Devry SOCS185 Discussions Latest 2022 March (Full)

Question # 00634460
Course Code : SOCS185
Subject: Sociology
Due on: 04/18/2022
Posted On: 04/18/2022 05:15 AM
Tutorials: 1
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SOCS185 Culture and Society

Week 1 Discussion

Personal Experiences in Social Societies

Consider your current situation: your career, your relationships, your financial circumstances, your physical and mental well-being, and so on. Is your current status purely the outcome of free will, meaning the personal decisions and choices you have made in life, or are there social forces at work that have taken you to this point in life?

While most would acknowledge that we do have some agency over our lives, sociologists believe that free will is limited, and that the social world guides our life choices in much the same way that the physical world influences our choice of clothing or the type of food we feel like eating. Sociologists believe our successes aren't due purely or even primarily to hard work and good character, and that our failures can't be put down to a lack of those qualities either.

Sociologists believe that the biggest and most persistent problems in society, such as poverty, homelessness, drug addiction, racism and many others, are caused by social policies, not individual human failings. By that same logic, it follows that addressing these issues requires systemic change.

For this discussion, think about a problem that you - or someone you know personally - have experienced. In your estimation, to what degree was this problem due to individual choices, and to what degree were larger social forces at work? Describe those forces. What social policy changes could help address this problem?


SOCS185 Culture and Society

Week 2 Discussion

Culture and Values Case Study

The golden arches of McDonald's are one of the most recognizable corporate symbols in the entire world. Most Americans eat at McDonald's at least occasionally, and for many a visit to McDonald's for breakfast or lunch is part of their regular routine. What attracts people to McDonald's is not the high quality of the food, but rather the consistency and predictability of the customer experience. A Big Mac at one McDonald's is the same as a Big Mac from any other McDonald's. The menu, the layout of the seating area, and even the restrooms look very similar regardless of the city the McDonald's is located in.

While it may be comforting to visit McDonald's occasionally, most people would probably get bored if they had to eat the same food at the same place every day. Unfortunately, according to many observers, American society itself has become increasingly "McDonaldized." In other words, many aspects of contemporary society share important qualities with McDonald's and similar fast-food franchises:

Efficiency (the meal is made very quickly)

Predictability (the food tastes the same each time)

Standardization (each franchise operates the same way)

Control (corporate leaders dictate the rules)

Of course, McDonaldization is not limited to the food industry. It can be seen in the manufacture and design of many products and services. In your opening post, discuss one example of McDonaldization outside the food industry. Some possibilities might include the following:



Architecture (homes, office buildings, sports stadiums)

Web sites

Popular movies, music, books, or other forms of entertainment

As you consider your response, think about how your example meets the criteria of efficiency, predictability, standardization, and control. Overall, do the benefits of McDonaldization outweigh the drawbacks?


SOCS185 Culture and Society

Week 3 Discussion

Nature, Nurture, and Gender Identity

Sociologists and other social scientists have long been skeptical of biological explanations of social life, and many continue to be so despite advances in the integration of biological and social research. One classic example of the debate between nature and nurture is that of gender identity formation.

First, consider how gender is formed as a social construction. How were you socialized into learning what was considered culturally appropriate behavior for your gender? What agents of socialization taught you these cultural norms, and which was the most significant in shaping your sense of self? Be sure to use specific examples from the reading and your own experience to help form your response.

Second, consider the idea of gender as a performance. Watch the following TED Talk, "A Playful Exploration of Gender Performance (Links to an external site.)" by performer Jo Michael Rezes.

As you watch the TED Talk, consider and address the following questions:

How is gender "performed" every day and in social situations?

What are some techniques for "performing" gender identity that people use?

How does the idea of performance fit into the nature vs. nurture debate?


SOCS185 Culture and Society

Week 4 Discussion

Performing Social Roles

Our everyday encounters with others are heavily influenced by our social status, the position we occupy in the social system. Social status is highly context dependent. As an example, in the educational context a schoolteacher occupies a higher social status than students due to the teacher's positional authority. At the same time, the teacher occupies a lower social status than the principal, and the principal occupies a lower status than the school superintendent. When the school superintendent visits the doctor, however, the doctor occupies a higher social status because of the doctor's medical expertise, and because the visit happens in the doctor's office, an environment in which the doctor feels comfortable and in charge, while patients often feel nervous and ill at ease.

In the traditional family structure, fathers are typically considered the "head of the family" and perceive themselves as the ultimate authority. In intergenerational households, grandparents typically hold a place of honor. In patriarchal societies, the eldest son has a special place in the family compared to his siblings.

In addition to occupation, age, and gender, race can also play a powerful role in one's social status. Historically, people with lighter skin tones have been associated with positive moral and intellectual qualities, and have been considered more physically attractive, than those with darker skin.

Most people find themselves enjoying a higher social status in certain social situations, while coping with a lower social status in others. That said, some people find themselves in that higher social status most of the time, while others rarely have those same advantages.

Think about your daily interactions with others and provide a few examples of your social status. What are some of the social expectations that go along with these roles? Have you ever deviated from the expectations of your social role? If so, what were the consequences? Overall, do you think that strict adherence to social norms is beneficial or detrimental to society?


SOCS185 Culture and Society

Week 5 Discussion

Public Policy and Everyday Life

Politics is an arena in which societies make collective decisions about priorities and policies, and government is the focus of political activity. Recent years have seen a rise in ideological conflict over public policy on topics from everything from immigration, to gun control, to vaccine mandates, to budgets and spending measures.

This week, you will consider how public policy affects your everyday life. What kinds of policies and political debates are occurring in your community? Begin be locating a current event that is occurring in your immediate community (city, county, or state). Summarize the main points of the debate or policy, including the multiple sides of the issue, the action, and the communities impacted by the action.

Once you have completed your summary, address the following questions:

What is the goal of the action or policy? What are the intended effects?

Who holds the power to make decisions for the community in regards to this issue? Who is included in the conversation and decision-making process? Who is left out?

What are some potential consequences of the event or policy? What populations does it affect? What is the impact to the "greater good" of the community?


SOCS185 Culture and Society

Week 6 Discussion

Considering Social Class

Most Americans think of themselves as belonging to one of the following social classes:

Upper class

Middle class

Lower class (or Working class)


Social class is associated with several factors, including, but not limited to

Wealth, including economic assets like homes, cars, and investments



Educational attainment and prestige

Family history

Religion, race, and ethnicity

Social class is to some degree a matter of self-perception. Most Americans think of themselves as being either Middle class or Working class. This perception is based upon comparison to others in the surrounding community. At the same time, two people who live in the same community and make about the same amount of money may still consider themselves to be from different social classes. People with college degrees who work in office environments tend to consider themselves as Middle class, while people working in construction, manufacturing, or mining see themselves as working class, even if they earn just as much or money than the office workers who live nearby.

In cities with a high cost of living, such as New York City, even those with incomes exceeding $400,000 per year--who most Americans would consider rich--tend to think of themselves as Middle class. They don't think of themselves as Upper class because they know other people who make much more money than they do, and because living costs are so high that they feel like they are struggling to keep up with their peers in the same social class.

Structural changes in the US economy have tended to exacerbate income inequality and widen class differences. Jobs that support a Middle-class lifestyle are increasingly tied to higher levels of educational attainment. Those without college degrees are finding that their career options are often limited to roles with low pay, limited benefits, and no path to advancement.

How would you describe your own social class? How do you feel about it? How does your social class affect your outlook on life? What privileges do you enjoy, and what barriers do you face because of your social class? Do you hope to "move up," and if so, how realistic do you think that goal is?


SOCS185 Culture and Society

Week 7 Discussion

Race, Ethnicity, and Gender Hashtag Case Study

As social media engagement among youth continues to rise, everyone is becoming increasingly exposed to and involved in hashtag campaigns related to themes of identity, diversity, justice, and social action. For example, #BlackLivesMatter has sparked international conversation and action around racial justice, antiblackness, and police brutality. Although some have critiqued the cons or limits of digital activism, others emphasize that it can be effective in spreading awareness, influencing action, and providing people with access to representation and information.

For this discussion, identify any hashtag campaign connected to race, ethnicity, and gender issues and answer the following questions.

Name the campaign.

What is the purpose of this campaign?

Who seems to be the intended audience for this campaign?

Why is this campaign important?

Why did you choose this campaign to discuss?

Are you currently connected to this campaign? Explain how.

If you are not connected to this campaign, do you think you will connect or play an active role in the future in this campaign?

How might this campaign influence people's thoughts or actions in real life?


SOCS185 Culture and Society

Week 8 Discussion

Sustainability and Communities

When you think of environmentalism and environmentalists, you may picture "tree huggers" trying to stop loggers in an old-growth forest. While there may be a grain of truth in this image, environmentalism is just as important an issue in urban areas as it is in the wilderness. Historically, polluting industries like power plants, chemical factories, slaughterhouses, and oil refineries have been sited in communities inhabited by the working poor, and especially people of color.

According to this study by WalletHub (Links to an external site.), the greenest state in the United States, based on environmental quality, eco-friendly factors, and climate change contributions, is Vermont. How does your state rank, and what factors contribute to that ranking? What initiatives to preserve the environment and make it healthier for everyone are happening at the local or state level? What specific suggestions would you make to your local and state leaders to make your community a better place to live for all its inhabitants?

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Devry SOCS185 Discussions Latest 2022 March (Full)

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