CSU GEO101C Global Campus Glenwood Springs Geological Wonder Essay

Question # 00635112
Course Code : GEO101
Subject: Geography
Due on: 05/12/2022
Posted On: 05/12/2022 03:28 AM
Tutorials: 1
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What does Earth Science reveal about your home place through time? This research paper will provide you with an opportunity to learn more about where you live. In your report, be sure to cover the following topics:

The geography of your home place - where it is located on Earth, what the topography is like (major mountains, lakes, etc.), and what surface processes are currently shaping it (rivers, ocean waves, etc.)

The plate tectonic setting of your home place - where you are located relative to plate boundaries, and what tectonic processes are active in your region (earthquakes, volcanoes, etc.)

The geologic story of your home place - what rocks and minerals are found there, and what stories they tell about how your place has changed over geologic time. (For instance, was it once the site of an ocean or sea? If so, what evidence is there for that, and when did it happen?)

The weather and climate of your home place - what the climate is like where you live, what extreme weather your area experiences, what effects of global climate change your place is already experiencing, what the projected impacts of climate change on your home place may be—and what is currently being done, if anything, to address these challenges.

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CSU GEO101C Global Campus Glenwood Springs Geological Wonder Essay

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