Devry PSYC315 All Assignments Latest 2019 September

Question # 00604510
Subject: Education
Due on: 09/06/2019
Posted On: 09/06/2019 12:09 PM
Tutorials: 1
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PSYC315 Social Psychology

Week 1 Assignment

Many Me's

This week you will begin a self-reflection assignment that is completed in two parts. For Week 1, you will complete the Many Me's Questionnaire and submit you assignment for 20 points. In Week 2 you will complete a write up about your responses.

In this part you explore your self-concept collection by completing a short exercise in which you identify words that you use to describe yourself in response to the question "Who am I"?

Fill in the blanks in the Many Me's questionnaire (located in Files). There are five dimensions of self that are covered. Report your descriptive words for each dimension. Once you have completed the questionnaire submit your assignment for grading in word document.

PSYC315 Social Psychology

Week 2 Assignment

Self-Reflection Exercise "Many Me's"

This week you will complete the self-reflection assignment titled Many Me Reflection. This assignment helps you answer the question "Who am I?" and reveals that you have many self-concepts.

This is the self-reflection portion of the Many Me's questionnaire you completed in week 1.

See the full guidelines for this assignment in Files: Week_2_Many_Me_Relection

Don't forget to submit your assignment.

PSYC315 Social Psychology

Week 3 Assignment

Gender in the Workplace

This week is the first of our current event assignments. This week's topic is on gender in the workplace. Your assignment will be to focus on the disparity between males and females in the workplace. This may include issues such as pay, employment opportunities, leadership roles, etc. It may be a good idea to focus on the career field you wish to pursue to understand your career choice better.

See the full guidelines for this assignment here please view Week_3_Gender_Workplace_Assignment in Files

PSYC315 Social Psychology

Week 4 Assignment

Critical Thinking Exercise - Spin Doctoring

This week you will complete the first of two critical thinking exercises for this session. The focus of the assignment is on spin doctoring, a particular form of impression management that is intended to divert public attention from a troublesome issue to something noncontroversial. The assignment requires you to apply course concepts in order to explain spin doctoring.

Make sure to review these guidelines to complete this assignment: Week_4_Spin_Doctoring_Assignment in files

In the Introduction & Resources/Course Resources area, you will find a web link entitled "Understanding Spin Doctoring" to introduce you to this ethically problematic genre of persuasion.

Don't forget to submit your assignment.

PSYC315 Social Psychology

Week 5 Assignment

Social Movements

Social movements are a way for people to bring about attention and change to social issues. This week you will complete a current event assignment that will help you consider the origins, significance, and role of a social movement to consider the impact that the movement has had on social change.

PSYC315 Social Psychology

Week 6 Assignment

Critical Thinking Exercise - Manufacturing Beauty

Your assignment this week is Manufacturing Beauty, the second critical-thinking paper, worth up to 75 points. The assignment is based on a case study of Cindy Jackson using the contents of her official website. After carefully analyzing the website's images and words, there are four questions to be answered, each of which is associated with a particular course concept.

PSYC315 Social Psychology

Week 7 Assignment

Case Study Analysis - Global Warming

In every argument there are those that support and those that disagree. This week, the assignment is a discussion on global warming. For this assignment, you will need to conduct some research concerning social perceptions of the issue of global warming, discuss both sides of the global warming argument, and deconstruct key ideas related to social psychology.

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Devry PSYC315 All Assignments Latest 2019 September

Tutorial # 00603193
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