Devry NR707 Full Course Latest 2019 September

Question # 00605912
Course Code : NR707
Subject: Health Care
Due on: 10/24/2019
Posted On: 10/24/2019 04:42 AM
Tutorials: 1
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NR707 DNP Project & Practicum III

Week 1 Discussion

DQ1 DNP as Clinical Scholar

The collaborative discussion for this week is focused on the role of the DNP as clinical scholar. How have you demonstrated your role as a clinical scholar in your current position? How do you anticipate integrating this role into your current or future career?

DQ2 DNP Project Update

Please use this discussion thread to provide your professor and student colleagues with an update on implementation of your DNP Project.

NR707 DNP Project & Practicum III

Week 2 Discussion

DQ1 DNP as Healthcare System Leader and Professional Identity Formation

The collaborative discussion for this week is focused on the role of the DNP-prepared nurse as healthcare system leader. How have you demonstrated your role as a healthcare system leader in your current position? How do you anticipate integrating professional identity formation into your current or future role as a DNP-prepared nurse?

DQ2 DNP Project Update

Please use this discussion thread to provide your professor and student colleagues with an update on implementation of your DNP Project.

NR707 DNP Project & Practicum III

Week 3 Discussion

DQ1 DNP as Educator

The collaborative discussion for this week is focused on the role of the DNP as educator. How have you demonstrated your role as an educator in your current position? How do you anticipate integrating this role into your current or future career?

DQ2 DNP Project Update

Please use this discussion thread to provide your professor and student colleagues with an update on implementation of your DNP Project.

NR707 DNP Project & Practicum III

Week 4 Discussion

DQ1 Presentations

The collaborative discussion for this week is focused on presentations. Find a call for abstracts for a professional conference that is compatible with your project. Complete the abstract form and paste it into this collaborative discussion. Be sure to tell us for which conference you have considered submitting the abstract for a presentation.

DQ2 DNP Project Update

Please use this discussion thread to provide your professor and student colleagues with an update on implementation of your DNP Project.

NR707 DNP Project & Practicum III

Week 5 Discussion

DQ1 Professional Presentations

The collaborative discussion for this week is focused professional presentations. Discuss what you learned about presentation from your readings this week. How will you incorporate what you learned about best practices for PowerPoint and professional presentations in your future presentations?

DQ2 DNP Project Update

Please use this discussion thread to provide your professor and student colleagues with an update on implementation of your DNP Project.

NR707 DNP Project & Practicum III

Week 6 Discussion

DQ1 Publications

The collaborative discussion for this week is focused on publication. Select and share with us which journal you will submit a manuscript about your DNP Project. Develop a query letter to the editor of the journal you have selected and paste it into this collaborative discussion. The query letter should include: the article idea including its focus, an abstract and outline, length of paper, target date for submission, background of all authors and their qualifications to write on the subject, and the topic's relevance to nursing today. Also, include a link to the author guidelines for the selected journal.

DQ2 DNP Project Update

Please use this discussion thread to provide your professor and student colleagues with an update on implementation of your DNP Project.

NR707 DNP Project & Practicum III

Week 7 Discussion

DQ1 Grants

The collaborative discussion for this week is focused on grants. Have you ever applied for a grant for scholarship activities? Do you have an idea for a grant application, perhaps to extend the work you started in your DNP Project? Investigate grant opportunities that match your scholarship interests and share with us what you have found.

DQ2 DNP Project Update

Please use this discussion thread to provide your professor and student colleagues with an update on implementation of your DNP Project.

NR707 DNP Project & Practicum III

Week 8 Discussion

DQ1 Improving the Practice of Nursing

As you complete your Project Implementation, please discuss how your practice change initiative might support the improved practice of nursing.

DQ2 DNP Project Update

Please use this discussion thread to provide your professor and student colleagues with an update on implementation of your DNP Project.

NR707 DNP Project & Practicum III

Project Implementation Presentation


This presentation is an opportunity for the DNP student to describe in a PPT Presentation the details of the eight weeks of the project implementation of their DNP Project. This will be a voice over PPT.


Through this assignment, the DNP student will demonstrate achievement of NR-707 course outcomes:

• Course Outcome1: Demonstrate effective project management strategies (PO 2, 3, and 6)

• Course Outcome 3: Demonstrate knowledge and skills in support for and dissemination of scholarship. (PO 2, 3)


1. Week 5: Post your PPT Presentation Draft to the Week 5 Assignment area no later than Sunday, 11:59 pm, MT, Week 5. The draft is required but not graded. Your course faculty will provide you with feedback.

2. Week 6: post your PPT presentation to the Weekly Collaboration area.

3. Week 7: Post your PPT Presentation to the Week 7 Assignment area no later than Sunday, 11:59 pm, MT, Week 7. Not posting the correct file using the specified file format, or posting to an incorrect area does not constitute assignment submission.


This assignment is worth a possible total of 300 points.


Note: Grading for the PPT Presentation will held if the Implementation of the Project is not completed or be within a week or 2 of completion at the end of NR 707.

If Implementation of the Project is not nearly completed by the end of NR707 (or within 2 weeks), the student will need to request an Incomplete and will not progress to NR 709 until Implementation is completed. This applies to Implementations that still need more than 2 weeks to complete by the end of NR 707.

This assignment consists of a narrated PowerPoint presentation. Review the web resources as well as the grading rubric to assist you with your PowerPoint presentation.

Your presentation should include a brief introduction, brief project description, a detailed description of your Implementation, project evaluation and conclusion.

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Devry NR707 Full Course Latest 2019 September

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