constitutional growth delay

Adrenal Insufficiency

Type 1 diabetes

Type 2 diabetes

Inborn errors of metabolism



Trisomy 21

Trisomy 18

Turner syndrome

Fragile X syndrome

Klinefelter syndrome


Fever in children

Pain in children



MN580 Primary Care of Children and Adolescents Health

Unit 6 Discussion

Pediatric Atopic, Immunologic, Infectious Disease, and Integumentary Conditions and Management Plans

This week, there will be a variety of conditions assigned to you by your instructor pertaining to atopic, immunologic, infectious disease, and integumentary conditions. You are expected to present your initial topic including, but not limited to, the following items:



Physical exam findings

Differential diagnoses and rationale

Management plan to include diagnostic testing, medications if applicable, follow-up plans and referrals if needed

In addition, you are required to follow the Discussion Board grading rubric and respond to at least three of your classmates. Topics may include:

1. Pediatric asthma (0–4 years of age)

2. Allergic rhinitis

3. Atopic dermatitis, contact dermatitis

4. Juvenile idiopathic arthritis

5. Systemic lupus erythematosus

6. Acute rheumatic fever

7. Henoch-Schonleinpurpura

8. Pediatric asthma (5–11 years of age)

9. Pediatric asthma (>12 years of age)

10. Impetigo

11. Cellulitis

12. Candidiasis, all types

13. Tineacapitis, tineacorporis

14. Tineaversicolor, pityriasisrosea

15. Scabies, pediculosis

16. Acne vulgaris

17. Stevens-Johnson syndrome

18. Herpes simplex virus

19. Infectious mononucleosis

20. Fever of unknown origin


MN580 Primary Care of Children and Adolescents Health

Unit 7 Discussion

Musculoskeletal, Hematologic, and Oncologic Conditions in Children and Management Plans

This week, there will be a variety of conditions assigned to you by your instructor pertaining to musculoskeletal, hematologic, and oncologic conditions. You are expected to present your initial topic including, but not limited to, the following items:



Physical exam findings

Differential diagnoses and rationale

Management plan to include diagnostic testing, medications if applicable, follow-up plans and referrals if needed

In addition, you are required to follow the Discussion Board grading rubric and respond to at least three of your classmates. Topics may include:

Microcytic anemia


Hemolytic anemia

Sickle cell anemia and trait

Hereditary spherocytosis

Idiopathic thrombocytopenic purpura



Non-Hodgkin lymphoma

Hodgkin lymphoma

Brachial plexus injury

Clavicle fracture



Developmental dysplasia of the hip

Legg-Calve-Perthes disease

Slipped capital femoral epiphysis

Genu varum, genu valgum

Osgood-Schlatter disease

Subluxation of the radial head


MN580 Primary Care of Children and Adolescents Health

Unit 8 Discussion

Neurologic and Mental Health Conditions and Management Plans

This week, there will be a variety of conditions assigned to you by your instructor pertaining to neurologic and mental health conditions. You are expected to present your initial topic including, but not limited to, the following items:



Physical exam findings

Differential diagnoses and rationale

Management plan to include diagnostic testing, medications if applicable, follow-up plans and referrals if needed

In addition, you are required to follow the Discussion Board grading rubric and respond to at least three of your classmates. Topics may include:

Night terrors, nightmares

Attention-deficit/hyperactivity disorder

Learning disorders

Sensory processing disorder

Autistic spectrum disorders

Anxiety disorder (separation and generalized)

Obsessive-compulsive disorder

Tic disorders

Posttraumatic stress disorder


Bipolar disorder

Oppositional defiant disorder

Eating disorders

Cerebral palsy

Epilepsy and seizure disorder

Headaches in children

Disturbances of head growth

Guillain-Barre syndrome

Head injury

CNS infection


MN580 Primary Care of Children and Adolescents Health

Unit 9 Discussion

Genitourinary, Gynecologic, and Adolescent Health and Management Plans

This week, there will be a variety of conditions assigned to you by your instructor pertaining to genitourinary, gynecologic, and adolescent health conditions. You are expected to present your initial topic including, but not limited to, the following items:



Physical exam findings

Differential diagnoses and rationale

Management plan to include diagnostic testing, medications if applicable, follow-up plans and referrals if needed

In addition, you are required to follow the Discussion Board grading rubric and respond to at least three of your classmates. Topics may include:

Urinary tract infection, pyelonephritis

Vesicoureteral reflux







Inguinal hernia

Labial adhesions




Dysfunctional uterine bleeding


Polycystic ovary syndrome

Gynecomastia in adolescent males

Adolescent pregnancy

Suicidality in adolescents

Substance abuse in adolescents


MN580 Primary Care of Children and Adolescents Health

Unit 10 Discussion

Assessment of the Neonate, Child Abuse and Neglect, Environmental Health, and Complementary Therapies in Pediatrics

This week, there will be a variety of conditions assigned to you by your instructor pertaining to the neonate, child abuse, child neglect, and environmental health conditions. You are expected to present your initial topic including, but not limited to, the following items:



Physical exam findings

Differential diagnoses and rationale

Management plan to include diagnostic testing, medications if applicable, follow-up plans and referrals if needed

In addition, you are required to follow the Discussion Board grading rubric and respond to at least three of your classmates. Topics may include:

Milia, erythema toxicum, cutis marmorata

Branchial cleft, thyroglossal cyst

Caput succedaneum, cephalhematoma

Cleft lip and palate

Pyloric stenosis

Neonatal jaundice

Sudden infant death syndrome, apparent life-threatening events

Mercury poisoning

Lead poisoning

Environmental tobacco smoke exposure

Carbon monoxide poisoning

Pesticide exposure

Noise pollution

Child neglect

Physical abuse

Sexual abuse

Emotional abuse

Verbal abuse

Mold exposure


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Kaplan MN580 All Units Discussions Latest 2020 January

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